(Minghui.org) The weather in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm, was mild and pleasant throughout September, and the city was crowded with tourists. Falun Dafa practitioners have set up a booth in front of the Nobel Prize Museum every Friday and Saturday afternoon. They demonstrate the exercises and tell people how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Dafa. Many locals and tourists stop to talk with them.

The practitioners’ booth was particularly eye-catching and drew many people. They signed the petition calling for the persecution to end. Some tourists from China expressed their hope that more Chinese people would wake up soon and the CCP would disintegrate as soon as possible. 

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises and tell people about the CCP’s persecution in front of the Nobel Prize Museum. 

People learn the Falun Dafa exercises. 

In the noisy small square in front of the museum, practitioners’ exercise demonstration and eye-catching banners drew people’s attention. They accepted fliers, read the display boards, and talked with practitioners. Many people were interested in the exercises and some learned them on the spot.

People read information about Falun Dafa. 

When people learned the CCP was still persecuting Falun Dafa and conducting forced organ harvesting from living people, they were stunned and indignant and condemned the atrocities. Practitioners also talked to many Chinese tourists.

Chinese Tourists Called on People to Wake Up Quickly

A couple in their 70s from China passed by the event site on September 13. They looked excited and walked straight to practitioners and praised them, saying, “You are doing great! This information helps the whole world know that the CCP won’t last long. Many Chinese know very well that it has been harming people since it took power. The CCP has never done anything good.”

The couple said they were tourists from China and already withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations while they were in Finland. The woman said that they had seen the true nature of the CCP. She said, “I, an old woman, was blocked for speaking a few true words on WeChat. I was blocked several times, but the CCP’s blocking could not shut me up. 

“We don’t believe the CCP’s propaganda at all. Many people in China know about the persecution of Falun Dafa. For example, the CCP-staged Tiananmen self-immolation is used to deceive people. Now everyone knows that the CCP regime is bloody and murderous.” 

The woman also pointed out that the CCP brainwashed the Chinese people for decades in China, using Party culture to make people admire it, ignoring their conscience. Chinese people are unable to distinguish between right and wrong, and their words and deeds are not normal. The couple said the CCP is the root cause of the current moral corruption in Chinese society. They hope that the Chinese people will wake up quickly and not be implicated in the CCP’s crimes.

Practitioners tell people about the CCP’s persecution. 

Another Chinese couple read the display boards and took photos. When a practitioner greeted them, the woman said, “I often get around the Internet censorship to read information outside of China. I don’t want to read the CCP’s fake news. I have long known that the CCP-staged Tiananmen self-immolation was planned to frame Falun Dafa. I admire you for daring to publicly expose the CCP’s shameful deeds here. It’s so inspiring, you are amazing!”

She also told the practitioner that she long ago renounced the CCP and Communist Youth League on the Epoch Times website. Her husband saw that she was talking endlessly and wanted to pull her away. She told him, “They are Falun Dafa practitioners. I finally met them. I have to have a good chat with them.”

She continued, “The CCP persecutes Falun Dafa and causes people to suffer for years. During the COVID pandemic lockdown, we were all confined at home. We were not allowed to go out even if we had nothing to eat or drink, and no one cared if we starved to death. The real estate market in China has made many people suffer over the years. Now everyone knows that the CCP is too evil, and we all hope that it will disintegrate as soon as possible!”

People sign the petition calling for the persecution to end. 

A Local Chinese Visitor Learns About the Persecution

One Saturday afternoon, there was a constant stream of visitors passing by the practitioners’ booth. A middle-aged Chinese man and his friend read the display boards carefully, and then he started talking to a Western practitioner in English. The practitioner told him about Falun Dafa and how he follows the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance when facing conflicts in work and life and how his mind became calm and peaceful, as well as how his physical and mental health improved.

The practitioner also told him that, because he benefited from practicing Falun Dafa, he wans to expose the CCP’s lies and tell the truth to the world. The man listened, nodded, and finally gave a thumbs up to show his agreement.

Afterward, the gentleman talked with a Chinese practitioner. After learning about the CCP’s live organ harvesting, he was silent for a long time. Before leaving, he said, “Yes, how could so many kidney sources suddenly appear? Also, how come young children in China suddenly died or disappeared? It seems that the scale [of live organ harvesting] is getting bigger and bigger.” He also said, “You have persisted [telling the truth and exposing the persecution], it is not easy!”

A man from Hong Kong said he was studying at Stockholm University. He immediately signed the petition and expressed his support for Falun Dafa. A practitioner asked him, “Do you know about Falun Dafa?”

He said, “It’s exciting to see you [Falun Dafa practitioners]. I didn’t know much about Falun Dafa before. When I was in Hong Kong, I often saw people disrupting your activities. No matter where you appear, you are always so peaceful and harmonious. It’s obvious which is good and what is evil. Now it seems that those who maliciously slander you are all instigated by the CCP.” 

He also said that after experiencing the anti-extradition movement, Hong Kong people should have a clearer understanding of the brutality of the CCP and its evil nature.