(Minghui.org) As Falun Dafa practitioners continue to clarify the truth, people from all walks of life, especially the police, are awakening.

One practitioner said, “A policeman in our community once told me, ‘When you distribute materials, you should wear a mask, cover yourself, and preferably wear rags.’ This policeman arrested practitioners before, but now he reminds us to be careful.”

Another practitioner said, “My relative is a policeman. The police chief intended to promote him to head of the county Domestic Security team. The relative told his wife about this, but his wife tried her best to stop him: ‘Don’t go there. It’s wrong to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners.’ This policeman later became the head of another department.”

Once, a policeman told a practitioner, “We are most afraid of you doing this.” He made a gesture of raising his palm. The practitioner said, “You haven’t persecuted Falun Dafa or practitioners. What are you afraid of? Evil is punished, which only applies to bad people.” The policeman said, “That's true, I haven’t done anything harmful to you.”

However, there are also police officers who are not afraid of Dafa practitioners’ sending forth righteous thoughts. A practitioner said, “Years ago, I was arrested and locked in a brainwashing center. Those arrested at that time were all from one county. The head of the 610 Office, Yang Chunyue, said to the practitioners, ‘I’m not afraid of you sending forth righteous thoughts. I'm more worried about not being able to lose weight.’ (He weighed over 200 lbs.) 

“On the third day of the brainwashing class, the police and the inmates seemed stunned. The corridors were silent. I noticed some people gathered, and were whispering, as if something happened. They let the practitioners go home the next day. I heard that Yang Chunyue’s son, Yang Zhihui, was a driver for the 610 Office. When he drove police officers to arrest Dafa practitioners, a car accident occurred. The police officers in the car were fine, but he was killed. Later, Yang Chunyue also died of bone cancer. His wife wept and said, ‘What immoral things did our Yang family do?’ She had a mental breakdown.”

Since ancient times, there is the principle that good is rewarded but evil deeds are punished. Those who have committed serious crimes have not only lost their lives, but also implicated their family members. Those who have persecuted Falun Dafa over the years have received various forms of retribution, large and small, which is a warning to the perpetrators to quickly stop committing wrongdoing.