(Minghui.org) I am over 70 years old, and live in a small village in Northeastern China. I was fortunate to start practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, and have since recovered from all my illnesses and walked into a happy life.

Dafa Rectifies Everything

Before practicing Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong), I suffered from severe headaches, varicose veins, heart disease, spondylitis, and other diseases. Despite my illnesses I had to do heavy farm work. I went to the hospital to see if they could help me improve my health, but nothing helped. I couldn’t stand the pain, and I was ready to bring a Buddha statue to my home and pray for protection.

Then I attended a banquet at a villager’s home one day in 1998. I mentioned that I was going to the city to get a Buddha statue. One person said, “People in the township government practice Falun Gong, which is taught by a live reincarnation of a Buddha. All our relatives are practicing Dafa.” I was excited to hear of a living Buddha. I said, “I have to practice it if it is from a live reincarnation of a Buddha. I'll find out more about it.”

After the banquet, the person told two Falun Gong assistants about my interest, and they came to my home two days later and brought the books Zhuan Falun and Essentials for Further Advancement with them. They gave me general information about Dafa cultivation and asked me to read Zhuan Falun first before I learned the five sets of exercises. After I had read the Dafa books for a few days, my body no longer hurt. I subsequently stayed at the assistant’s home for two weeks and learned the five exercises.

I had fully recovered from all the health issues by the time I returned home. Seeing my smooth and glowing face, my husband asked, “How could you stop all the medicine and injections by just reading Dafa books for a couple of days?” I responded, “I don’t feel pain anywhere.”

Practicing Dafa is a blessing, because Master is in charge. My family members also benefited from my practicing Falun Dafa.

My daughter-in-law went to the hospital for a check-up when she was four months pregnant. The ultrasound showed a pox on the placenta. The doctor advised her to have an abortion, claiming that the baby would not survive the birth. He also found that my daughter-in-law suffered from jaundice. My daughter-in-law didn’t listen to the doctor and gave birth to a premature baby at eight months of her pregnancy.

My daughter-in-law was seriously suffering with jaundice, and was hospitalized in the city 13 days after giving birth. I stayed at home to take care of my granddaughter. The baby was unable to cry when it was born, and her arms were only as thick as an adult’s thumb. People in the village saw it and said behind our backs, “This child is lucky to survive the birth, but it will be difficult to raise.” My daughter asked me, “Mom, can this child survive?” I said, “I practice Falun Dafa. Master is in charge. It will be okay.”

When my granddaughter was two weeks old, she weighed only three pounds. I fed her powdered milk. My daughter-in-law was discharged from the hospital on the 25th day. I often studied the Fa with my granddaughter in my arms. It was truly a miracle that the child survived this way. Later, my daughter-in-law walked around in the village with the child in her arms. People in the village looked at the baby and wondered, “Is this the child? How did she manage to survive?”

Master had given her life. I led her to offer incense and kowtow to Master since she was a child. She didn’t get sick often, she studied well, and her character was good. She grew up healthy and has been immersed in Dafa. She is now in college and is very beautiful.

Our Family Developed Righteous Thoughts

My husband works as a security director in the village, and almost everyone in the township knows him. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa, I went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, and was illegally detained and “registered” with the evil Party after I returned home. Everyone in the village knew about it. The police came to my home to harass me on all the evil Party’s “sensitive days,” which was very disturbing to my life.

I was illegally detained when the persecution was at its worst. My husband couldn’t stand the pressure and took it out on me. He often beat me, and even did so in the detention center. Later, he simply told others, “Never mind her. Let her stay in there.” People who understood the truth about Dafa and the persecution advised him, “You have to do something. Your wife is such a good person! You have to get her out!” With my persistence, he finally understood the truth, sided with Dafa, and joined me in resisting the persecution.

Seven people from the 610 Office, as well as officers from the police department and the township police station, drove to my home to arrest me. I did not know what to do as they blocked me in a corner of the house. When my husband saw this he said sternly, “I say to you, she is doing well now. However, if anything goes wrong with her, I will hold you accountable.”

My righteous thoughts arose when they put me in the police car. I was no longer afraid since other practitioners saw the police coming and began to send forth righteous thoughts. I sent forth righteous thoughts all the way, reciting Master’s Fa:

“...When the disciples have ample righteous thoughtsMaster has the power to turn the tide”(“The Master -Disciple Bond,” Hong Yin II)

Leaving me at the police station, they went to a restaurant to celebrate. I managed to escape. They stopped eating and rushed back to search for me everywhere. They broke into my house again in the middle of the night and ransacked it. They couldn’t find me and asked my husband where I went. My husband said, “You took her away. I should be asking you where she is.” They left.

Another year, these people came to my house three times within a week, and ahead of the Chinese New Year, to arrest me.

I don’t know how many times they went to my house to harass me throughout the years. If they couldn’t find me, they went to the homes of my parents, my brothers and sisters, and all my other relatives to look for me. I couldn’t go home even if I had a home at that time. I wandered in the streets. I didn’t dare stay with my relatives; I instead stayed with my classmates and friends. I carried truth-clarification materials with me, and distributed them wherever I went, keeping my mission in mind, and saving people despite the pressure.

Because I often left home to avoid persecution, my children misunderstood me in the early years and said that I didn’t care about the family. The children and their families came home one year during the Chinese New Year. I wanted to clarify the truth about Dafa and persuade them to withdraw from the CCP and its youth organizations. My husband said, “Let me tell them.” He used ordinary people’s words and their way of reasoning. The children all understood that Dafa was good, and all 18 of them quit the CCP. My husband also helped persuade other relatives and our friends to withdraw from the CCP.

The persecution of Dafa practitioners by the CCP over the years has cast a shadow of fear on many families. Being afraid of the evil Party’s power, they developed resentment towards Dafa practitioners. My family also understood the truth about Dafa and went from panicking to being calm and composed when the evil party persecuted me. It was because they saw the true face of the evil Party and developed righteous thoughts toward Dafa.

Saving Fellow Villagers

A Dafa disciple’s mission is to assist Master in rectifying the Fa and saving all sentient beings. Folks in my area are also people that Master wants to save.

One winter, a fellow practitioner and I went out to distribute truth-clarification materials. We encountered a car that had fallen into a ditch off the slippery road. I said to the practitioner, “Let’s first go into the village to distribute the materials, and then come back and get the car out.” The fellow practitioner asked if we would be able to get it out. I said yes.

We came back after distributing the materials and saw that the car was still there. A dozen men were using thick ropes and shouting slogans as they tried to pull the car out, but the car did not move. The person in the car said, “The car won’t come out. Let’s go back to the village and get a few more young men to help.”

I said, “You don’t need more people. If you guys all say, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ the car will come out.” They said, “Will it?” I said yes. As the driver stepped on the accelerator, we saw the car gradually coming out as the fellow practitioner and I shouted together with the workers, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Seeing that the car was coming out, the owner of the car yelled even louder, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” A 40-year old man next to him turned back and asked us if we were deities. I said, “We are not; we are just cultivators.” I told them that Dafa’s Master can help them as long as they know that “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

I went to visit my mother who lived about eight miles away. I went out at night and put up more than 100 banners over a four mile stretch, and then returned to my mother’s home. The situation exploded the next day. The township government, village chief, and other small chiefs held a joint meeting to investigate it. Some people said it was me who did it. But a village chief said, “It wasn’t her. Otherwise she would have left by now. The fact that she is still here at her mother’s house indicates it was not her.” They continued with their investigation, and nothing happened in the end.

Over the years, other practitioners and I have distributed truth-clarification materials in all the villages in our township, and many sentient beings have learned the truth as a result. When we saved people we felt upright, and our hearts were pure, so Master resolved any interference we encountered.

During the years when the persecution was severe, the fellow practitioners and I went out to distribute truth-clarification materials after dark, but we now go from house to house in broad daylight to distribute materials. Some villagers have rushed up to us for information, saying, “Falun Gong is here, give us your information, so we can read it quickly!”

In order to clarify the truth to people and save them, I attended as many special occasion events as I could. I sometimes went even if it was just a social occasion. And after Covid-19 started spreading, some people approached me and asked to help them quit the CCP and its youth organizations. They said, “It’s been more than 20 years since you said there would be an epidemic, and now it’s really here. I have to quit the CCP. Please help me.”

I said to them, “You must remember that, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ This is a panacea to avoid the plague, and nothing else will work. Gods and Buddhas look at people’s hearts. This is God’s will!”