(Minghui.org) After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (also known as the Nine Commentaries) was published 20 years ago, in November 2004, many people learned how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used violence and lies for decades to persecute and suppress Chinese people. As a result, over 437 million people have renounced their memberships in organizations affiliated with the regime, including the Youth League and Young Pioneers.

Township Mayor Quits the CCP

The CN Tower, the tallest free-standing structure on land in the Western Hemisphere and a landmark building in Toronto, attracts many tourists. A Falun Gong practitioner who volunteers at the site noticed a Chinese couple walking by. The man was dressed in a suit and looked like an official. After greeting them, the practitioner chatted with them about the CN Tower and asked which part of China they were from. The woman said Jiangsu Province and explained that the man was a township mayor.

When the practitioner asked if they had heard about quitting the CCP organizations, the man said no. “More than 400 million Chinese people have renounced their memberships in the CCP organizations—from high officials to ordinary citizens,” the practitioner said. “You must be a Party member. Right?”

“We don’t want to hear this nonsense!” the wife suddenly shouted while pulling her husband away. “Let’s go!”

But the man did not move. The wife turned to the practitioner and yelled, “Please stop.”

“I think he’s willing to listen. Please stay and listen or you can leave and let him catch up with you later,” the practitioner said.

The wife pulled her husband hard again, but the man did not move. “You know the CCP has been spreading lies, from numerous political campaigns to the Zero-COVID policy. So many people in China died. Since you are here, isn’t it better to stay informed instead of being fooled by the Party?” the practitioner continued.

She smiled and told the wife, “It’s like both of you have fallen into a river and your husband wants to get out of water, but you keep pulling him down. Your husband has a right to listen to the facts, and so do you. We do not force anyone.” When the practitioner said this, the woman loosened her grip on her husband.

“Even the Manifesto of the Communist Party starts with “A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism,” explained the practitioner. The CCP promotes hatred and violence while targeting traditional values. About 80 million people have lost their lives because of it’s various campaigns. In the past 25 years, the regime has also persecuted Falun Gong and even killed practitioners for their organs and sold them for profit. The divine cannot tolerate such crimes, and anyone who vowed to devote their life to the Party may face danger too.”

The man nodded and said he would like to quit the Party using a pseudonym. The practitioner chatted with him more and offered him the Nine Commentaries. But he was afraid their luggage might be searched when they returned to China. So the practitioner gave him some information on how to circumvent the CCP’s Internet blockade so he could visit overseas websites, and the man happily accepted it.

The man said he would share the information with his family so they could quit the CCP organizations. “I won’t participate in the persecution against Falun Gong anymore,” the man said. “Thank you for telling me this. Now I know what the CCP is and what Falun Gong is.”

People Pay Attention to Support Received Outside China

When a Chinese couple strolled near the Falun Gong booth at Toronto’s Lakeside Park Pier, the husband walked past it, while the wife slowly strolled behind him. A practitioner handed offered him a flyer, and the man took it. Noticing it was related to Falun Gong, he immediately returned it saying the government did not allow it.

“Although Falun Gong is suppressed by the CCP in China, it is well accepted outside of China and has received proclamations from many governments including China,” explained the practitioner.

“Really?” the man asked.

“Of course!” the practitioner replied. “Look, this banner even has a proclamation from the Canadian government.”

The man looked at the banner and nodded. “It is indeed true,” he said, and his facial expression softened. The practitioner then explained how the CCP made up lies to deceive people, such as the staged Self-Immolation Incident at Tiananmen Square.

“Supporting the upright will always be rewarded. There are many examples in which people recited ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ and they received blessings. You can also do this,” the practitioner continued. The man then accepted the flyer.

The practitioner continued, “When we joined the CCP organizations, including the Youth League and Young Pioneers, we vowed to devote ourselves to the Party. But the Party is so vicious. It’s better to sever our ties to the regime.”

The man agreed and also accepted a copy of the Nine Commentaries.

Two College Students

When two Chinese college students walked near the Falun Gong booth at Lakeside Park Pier, a practitioner greeted them and offered them flyers. When they accepted them she asked if they had heard of Falun Gong. She said that the CCP made up many lies to defame Falun Gong, and it’s better to make our own decisions instead of blindly following the Party.

The students said they recently saw a Falun Gong parade, so the practitioner explained that Falun Gong is practiced in over 100 countries, even though it’s suppressed in China. This is because the CCP targets universal values and suppresses anything that is not in line with the communist agenda.

When the practitioner mentioned over 400 million Chinese having already withdrawn from the CCP organizations, one student said he went to a private elementary school in China, so he did not join the Young Pioneers.

The other student said he wished to quit the Young Pioneers and Youth League, and thanked the practitioner for her help.