(Minghui.org) I haven’t been cultivating very diligently recently, but in a dream not long ago, Master allowed me to face the old forces head-on and witness how they made arrangements to interfere with our cultivation. 

In the dream, I was in a small house with several creatures that looked like evil dragons—they were black with small heads, big bodies, and wings. They said they were demons and that the old forces had arranged for them to do evil. They told me how they interfered with Dafa disciples to destroy them.

The first thing they do is to arrange for things that distract us to keep us from studying the Fa or doing the exercises: The moment we want to study the Fa or do the exercises, they throw a substance into our thoughts so that we suddenly have the urge to do something else. I realized that all the sudden urges to do something before studying Fa or doing the exercises are not our thoughts—it is those beings interfering with us to weaken our righteous thoughts.

They use the same tactic to prevent us from sending forth righteous thoughts. They arrange for things to distract us so that we can’t remember to send forth righteous thoughts. If we don’t send righteous thoughts, we can’t eliminate their interference, which will then become a vicious cycle. 

The third thing they do is create partitions between practitioners. Others might notice our states are not right and point it out. That will upset us and make us irritable, make us lose our temper, and have conflicts with fellow practitioners. If we cannot form one body, it will be easier for the old forces to attack us and ruin us.

They said that it wasn’t just one demon arranging all these things; demons were watching our every step, and several would carefully arrange to interfere with us at the same time.

In my dream, I wanted to tell fellow practitioners what I saw, but some immediately became distracted and couldn’t pay attention to what I said.

When I woke up the next morning, I wanted to tell my parents and fellow practitioners about my dream. They were indeed distracted by their cell phones and other things. I realized that the old forces were preventing them from hearing me. I began to send righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference.

I wrote down this dream to lay bare the old forces’ arrangements. I also hope that practitioners who are interfered with understand that the thoughts in their minds are not necessarily their own, particularly those that interfere with their Fa-study or doing the exercises. They should study the Fa more and send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate that interference.

This is my understanding at my current level. Please kindly point out anything not in line with the Fa.