(Minghui.org) I was born in a rural area, am 69 years old, and I started practicing Falun Dafa in September 1998. I used to have many illnesses, including back pain, leg pain, uterine tumors, tracheitis, and pneumonia. All my ailments disappeared a short time after I started practicing Dafa, and I have since been illness-free.

I strictly followed the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance and resolved the conflicts with my mother-in-law. She said that I had become a completely different person. Seeing my changes, my husband and mother-in-law also started practicing Dafa. My children and my second and fourth sisters then started practicing. By following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and being a good person, I became clear-minded and more energetic, my family became harmonious, and my neighbors became more friendly.

I read what Master Li said in Zhuan Falun in the early days of my cultivation:

“He used to take home pieces of towels from the textile factory, and so did the rest of the employees. After he started practicing Dafa, instead of taking things home, he brought back to the factory what he had taken home before. When others saw his actions, nobody would take things home anymore. Some employees also returned to the factory what they had previously taken home. This situation occurred throughout the entire factory.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

I remembered that I took four plates, a bowl, and a spoon home when I was working in the canteen, so I returned them. Dafa had purified my mind, and Dafa’s principles helped me understand the relationship between loss and gain, and I learned how to be a cultivator.

I actively cleaned up things and rushed to do work when I worked in the canteen. Seeing my behavior, my colleagues all said that Dafa is good.

I memorized Hong Yin in my spare time, and recited it while I chopped vegetables and cooked. I recited on my way to and from work, and when I pulled corn seedlings on the hills.

I felt that Dafa was so good and I was late to come to learn it, so I should catch up as soon as possible. I grew up during the Cultural Revolution, and there were no classes in school, so I didn’t learn many words. I asked my husband and children to teach me while I tried to study the Fa. In this way, I overcame many difficulties and was eventually able to read the Fa on my own.

Appeal for Dafa in Beijing

Jiang Zemin, the now deceased former leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. Lies and slander were overwhelming on state-run media. Dafa practitioners went to Beijing with homemade banners to seek justice for Falun Dafa. As a particle of Dafa, I felt that it was my responsibility to go to Beijing to seek justice for Dafa as well.

Fellow practitioners and I set off on the evening of October 25, 1999, and arrived in Beijing the next day. We stayed in a hotel, and studied the Fa for the day. We took a taxi to Tiananmen Square the next morning and left all our bags, clothes, and other belongings behind. We didn’t think we would be coming back alive.

Arriving at the Square, we saw some practitioners meditating, with many people watching. We squeezed through the crowd and also sat cross-legged to meditate. A police vehicle came, and the police beat and dragged us to the vehicle. We all shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master is innocent!”

We were taken to the Tiananmen Square Police Station, where many practitioners were being held. It was very crowded. Practitioners were reciting “On Dafa” and Hong Yin. We were transferred to Fengtai because there were too many of us, about 10,000 or so. A fellow practitioner was leading the recitation of “On Dafa,” Hong Yin, and Essentials for Further Advancement.

The police beat whoever took the lead in reciting. A female practitioner was dragged by the pigtails and beaten and shocked. A male practitioner was beaten and kicked by eight police officers.

One police officer said, “Who said Guangming Daily is fake?” A young practitioner said he did. The police proceeded to beat him.

We were later taken away by people from our hometown at the Beijing Office. The next day, they took us back to our hometown and put us in a detention center. We were illegally detained for two weeks and forced to pay 450 yuan fines. After returning home, I was fired from my job and my husband’s job was also abruptly ended.

Four of us went to Beijing again to appeal for Dafa in December of the same year. Although they had strict check points along the roads, we arrived in Beijing smoothly. We worked in pairs on Tiananmen Square, and were arrested at around noon. After they got us into their car, they started hitting us in the face with plastic water bottles.

Many practitioners were in the car. The police molested young practitioners when they searched them. It was despicable and indecent. At the Tiananmen Square Police Station, the police asked me where my home was. I said everywhere. They asked me for my name. I said Falun Gong. A police officer slapped me left and right, then walked around in circles with his sore hand. He proceeded to hit me in the face with a wooden stick. My nose and face were bruised and my mouth bled, but I didn’t feel any pain.

I was handcuffed, with one hand over my shoulder, and the other behind my back, and was kept like this for a long time. When they released the handcuffs, blood marks were on my wrists. We were detained by the Beijing Office from our hometown for a month.

Arrest, Forced Labor, and Torture

I went out to distribute truth-clarifying materials one day in August 2000. Someone reported me and I was arrested. The police wanted to know where I got the materials, but I would not answer. They locked me in a dark room and I went on a hunger strike for four days.

That year happened to be my oldest daughter’s college entrance examination. The police threatened to prevent her from going to college. I responded, “It’s not up to you, it’s up to my Master.” They had no choice but to lock me up in the detention center. As I kept refusing to answer their questions, they hung me up by my arms and deprived me of sleep and water.

I got along very well with the inmates in the cell. I clarified the truth to them, and taught them to recite Hong Yin and “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Some of them even did the exercises with me.

The police went to my home to try to get my husband to give them 1,000 yuan. My husband told them he didn’t have any money. The police then reduced the amount to 500, and finally said 100 yuan. My husband said, “Not a penny.” They left and had to let me go. My eldest sister picked me up.

The next day my daughter went to college. While I was away, fellow practitioners bought things for my child. They bought more than what I would have done myself. They bought a suitcase, watch, clothes, and other things. Thank you, fellow practitioners for your help in times of need.

Four police officers broke in and wanted to arrest us when we were studying the Fa at my home. Because we outnumbered them, they called in more help. We were forced into their police car.

My youngest daughter was sleeping at the time, and was frightened when she awoke. From then on, she was depressed and unable to take care of herself. I was taken to a forced labor camp for three years, where I was subjected to all kinds of torture, including sleep deprivation, shocking with electric batons, being handcuffed in a stretched position, and forced to do hard labor for very long hours. It ended in November 2002.

Clarifying the Truth

Fellow practitioners and I began to put up posters to tell people the facts about Dafa. We went out one night when it was snowing and the temperature was a dozen degrees below freezing. We rode our motorcycles. Although it was slippery and our hands and feet were painfully cold, we persisted and did not miss a single village. We posted as we rode. We also wrote, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-forbearance is good,” where we could on the streets.

I established a materials production site in 2005 with the help of a practitioner from outside the area, and provided various informational materials for local practitioners.

This practitioner was followed by the police, and the materials site was destroyed in October 2006. I was arrested and taken to the police team and handcuffed in an iron chair torture device. I answered, “I don’t know” to all their questions, so they beat me, hung me up by my wrists, and hit me on the head. I begged Master, “This is not the place for me to stay. I want to get out and do what I should do.”

I went on a hunger strike! My oldest daughter and nephew came to visit me, questioning the police about why they arrested me. I shed tears and started to twitch when I saw my daughter and nephew. My nephew called the police to take me to hospital. I lost consciousness on the ambulance. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. My daughter and sister-in-law accompanied me while I took an intravenous treatment.

When I got a bit better, the police took me back to the police station, locked me on an iron chair, and hit my head, saying I was acting. However, I started to twitch again shortly. They were scared and called the hospital. A doctor came to check on me and requested the police to remove the handcuffs. I was taken to the hospital again and my husband accompanied me to finish the intravenous treatment. We went home afterwards.

The police came to my home and harassed me the next day. I fell into convulsions again. My husband called a doctor over to give me an IV. The police left after seeing the situation.

I set up a materials production site at my home in the second half of 2010. I didn’t know how to use a computer, but my oldest daughter taught me very patiently. My husband and children all supported me. I learned how to surf the internet, download, and make flyers, brochures, and other materials about Falun Dafa. With help from my daughter, I learned how to burn CDs and DVDs in 2011. We started to make Minghui calendars and print information about Falun Dafa on currency. Our materials production site runs very smoothly.

A Udumbara bloomed on my electric vehicle on August 1, 2022. I cut the flower and placed it next to Master’s picture. The flower is still in full bloom as I write this sharing article today (April 15, 2024). I know Master is encouraging me to walk well each step on my path of cultivation. I will not let Master down.

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