(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held an informational event in Hilversum, the largest city in the Gooi region in Noord-Holland, on September 14 and 28, 2024.

They set up display boards at the intersection of the city’s two busiest streets, and told people about Falun Dafa and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. They demonstrated the exercises, distributed brochures and collected signatures for a petition that calls to stop the CCP from harvesting organs from living practitioners in China.

The streets were crowded during the weekend, and many people were drawn by the exercise music. Some took flyers that the practitioners offered and read them. Many people signed the petition after learning about the persecution.

Practitioners set up display boards, demonstrate the exercises, distributed brochures, and collected signatures for a petition calling to stop the CCP’s forced organ harvesting.

After learning the facts, many people signed the petition.

A father and son walked by the stand while pushing their bikes. They stopped at a display board that has a picture of Hong Kong. They told a practitioner that they lived in Hong Kong for 12 years and were very familiar with it. After they were told about the persecution, they both signed the petition. They said that the CCP tightened its control on Hong Kong after 2019, so they could not continue living there. They were both disgusted by the CCP.

Local Chinese Learn the Facts and Support Falun Dafa

Four teenage students came to the booth and signed the petition. One of them was Mongolian and born in London. He was shocked that the CCP harvested organs from living practitioners. He said that he would learn about this in more depth.

A young Chinese man signed the petition. A practitioner asked whether he is Chinese and whether he could speak Chinese. He said, “I’m from Hong Kong.” He said that he supported practitioners in calling to end the persecution.

Young students learn the facts and sign the petition.

From Being Pessimistic to Full of Hope

A man stood in front of the display boards for a long while. Looking at people who came to sign the petition, he looked grave. A practitioner talked to him and told him about the persecution. He asked, “How long have you been here [talking about the persecution and collecting the signatures]?” The practitioner told him that local practitioners started telling people about the CCP’s persecution after it began.

The man said that he was from Croatia and moved to the Netherlands in 1999. He has seen many wars and disasters. He said that the current world status is turbulent. He asked the practitioner whether signatures could stop an evil regime. The practitioner told him that Falun Dafa practitioners are a group of cultivators who follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and they have persevered in protesting the persecution that has gone on for 25 years in a peaceful and rational manner, and telling people with their compassion to see through the CCP’s nature. That is very powerful and what the CCP fears most.

The practitioner continued to tell the man that more and more people saw the CCP’s nature. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Falun Gong Protection Act this past June, and Australia also passed a similar bill. The evildoers that persecute the kind will ultimately fail.

The practitioner also shared with the man what she came to understand through cultivation. She said, “There are many adversities in today’s world, such as floods, wars, pandemic, and others. No matter how much tribulations we go through, we must maintain our kindness. For example, when faced with the CCP’s atrocities in manipulating the state apparatus to kill Falun Dafa practitioners and other prisoners of conscience for their organs, kind people should not simply endure, but should raise awareness. Perhaps the divine is watching what people choose.”

Upon hearing this, the man signed the petition. He took a picture with the practitioner and shook her hand. When he left, he looked full of hope.

People Thank Practitioners

It rained on September 28. The temperature dropped drastically to one degree Celsius. Practitioners continued doing the exercises and raising awareness of the persecution despite the weather. Many locals and tourists said they admired the practitioners.

Practitioners held the event despite the rain.

When a practitioner offered a woman a brochure, she said, “You held a similar event in Haarlem. Thank you for what you do!”

An elderly woman told a practitioner that she came here last Saturday and listened to the information. She showed the practitioner informational materials that she hung on her backpack and thanked the practitioner.

One young couple learned the facts, signed the petition, and then left. They returned after 10 minutes. The girl brought practitioners water and thanked them for clarifying the truth about the persecution.

A young couple learned the facts and thanked the practitioners

Practitioners began holding the event on August 3, 2024. Over the course of 8 weeks, they visited Amstelveen, Haarlem, Hoofddorp, and Hilversum in Noord-Holland. They collected nearly 1,000 signatures and gave many people who are interested the addresses of Falun Dafa free teaching sites in the Netherlands.