(Minghui.org) Gang and his wife Min began practicing Falun Dafa before the persecution started in 1999. They strive to be better people by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They took good care of their elderly relatives, and raised two children who graduated from college and have successful careers. The other villagers say they are great neighbors, and that they and the other practitioners are good people.

Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to suppress Dafa in July 1999, no officials or residents reported practitioners to the authorities. Practitioners continued to practice and were not affected by the CCP’s defamatory propaganda. Practitioners told village officials about Falun Dafa before the persecution started in 1999, and some officials read Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa. They know the practice guides people to be good and no one follows the CCP’s persecution policy to mistreat or report practitioners.

Once county officials somehow heard there were Falun Dafa practitioners in the village, and they ordered village officials to take action and provide detailed information. The Party secretary said there were no practitioners in the village. The next day he visited Gang and Min and said he would not report practitioners even if it meant losing his job.

Because Gang and Min are known to practice Falun Dafa, higher officials could easily find this out if they checked. Some village officials thus visited them asking for a list of local practitioners and promised no one would be in trouble. “We began to practice Falun Dafa because we want to be better people,” Gang told them. “How can we turn in others during the persecution? What would other villagers think of us?” The village officials agreed and stopped coming to them.

One day over 10 officials came from the county Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC), justice bureau, and police department. Gang was not at home and Min handled this with wisdom. She refused to sign any documents or give up practicing Falun Dafa. These officials had no choice but to leave, but said that Gang had to report to the county 610 Office.

After they left, the village head returned and told Min, “Please do not go there [to the 610 Office]; otherwise we’ll be fined.”

Another time several officials from the county returned and said they were looking for Gang. The new village head notified Min in advance, asking her to lock the house and leave immediately. At that time, several practitioners from other areas were in Gang’s home and were discussing Dafa projects. Everyone was fine thanks to the notice.

Other practitioners in the village have also been safe. One time three practitioners from the county seat came to a farmers’ market to tell people about Dafa. Someone reported them to the police. A police van came and picked up the three practitioners and drove from one end of the village to another. The police officers then asked the practitioners to leave and be careful next time. This is an example how officials protected practitioners after they understood the facts about Dafa and the persecution.

There were many interesting stories. When Min distributed Dafa materials in the village, one man followed her from one end of the village to the other and asked for a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. When he thanked Min for the book, she was moved to tears by his persistence.

One day Wei talked with someone in a farmers’ market about Dafa and quitting the CCP organizations. As the man walked outside the market and was ready to enter his home, he turned back to Wei and called aloud, “I’m a Party member and my name is so and so. Please help me quit.”

Another time when Min visited her home town, she put up some posters about Dafa on an electrical pole at the village entrance. As she turned back, she saw a man standing behind her reading the poster attentively. Min chatted with him about Falun Dafa and gave him a DVD containing videos that debunked the CCP’s defamatory propaganda. The man thanked her repeatedly.

One day several elderly practitioners talked about Dafa at a construction site. The foreman asked for a bag of materials and distributed them among the workers.

Lan lived next to a major road. People who rode electric bikes occasionally stopped and asked her to help charge their bikes when they were out of electricity. Lan helped them and did not a charge a fee and told them about Falun Dafa while recommending they quit the CCP organizations. The people were always very thankful.

These experiences show how people support the upright after learning the facts. The world’s people condemn the CCP for the bad deeds it committed. Please stay away from the regime for a better future.