(Minghui.org) An elderly practitioner was suffering from illness karma. She couldn’t sleep, had difficulty breathing when she lay down, ate very little, and her calves were swollen. Other practitioners stayed with her and studied the Fa with her, and I also visited her frequently.

One day, after we finished reading a lecture in Zhuan Falun she said, “Let’s stop here for now. Can you all help me figure out why I haven’t been able to pass this test?” I pointed to her daughter-in-law’s room and asked, “Do you have any resentment towards her?” She replied, “I have no resentment towards anyone. I just want to live, and follow Master to reach consummation.”

After she became ill she moved in with her daughter-in-law. We noticed that her daughter-in-law was very open and considerate in her words and actions, and discussed everything with her mother-in-law. She was capable, and took meticulous care of her mother-in-law, and she was not impatient. In today’s society, it’s really rare to find a daughter-in-law like that. She seemed like a completely different person from how the elderly practitioner described her. I felt that the elderly practitioner felt a great deal of resentment towards her daughter-in-law.

I wondered why I was shown this situation. Did I have a tendency to look down on my own daughter-in-law? After some reflection, I realized that I did.

My daughter-in-law is the youngest child in her family, and her parents spoiled her. She doesn’t have any issues with me, but I don’t approve of how her parents raised her. I’m very strict in raising children—they must do things properly, be sensible, respectful, and filial. So, without realizing it, I looked down on my daughter-in-law, and felt she wasn’t as outstanding as my son.

I should focus on others’ strengths and virtues, but I kept focusing on my daughter-in-law’s shortcomings—I even exaggerated them, as if it made me feel better. I realize now that I was wrong and didn’t follow Master’s teachings. In fact, my daughter-in-law is exceptional. She and my son spent 10 years abroad on a government assignment, and she was in charge of selling company products. Her team’s sales were number one every year, which reflected her strong abilities.

She is now almost 50 years old , and is working on getting her second master’s degree. When my husband became seriously ill, she told my son: “Spend whatever is needed for your father’s treatment.” She was worried that I might get exhausted taking care of my husband alone and offered to hire a caregiver for me. Aren’t these all great qualities? How could I have overlooked them?

I wondered what made me view things this way. Looking down on others is a human attachment. It only sees others’ shortcomings and faults, grabbing onto a small point and even magnifying it infinitely! As a cultivator, one should follow the principles Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Doesn’t looking down on others go against these principles? It truly is a malevolent attachment that needs to be eliminated. The reason I look down on others is that I think I educated my child well. People who know us often express that my son is exceptional. Isn’t this the attachment of showing off? Isn’t this a mindset that feels superior to others? It subtly reflects a competitive mentality, and it’s a selfish heart.

I believe that this is not something my true life has; I was polluted through countless lifetimes of reincarnation. It was also instilled in me by the Chinese Communist Party CCP indoctrination, and I don’t want any of these thoughts. I asked Master to strengthen my righteous thoughts and help me eliminate the mindset of looking down on others, the mentality of showing off, the competitive mindset, the self-righteous mentality, and many more attachments.

Master said:

“Compassion is expressed in this world through love and kindness, and these are qualities that those who practice Dafa should always radiate from within.” (“A Wake-Up Call”)

Based on Master’s teachings, I feel that I am truly lacking.

I haven’t treated the people and situations I encounter with the compassion I should have. After cultivating for so many years, I still haven’t developed a peaceful mindset, and I still have the attachment of looking down on others. I feel that my cultivation isn’t good; in fact, to be precise, I haven’t made any progress in this regard. Today, I’ve realized this, so I will work on eliminating it.

Time is running out, so in the days to come, I must seriously study the Fa, let go of my attachments, and quickly reach the standard to be a qualified practitioner.