(Minghui.org) Ms. Zhang Yuxia, of Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia, began to practice Falun Gong in early 2016. For exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of her faith, she was arrested months later on May 16 and interrogated at the Keyihe Forest Police Department. The police later worked with her husband and sisters to detain her at a psychiatric hospital for 21 days, during which time she was force-fed and injected with toxic drugs every day.

Below is Ms. Zhang’s account of the persecution she suffered.


My name is Zhang Yuxia. I’m 56 this year. I live in a small town in Hulunbuir City. For talking to someone about Falun Gong, I was arrested on May 16, 2016 and taken to the Keyihe Forest Police Department. Two female officers searched me, but they didn’t find anything. A few plainclothes officers took me to a big room (maybe an interrogation room) and ordered me to sit down. One of them asked for my husband’s number and I gave it to him. He then said to me, “Now you need to answer all the questions I’m going to ask you; otherwise you will be tortured if we take you to the Alihe Prison.” I was terrified by him.

“What did you say when you talked to people?” he asked me.

“I’m telling them the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong.” I answered.

The officer asked me a few more questions and he typed my answers on the computer. I was so scared back then that I couldn’t remember what all the questions were or how I answered them. After the interrogation was over, he ordered me to sign it. I read it once and signed my name. Then I was taken to another room, where two officers collected my fingerprints and took my photos. I saw my husband coming out with a few officers from another room. After I returned home with him, he told me that the police also had him sign something, but I didn’t ask what he signed.

A few days later, my husband received a call from the Keyihe Forest Police Department and was ordered to go there immediately. After he returned, he said to me, “Let’s go to your older sister’s home in Hailar (a district in Hulunbuir) tomorrow and see if she has any job for you to do.” I agreed.

When I went to my older sister’s home, our oldest sister was also there. After lunch, my older sister said she was taking me to see her husband as he might have a job for me to do. As soon as I got into the car, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself at the Yakeshi Seventh Psychiatric Hospital (Yakeshi is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Hulunbuir). I realized that I was deceived by my husband and sisters.

My two sisters told me that I needed to stay there for a while. They asked my husband to talk to me and they got out of the car. My husband said to me, “Remember the call I got from the police yesterday? They ordered me to take you to the psychiatric hospital for treatment. As long as we have a record of you being treated here, they could report it to their supervisors; otherwise they would put you in the Alihe Prison and torture you.”

After discussing with my two sisters, my husband got me to the psychiatric hospital by deceit. He said that I just needed to stay there for a week and he would book a hotel nearby to wait for me. I was very angry and cried. I also said to my sisters that it was wrong for them to do this. They refused to listen and pushed me inside the hospital. As soon as a doctor came, they left.

A few nurses tied me to a bed and a male doctor stood next to the bed for a while. I tried to tell him that the Chinese communist regime spread propaganda to smear Falun Gong. He said to me, “You can just stay here (indicating I wouldn’t be able to leave anytime soon)” and left.

After that, I was forced to take all kinds of unknown drugs twice a day. If I refused to take the pills, the nurse would give me a shot that made me fall asleep.

In this way, I was forced to take a large amount of sleeping pills and all kinds of drugs every day. I always felt dizzy, dazed, and confused. My face looked dull; my memory declined significantly; and I kept drooling. Once in a while, they checked my mouth to see if I swallowed the drugs. If I didn’t, they gave me electric shocks, especially on the head. I tried to explain to the doctors that I had no mental illness and that they shouldn’t give me so many drugs, but he refused to listen.

I ended up being held in the psychiatric hospital for 21 days and my mind and body were both severely damaged.

Upon returning home, I resumed practicing Falun Gong and soon recovered. One day I happened to see my mental illness diagnosis in my husband’s bag. The two doctors in charge of my case were Li Yajun and Yu Qi, both with the Hulunbuir Mental Health Center.

Back then, I had just started to practice Falun Gong. Just because I told people that the Tiananmen self-immolation incident was a hoax manufactured by the communist regime to frame Falun Gong, I was persecuted like that. My family were also threatened and forced to work with the authorities to persecute me. Now they understood the facts and realized their mistake in cooperating with the police.

Officers from the Keyihe Forest Police Department instructed nurses of the Keyihe Central Hospital to harass me at home and videotaped me in 2021. The nurses returned in the fall of 2022, attempting to collect my blood sample. I didn’t cooperate with them.