(Minghui.org) During over 20 years of Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) cultivation, I have found the meaning of life and have changed into a different person. I have also witnessed how great and miraculous Dafa is. I have no way of knowing exactly how much painstaking effort Master has put into my cultivation, and I can’t express my gratitude to Master in words.

Believing in Master and the Fa: Facing Life and Death

When I was released from five years of illegal imprisonment for not giving up my belief in Dafa, I faced lots of tribulations. The pressures I faced included interference from my family as well as from people outside my family. I was exhausted physically and mentally and on the verge of collapse. I began to have symptoms of serious illness karma. Every time I had my period, it wouldn’t stop. This was mainly due to strong resentment towards my family, as well as other issues that arose around me. 

I didn’t know how to look inward at the time, and thus I was persecuted by the old forces for the loopholes in my cultivation. At first, I didn’t care much and thought that I would get better if I just studied the Fa and did the exercises more. But, after five years, my condition still hadn’t improved. 

The blood was light pink, and my blood vessels were deflated. I had no strength and could barely open my eyelids. I moaned weakly. I could not eat anymore and could only drink some water and juice. The pain in my body could not be described in mere words. My husband, also a fellow practitioner, would read two lectures from Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, to me every day and also help me send forth righteous thoughts. 

One day my mind became very clear. I thought, “Falun Dafa is a practice of cultivating both mind and body. I have been practicing Dafa for 20 years. Master has already “transformed” every cell in my body into high-energy matter. It has become an indestructible body that was created by Dafa. What am I afraid of? I will just leave my life and death up to Master who will decide whether I stay or go.” I put my heart at ease and turned on Master’s Guangzhou lecture recording. At some point, I fell asleep. When the alarm for sending forth righteous thoughts rang at midnight, I sat up immediately. My body felt so light and comfortable. It was such a wonderful feeling. Tears filled my eyes. Master had saved my life. I could not express my gratitude for Master’s goodness in mere words. Thank you, Master! Thank you, Dafa!

Memorizing the Fa in Prison

I was illegally detained and persecuted in a women’s prison in 2008. At that time, there were Dafa practitioners detained in every prison section. They put only one Dafa practitioner per cell, as they did not want practitioners to have contact with one another. Every practitioner was closely monitored by two prisoners. 

Dafa practitioners were enslaved, monitored, humiliated, and discriminated against every day. The physical and mental torture was great, yet the most painful thing was that we did not have Zhuan Falun. Everyone could only recite whatever they had memorized. I really regretted not cherishing Dafa when I was at home. and not memorizing more. I said to Master in my heart that if I could see Dafa there, I would definitely memorize it.

One day, after we finished working and I was already in bed, a prisoner suddenly stuffed a ball of paper into my blanket and then quickly left. I was shocked. I quietly opened it and saw a palm-sized handwritten copy of Lecture Four of Zhuan Falun. I burst into tears. Master saw my desire to study the Fa and sent me the precious book. Thank you, Master! I was so happy. 

The prisoner who was monitoring me was a murderer, and she was very evil. I knew that if she saw me reading the Fa, she would take it away and give it to the guards for credit. So I could only study it when others were not paying attention. Whenever there were opportunities, I would take a few glances, memorize a few sentences, and then recite it repeatedly in my mind. When it was not convenient to read it during the day I would read it at night. There were prisoners guarding the cell 24 hours a day to prevent Dafa practitioners from studying the Fa and doing the exercises. In order not to be discovered, I would lie on my side facing the wall, while putting the pocket-sized book next to my pillow, and memorizing it sentence by sentence. Because I had to always keep the same posture, my neck muscles were twisted and hurt a lot. When I got sleepy, I would pinch my thighs and arms to stay awake. To memorize Dafa, I felt it was nothing to endure this little hardship. It took me 40 days to memorize the entire lecture.

Later on, I was able to get in touch with four fellow practitioners, and we were determined to create an environment for studying the Fa and doing the exercises. In prison, Dafa practitioners were being monitored even while taking a shower and using the toilet. Generally, only after one practitioner from one cell finished and was brought back to the cell, another practitioner in another cell would then be allowed to get out and go. This way, they could be sure that Dafa practitioners could not get in touch with each other. 

One afternoon, when the practitioner in the first cell was called to wash, five of us all rushed out of the cells and walked into the restroom together. This sudden action really scared the prisoners, and they ran out and pulled the practitioners to their own cells while screaming. We were not afraid and we shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” During the process, some of us had scratches and cuts on our hands and necks. We then reported these prisoners for hurting us and breaking the law. We wrote to the section chiefs and demanded an environment to study the Fa and do the exercises. With Master’s help and the countless efforts of fellow practitioners, we were finally able to create an environment for studying the Fa and doing the exercises.

Clarifying the Truth to Police

Another practitioner in my area was arrested by local police when distributing Dafa informational materials in the winter of 2012. Fellow practitioners and her relatives didn’t know where she was detained, and we were all very worried. I thought that the director of the local police station must know about this, and I decided to go and ask him. I first asked Master for help and sent forth righteous thoughts. When I got to the police station, I knocked on the door of the director’s office. He was alone in the room and asked me who I was looking for. I told him my name and said I was looking for him. 

I was persecuted for going to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, and he illegally interrogated me in the detention center in 2002. At that time, he behaved very badly, and he insulted Master, and attacked Dafa. When he heard my name, he remembered me, “Oh, Falun Gong. You are back. Have a seat. Have a seat.” I sat down and explained why I came. He told me without hesitating where the fellow practitioner was detained. 

He stared at me and said, “I still remember that you were sentenced to five years. It must not have been easy to stay in prison for five years!” He shook his head slightly, looking very contemptuous. 

I was unmoved. I said, “Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are persecuting good people, but Dafa practitioners did not give up. On the contrary, Dafa is now spread in more than 100 countries around the world, with hundreds of millions of people practicing. Zhuan Falun has been translated into more than 40 languages and is one of the top-selling books in the world.”

He said that he had been to Hong Kong and Macau, and saw many Dafa practitioners and banners. He took out his mobile phone and showed me the pictures of the “Hidden Character Stone” he saved. He said to me, “I am not like others who wouldn’t read Falun Gong materials. I do read them, and I read them all. When the higher-ups notify me to persecute Falun Gong, I tell my people not to do too much, as Falun Gong practitioners only just distribute Dafa materials and fliers, and they don’t endanger people’s lives and property.” He also quietly said to me, “Don’t tell anyone about my attitude towards Falun Gong.” I said okay.

With the outbreak of the pandemic our area was under complete lockdown. There were people guarding every intersection 24 hours a day. We were not allowed to leave our buildings. Daily necessities were all purchased online and delivered by special personnel. People’s lives were quite miserable.

After the lockdown was lifted, I went out to clarify the truth and save people. I saw a domestic security officer smoking on the side of the road. I knew him. Ever since the persecution started in 1999, he has been one of the participants in the persecution of Dafa practitioners in my local area. I walked up and greeted him. 

I then said to him, “This pandemic is fierce, and no one knows when it will be over. This is a warning from heaven for the corrupt morality in our world. It has been 20 years since the persecution started, and you have participated in the arrest and persecution of quite a few Falun Gong practitioners. Although it is your ‘job’, the CCP is only using you. Today, you are told to do these bad things, and tomorrow when you are no longer needed, you will be their scapegoat. There have been many such cases in all the previous movements. For example, after the end of the Cultural Revolution, the police who participated in the persecution of the veteran leaders were taken to Yunnan Province and secretly executed. The CCP has done so many bad things and the heavens will destroy it. Don’t participate in the persecution of Falun Gong anymore. You should quit the CCP and its youth organizations.” He said okay and thanked me. 

Receiving Blessings After Understanding the Truth

There was a couple in my area doing small business with dozens of acres of land they contracted, but they were not very successful and often lost money. I clarified the truth to them and asked them to use the cash with Dafa phrases written on them. They were quite reluctant at first. In the past few years, I have told them the truth more and more and they finally understood it. They all quit the CCP and its youth organizations, and since then they have received great blessings, and have had a good harvest every year. 

Even during the previous two years when there was too much rain, and the two neighboring families both lost money, his family still had a good harvest. During the lockdowns, other merchants had little business, but their business was very strong, and no one in the family was infected with the virus. Now whenever I go there to exchange the cash with Dafa phrases on them, they are very happy and repeatedly thank me. I asked them to thank Dafa’s Master, because it was Master who gave them blessings. 

In over 20 years of practicing Dafa, I have experienced the joy of understanding the Fa principles, and the regret of not doing well. No matter how long the road of cultivation is in the future, I will remember Master’s teachings, study the Fa more, save more people, and fulfill my prehistoric vows. Thank you, Master, and thank you, fellow practitioners.