(Minghui.org) I would like to share a miracle that happened to my husband. 

On the morning of September 3, 2019, after I’d finished doing the Falun Dafa exercises, my husband told me that his head felt funny and he felt dizzy. He had a history of high blood pressure and was on permanent medication for it. I told him to finish his breakfast quickly so that we could go to the hospital for a checkup. The hospital is within walking distance from where we live. 

After breakfast, he told me that he couldn’t walk or drive, so I asked our neighbor to drive us to the hospital. We went to the emergency department and he was admitted immediately. The hospital doesn’t allow family members to accompany him, so we had to hire a caretaker. 

I went to see my husband the next day, but his diagnosis result wasn’t available yet, and the doctor could only give him an intravenous drip based on his symptoms of having had a stroke. The results came out on the third day, confirming that part of his brain (the medulla oblongata) had been damaged. This part of the brain manages the body’s vital functions and damage in this area could result in paralysis, as well as impairments to speech, hearing, vision, swallowing, and breathing. It can even result in death. 

My husband’s condition degenerated very quickly. After three days in the hospital, he’d become bedridden and had to rely on others for his daily needs. He could still eat, but all his other bodily functions were damaged. He couldn’t sit up, his calf muscles became loose, his legs looked like a layer of skin wrapped around his bones, and his muscles collapsed. The nurse told us that his muscles and nerves had stopped functioning, which was typical with this disease. 

The doctor explained my husband’s condition to me and said it would be impossible for him to return to normal, and he wouldn’t even be able to stand up again. 

I remember that his family has a history of genetic disease. Both his parents fell sick in their 60s and passed away one after another after being bedridden for a couple of years. His two elder brothers and an elder sister have also passed away and, with such a family history, he is considered to have lived a long life at his age. 

I contacted his two younger brothers in his hometown and a nephew who lives in the same city as us. I didn’t tell our daughter who is overseas so that she wouldn’t get distressed. I also asked Master to help him, saying: “Revered Master, I will talk to my husband and talk to him about practicing Falun Dafa. If he agrees to do so, could you please kindly save him?” 

The next day, when I was feeding my husband in the hospital, I told him what the doctor had said, and my husband looked very sad. I held his hand and said, “Medical science cannot cure your disease, but you cannot just lie down and wait for death. We can take a divine spiritual path. Falun Dafa has miraculous powers and has brought good health to countless dying people. You know this, so please consider practicing Dafa, which can fundamentally change us, so that we can return to our true home with Master!”

He grabbed my hand excitedly and said, “That’s exactly what I was thinking!” He knew the seriousness of his condition. There was an older man with the same problem in the next ward. He had a tracheotomy and had to be fed through a tube in his nose. He’d been in the hospital for two years. His family refused to take him home because he was receiving full publicly funded medical care for being a veteran cadre. As long as he stayed in the hospital, his family members could still enjoy his high salary and welfare benefits. The poor man was left bedridden, and in a way, his life was worse than death. 

I was pleased that my husband decided to practice Dafa because I knew he could now be saved. He eagerly asked me, “Please get me the Dafa book (Zhuan Falun) now. I can’t wait to read it.” He also told me to tell his nephew to get him a seatwalker as he wanted to walk. I rushed home to get him Zhuan Falun and an audio player and told his nephew what to do. When my husband first opened the book, he couldn’t see the characters clearly because his vision had become quite blurry. So I left him the audio player so he could listen to Master’s Fa lectures given in Guangzhou. 

When I visited him again the next day, he said excitedly, “Master is taking care of me now!” “How do you know?” I asked him.

“Well, I had a dream last night, in which a young woman came to harass me. I told her that I’m not an ordinary person, because I am now practicing Falun Dafa. She disappeared straight away. I know that Master was testing me and seeing if I could pass the test of lust.”

He continued, “Then I had another dream, in which a woman I got on well with walked toward me. I greeted her, but it seemed that she didn’t see me. I asked her why she didn’t talk to me, and she said, ‘Aren’t you already dead?’ I told her that I was not dead, but she said, ‘Everyone knows you’re already dead.’ Then I woke up.”

I was pleased and told him, “You have been saved, and Master has also extended your life. The part of you that’s dead is your body of karma. Master has borne enormous karma for you, so you mustn’t let Master down and you should be diligent in cultivation and catch up with the Fa-rectification.” He kept nodding his head in gratitude. 

Two weeks later, the hospital notified us to discharge my husband. The day after we got home, he started to do the Falun Gong exercises in front of the sofa. 

He told me that when he stood against the sofa to prevent himself from falling, Master gave him a hint that he wouldn’t fall. So then he stood away from the sofa and finished doing the exercises, without falling.

I was grateful to Master for looking after my husband and I felt very happy for him. I also encouraged him to walk from one side of the sofa to the other side, without touching anything for support. He agreed. At first, he wasn’t very steady, but after a few rounds, he could walk quite steadily. 

Then he walked about 14 to 15 meters from the sofa to the window. He got very excited and said, “I don’t need the walker anymore—I can walk on my own now!” The next day, he began to walk around the yard. At first, he held onto the clothesline, but soon he let go of it and could walk by himself. A day later, he was able to walk around the community garden pond. Within a week, he could to drive himself to get a haircut. 

Later, he would take a walk in the park every morning and saw many people there who had suffered a stroke, with varying aftereffects. However, my husband walks like a normal person. He often tells others that it took him less than 20 days from being bedridden to being able to walk again normally. Many people he walks with have been recovering for a number of years and still have various complications. They all asked him how he recovered so quickly, and he told them it was because he started practicing Falun Dafa. He encouraged them to sincerely recite, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good."

Those elderly men and women were very pleased to hear his story. They all wanted to recite the two phrases and asked my husband to write them down on their palms so that they wouldn’t forget the words. My husband was very happy for them and told me about it when he got back home. 

In less than three weeks, my husband was completely back to normal, with no sign that he’d been bedridden only a short while earlier. When local practitioners came to visit me, they all feel very happy for my husband and they also witnessed the miraculous power of Master Li and Falun Dafa. They often tell their friends and relatives about the miracle that happened to my husband, which helps promote the practice to more people. 

My husband often plays chess with some of his friends in our community. When they saw how quickly he’d recovered from being bedridden, they all understood the facts about Falun Dafa and quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations, including the security leader in our residential community. 

Thank you, Master, for your immense compassion and salvation!