(Minghui.org) Mr. Han Dongying, a resident of Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, was arrested on June 27, 2008 for his faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since July 1999. He had a tube of blood drawn from him and soon overheard someone say, “A rare blood type; it doesn’t match.”

Mr. Han realized years later that the 36-year-old him in 2008 was probably intended to be used as an involuntary organ donor in the state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting from non-consenting and living Falun Gong practitioners.

Mr. Han was also tortured and deprived of sleep for days on end after his 2008 arrest. The police shocked him on the head and genitals with electric batons one night. He lost consciousness and remained in a coma for about four days. After that, he often had seizures and went into shock. He was sentenced to one year probation three months later.

In addition to Mr. Han, several other local practitioners were also arrested around the same time, including Mr. Dian Baowei, who was also tortured in custody. The police said that they would claim credits from the massive arrests of the practitioners, as part of the efforts of maintaining stability before the Beijing Summer Olympics.

Below is Mr. Han’s personal account of what happened in 2008:

I was arrested on June 27, 2008, by officers Gao Hongyan, Li Haihua, and Yang Song from the Haicheng City Domestic Security Division. They handcuffed me behind my back and shackled me. Both the handcuffs and shackles were then fastened to a floor ring. I was unable to lie down or sit up. The police stripped me to my underwear and poured cold water on me as soon as I dozed off.

About three or four days later, the police drew one tube of blood from me. I soon heard someone outside the interrogation room saying, “Rare blood type; it doesn’t match.”

An officer suddenly said to me another day, “Guess what? I must shock you with an electric baton.” He blindfolded me and restrained me in a metal chair. He then shocked me on the abdomen, arms, inner thighs and joints first before moving on to my genitals and head.

When the electric baton hit the top of my head, I saw a golden light and immediately passed out. After I came to, I saw four IV drip bottles connected to me. A person watching me said, “You have been unconscious for three or four days. The police were so cruel; they damaged your head and genitals with electric batons.”

The police then took me to the local detention center, which refused to admit me. Officer Gao assured them I would not die there. The detention center still said no and the police later wrote a waiver to relieve them of any potential liability should anything happen to me. I was then admitted, but I had a seizure the first night there. A cellmate asked if I had a history of seizures after I woke up. I said no. He then told me that I bit and injured my tongue during the seizure. He said I was also moving my hands and feet unconsciously and vomiting blood.

I also suffered leg injuries due to the beatings and had to limp around. About three months later, I was sentenced to one year probation. My family told me that the police extorted about 80,000 yuan from them.

The first night I was home after my release, I had a seizure again. Such episodes recurred every once in a while. I had no recollection of what happened during the seizures and would not recover from an episode until about two weeks later. No one dared to hire me due to my condition. My wife couldn’t cope with it and divorced me a year later.