(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) in 2012. Since then, I have regained good health and become a better person. People around me said I used to be a selfish woman with a strong ego, but now I am easygoing and considerate of others. I know these changes happened because of Falun Dafa and the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

Because of the harsh persecution in China, many practitioners were arrested and detained. I joined others in making phone calls to police officers to rescue detained practitioners and help the officers understand Falun Dafa and that, despite the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) defamatory propaganda, the persecution is injust. The following are some details about such calls.

First Call

One day in 2014, another practitioner gave Wang (a pseudonym) and me the phone numbers of six police officers, asking us to call them and ask them to release any practitioners who were recently detained. Initially, I was a little nervous and recalled what happened when my spouse was arrested several years ago. At least 10 police officers ransacked our apartment looking for Falun Dafa materials.

I calmed down and decided to call three of the numbers. When I dialed the first number, my heart raced as the phone rang. It rang for a full minute, but no one answered. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The second officer had turned off his phone, so the call did not go through. When the call to the third officer was answered, I called out his name and said, “Please release Falun Dafa practitioners and do not persecute good people.” He swore at me and hung up.

Shortly after that, my heartbeat went back to normal. I knew I had overcome my fear. Although I only spoke one sentence to the police officer, I had made the first step. Wang had also finished making calls, so I went to see her.

As I walked, I felt like I was stepping on cotton: it was very soft, and my body seemed weightless. The wonderful feeling was so special that I clearly remember it to this day. I was thankful for the encouragement from Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa.

Phone Calling Team

After gaining experience from making those first calls, I talked to the practitioners who often studied the Fa with me, and the four of us created a team to make phone calls to officials in the justice system in our area. We knew these officers had been deceived by the CCP’s defamatory propaganda about Falun Dafa. They needed to know the facts so they could be saved.

We set up a database of officers who worked in the police department, procuratorate, and judiciary in nearby counties. We stored their workplace and cellphone numbers. One by one, we called each of them four times in about one year.

During this process, three of us made phone calls while the fourth practitioner compiled and sent truth-clarification letters to them via Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). Each time we made a phone call, we made notes about the number of times we dialed, whether it was answered, how long the conversation lasted, the reaction of the recipients, and whether a text message or MMS message was sent. Such information helped when we made a subsequent phone call. With support from Master, we helped over 1,000 police officers quit the CCP organizations (including the Youth League and Young Pioneers) in those four rounds of phone calls.

Officers Change for the Better

During that year, whenever there were incidents of persecution in our area, we would quickly call the officers involved to begin the process of rescuing the practitioners who were detained. That is, we would use the database to locate the specific police station and start calling officers who had already learned the facts about Falun Dafa and agreed to quit the CCP organizations.

Because we had talked with them a few times, the officers recognized our voices. I often addressed them by their names and suggested that they not participate in the suppression of Falun Dafa. “Falun Dafa practitioners are innocent people who want to be better citizens,” I said. “Please do not harm them; even higher officials such as Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang received retribution for what they did, right?” Some said they knew this, and some said, “I was not involved in the persecution. In fact, I just bought your fellow practitioners some bread and water. You can check with them yourself.”

I once called a young police officer who said dirty words to me when I mentioned Falun Dafa. I was not disturbed because I knew the CCP had misled him—he wouldn’t have acted that way otherwise. I called him 21 times because he kept hanging up. I talked about Falun Dafa from various angles. He swore at me 20 times, but his voice became fainter and fainter. During the 21st phone call, I said, “I sincerely hope you will be good. I am suggesting that you quit the Party so you will be safe in the future.”

He stopped cursing and said, “I am convinced. Thank you. Please help me quit the Party.” I said he should thank Master Li instead of me and that I was happy for him.

One time, we called a police station director who listened to the facts and agreed to renounce his membership in the CCP organizations. After he was transferred to another police station as the director, he took several officers to visit a practitioner. During the visit, he talked privately with the practitioner and said, “From now on, please do not open the door no matter which police officer it is. Higher officials have assigned us this job, and we have no choice but to follow their orders and go to your home. But if you do not answer the door, it means you are not at home, and we will leave. Please understand my situation.”

On another day, after a practitioner was arrested, we called an officer who said, “None of us wants to do this. It’s the Domestic Security Bureau director who issued these orders—he is terrible! I will give you his phone number, and you [practitioners] can call him day and night [to put some pressure on him].” I immediately called the director, who swore at me. I also submitted his phone number to Minghui.org, and with other practitioners, we increased the number of times we called to suppress the viciousness perpetrated by this director.

Once, when a practitioner’s scheduled release from prison was nearing, we learned that the 610 Office director was going to send her to a brainwashing center for continued persecution. In fact, this director had done the same thing to many practitioners in the past. Another practitioner and I called her and explained the benefits of Falun Dafa. Then we said, “If you keep doing this, there will be consequences—the information will be submitted to Minghui and archived. You will be held accountable in the future.”

After listening quietly for over 20 minutes, the director replied, “I understand. And I know what to do.” The day the practitioner was released, the director was onsite and allowed her to return home.

Calling Numbers Published in the Daily Brief

Minghui has a daily brief of persecution cases, and in late 2015, our small team began calling those numbers. Two of us made phone calls every day, a third practitioner sent MMS messages, and a fourth was responsible for cases in which practitioners would face a trial. In addition, we built a database of contact information for the justice system in China.

Every morning, we studied the Falun Dafa teachings and then sent righteous thoughts for an hour. In the afternoon, after the daily brief was published, we downloaded cases and followed them up. Each of us had four cell phones that were unlocked so we could replace the SIM cards at any time. For security reasons, we made two phone calls using one SIM card and then switched to another SIM card.

As a result, each of us had dozens of SIM cards. For security reasons, we discarded them after a few uses. Sometimes, a SIM card that cost dozens of yuan only had a balance of a few yuan; sometimes, dozens of SIM cards were purchased, which were subsequently blocked. Despite such interference, we continued making phone calls.

Whether the police officers answered our phone calls or not, we sent each of them MMS and SMS messages with the following information: a) Falun Dafa is wonderful, and our Constitution allows us to practice it; b) The CCP will try to shirk its responsibility for the persecution in the future and use lower officials as scapegoats; and c) High officials, such as Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai, have already incurred retribution.

Before sending these messages, we always checked our own phones to see if we were sending them successfully. One time, I wondered if those officials received the messages we sent. Right at that moment, we got a reply from an officer who was swearing at us. We all smiled because we knew that he had received the message.

Obtaining Phone Numbers

Sometimes, in areas where the persecution was rampant, contact information for police stations and officers was not readily available, so I called the 110 police command center to get contact information for specific police stations. That way, we were able to collect the numbers for the police station director, deputy director, household registration department, individual officers, and so on.

When we followed with phone calls, the police station directors and other officers often wondered how we’d gotten their numbers. We told them, “God is watching you. What you did to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners has been exposed in front of the world.” We then submitted the numbers to Minghui so that more practitioners could use them to help rescue practitioners and stop the persecution.

For a while, the officials in a county in northern China severely mistreated Falun Dafa practitioners. In particular, one officer was very vicious and often harassed or arrested practitioners. Since no Minghui articles mentioned his phone number, I used the online directory to obtain the police department’s phone number, called the front desk, and got the number of the vicious police officer.

When I called, I said the police officer’s name and told him not to persecute practitioners anymore. We then sent him MMS messages listing the persecution cases he had been involved in. We submitted his contact information to Minghui so more practitioners could call him. We also did the same with many officers in other counties.

Kindness and Wisdom

A domestic security bureau director in northern China arrested dozens of practitioners in one day. We called him, but a woman answered and said that we had dialed a wrong number. We later confirmed that the number was correct.

After learning that the director had high blood pressure, I sent him a text message saying, “We used to work together, and I remember you had high blood pressure. How are you now?” Noticing that he was reading the message, I immediately called him. He said, “Thank you for checking on me. Could you tell me where we met?” I told him I was a Falun Dafa practitioner and that the bad things he had done in persecuting innocent practitioners were now on the internet for all to see. He listened to a few sentences and then hung up. We immediately sent him MMS and SMS messages debunking the CCP’s slandering propaganda.

A young practitioner in southern China was arrested and poorly treated. We called the Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC) Party secretary to explain that the practitioner was innocent. We also gave an example of a justice bureau director in northern China who had heard the facts about Dafa and, over the years since, had released over 100 practitioners. The director later moved overseas, and his entire family enjoys a happy life. The Party secretary listened for about 20 minutes and said he would help. Two days later, we learned via Minghui that the young practitioner had been released, and we were happy that the Party secretary had made the right decision.

Sometimes, police officers involved in incidents of persecution did not answer our calls, so we would send a message saying we were a friend. After that, the officer would answer our calls. In fact, we had no resentment or negative feelings; we treated them as our relatives because we wanted to save them.

Master said:

“Clarifying the facts and saving sentient beings are what you need to accomplish. There is nothing else for you to accomplish.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2015 New York Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XIII).

We have been doing this all these years because we need to fulfill our mission.