(Minghui.org) The 2024 Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held on October 20 at the Taipei Heping Basketball Gymnasium. More than 6,000 Falun Dafa practitioners from different ages and walks of life attended the conference. Many practitioners said that this year’s sharing was particularly touching and very helpful toward improving their own cultivation. Two practitioners who serve in the public sector talked about how they benefited.

District Chief: Cherishing the Opportunity to Practice Falun Dafa

Wu Chin-hsing, chief of a district in Kaohsiung

District Chief Wu Chin-hsing, who has worked in the government for many years, said, “This Falun Dafa conference is a very special event. Because we practice cultivation among ordinary people, it’s easy to have a sense of complacency that is not easy to detect. I overcame difficulties to attend the conference. The valuable sharing of fellow practitioners and their experiences in practicing diligently such as passing tests and participating in Dafa projects, always touch me and urge me to maintain my original intention to cultivate.”

Mr. Wu added, “Although I have a heavy workload and only sleep three or four hours a night, I still make time to study the Fa and practice the exercises without interruption. When I hear fellow practitioners sharing about sickness karma, it’s a reminder that I must correct my thoughts at all times, improve my character, follow the path of cultivation, and cherish the opportunity to cultivate.”

Handling people’s affairs well is also the most difficult and the most testing of one’s xinxing. Mr. Wu said that during the conference, a practitioner said that he was working on a project in the U.S. There are six sisters in the family, and he was the only son. His father recently passed away, but he couldn’t return to Taiwan to attend the funeral, so he felt depressed and sad.

Mr. Wu said, “I also have six sisters, and my family’s business is a breakfast shop. I attended the conference, so I couldn’t take care of my mother in the early morning and the business had to be closed for the day. Although I will lose tens of thousands of yuan if I don’t open the store today, I still try to make my family understand that the benefits of participating in the conference cannot be measured in money.”

Wu felt that the most touching sharing was when a practitioner talked about his experience of making a dynamic backdrop. He tried and failed many times without any success and was on the verge of giving up. In the end, with the power of studying the Fa, he persevered and overcame difficulties, and finally achieved his goal. 

Mr. Wu said, “During the cultivation process, as long as you are dedicated, not selfish, and not afraid of difficulties and hardships, Master will give you wisdom to find directions and methods, so that the projects or businesses you participate in can find solutions and make breakthroughs.

“Behind every practitioner, there is Master’s Fashen watching over them. No matter how big the difficulties are, as long as you believe that what you are doing is right and in accordance with the Fa, often, at the most painful time, when you are about to give up, that is when the goodness is about to appear.

“After practicing Falun Dafa, my views and perspectives on handling things have changed a lot,” Mr. Wu said. “I often remind myself not to get angry when conflicts arise, but to measure them with the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Taking a step back and thinking about how to solve this matter kindly, I then look for the cause. When my xinxing is in place and I can correct the incorrect fields around me, the workplace atmosphere is more peaceful and smooth, and things are easily resolved.”

Human Resource Director: Be Diligent

Human resources director Chia-ling

“I am very moved. When a practitioner went through a difficult situation, he felt that he reached his limit and it seemed like he could not endure. However, he was still able to persist in believing in Master and the Fa. He endured unbearable hardship and continued to do what he should do. Through this, Master’s compassionate grace is revealed,” Chia-ling said with emotion after hearing the experiences of a practitioner who participated in backdrop production.

Chia-ling worked as a human resources director in the public sector and began practicing Falun Dafa in 2008. She said, “I usually go online to read Minghui.org articles and listen to Minghui radio, but it was very different to come to the conference today.” She mentioned that a practitioner’s reading Zhuan Falun thousands of times greatly encouraged her, and remarked, “That practitioner is so awesome. I see my own shortcomings. I often memorize about 30 pages of the Fa before I stop for various reasons.”

She said that she used to feel anxious if she didn’t keep up with Fa study and the exercises, and she always wanted to make up for it. “But now sometimes when I’m busy or tired at work, or I just look at my phone during a break. Time has passed, but I still think it doesn’t matter. If I practice again tomorrow, I won’t be able to maintain a diligent mindset.” The sharing helped Chia-ling find her gap and she wanted to regain the diligent state of cultivation she had before.

Chia-ling said that like many practitioners, she benefited a lot physically and mentally after she started practicing Dafa. “I’ve now become unaffected by many things. When I encountered complicated official duties or difficult projects, I used to feel a little irritable or stressed, and I might feel dissatisfied. Now, I immediately think of the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and I feel relieved.”

As a human resources director, some issues Chia-ling has to deal with every day are complicated. She’s grateful to Dafa for giving her wisdom and the ability to maintain a stable mentality in complex human relationships, and at the same time, she can use the principles to help and guide others. She said, “Human resources involves not just business, but also dealing with people’s emotions. Under the influence of modern society, the tension between people is really emotional. Many people often feel that things are unfair and complain. As practitioners, we can understand, we can see the cause and effect between them, or why they are like this, and we understand it clearly. So in addition to following the procedures and regulations, we must also use empathy to help others deal with their emotions, and remind ourselves not to be affected.

“In every incident there’s something I need to cultivate. When it takes time [to resolve issues], I know I really need to study the Fa more. Only then can I have a peaceful mind and not be impatient, so I can handle the matter well. I am very grateful. It’s really the power of Dafa that supported me all the way.”

Many other practitioners’ sharing during the conference resonated with Chia-ling. “I think diligent cultivation is very important. On the road to cultivation, we must never look back. No matter how difficult it is, we must overcome it. When we feel that we can’t make it, we must endure a little longer or try again, and things will become clearer as we move forward. When we have that firm belief, Master will help us.”