(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in September 1998. I live in the countryside and I’m now 72 years old. Because I was plagued with ailments, my goal in practicing was to eliminate them and stay healthy. As I studied Falun Dafa in depth, I came to understand the principles of the Fa and the true purpose of life, and my illnesses disappeared. I was so relieved to be illness-free, and I am happy every day.

I nearly died twice, but both times, I came through safely with Master’s protection.

The First Incident

In October 2016 I went to the morning market in the county town to distribute calendars with information about Dafa on them. Not long after I left the village, I was hit from behind by a speeding car.

I was thrown quite a distance and lay unconscious on the road. When I woke up, the driver wanted to settle the matter then and there and not call the police. He took out 200 yuan and handed it to me. I said I wouldn’t take the money and then passed out again. When I came to, the driver was gone.

I wanted to go home, but my mind was blank and I didn’t know what to do. My chest hurt when I breathed, and I realized I was lying on the ground because I'd been hit by a car. I thought of Master and said, “Master, please save me!” Right then, my memory was restored, and I remembered everything that happened—it was as vivid as a movie. I couldn’t stop crying. I was so grateful for Master’s protection.

I had pain, especially in my chest, and it hurt when I breathed and walked. There was also a big bump on the back of my head. After my family found out about the accident, they insisted on taking me to the hospital. I said, “With Master’s protection, I’ll be fine! As long as I believe in Master and the Fa, I can overcome any difficulties!” I continued studying the Fa and practicing the exercises every day. The pain lessened each day, and in ten days, I was completely recovered.

Second Incident

On October 10, 2018, I went to the pantry to get pickles. Suddenly, I felt a heaviness in the back of my head, and I collapsed and lost consciousness. My family heard me hit the floor and called the village doctor. The doctor said that, based on my symptoms, I'd had a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage). They took me to the county hospital.

I was diagnosed with a brain stem hemorrhage. They quickly transferred me to an intensive care unit at a specialty hospital in Tianjin. I didn’t regain consciousness until the next morning. I was in pain when I woke up, and one side of my body was paralyzed. It was several days before I could be transferred to a general ward. With fellow practitioner’s encouragement, my righteous thoughts became stronger every day.

A urinary catheter was inserted while I was comatose. The catheter was removed on the tenth day. However, I could not urinate normally and was diagnosed with urethritis, so I was catheterized again. I refused to acknowledge this additional condition and wanted to go home. I asked Master to strengthen me. The catheter was removed four days later, and I could urinate as usual.

After the catheter was removed, I insisted on going home. My son said, “You must be able to walk by yourself to go home.”

I said, “Okay, you can help me walk now.” I asked my son and daughter to help me walk, and I walked for an hour. The next day, my daughter helped me walk for an hour. On the third day, I walked for an hour by myself! The doctor was amazed at my rapid recovery and exclaimed that it was nothing short of a miracle!

I was discharged and fully recovered shortly after that. Others could not tell from my appearance that I'd had a brain stem hemorrhage. Everyone who knew of my experience was amazed at the wonder of Dafa.