(Minghui.org) I’m 37 years old this year. When I was young, I followed my mother to practice Falun Dafa. She was imprisoned in a forced labor camp for her belief. As a result, I lost my cultivation environment and gradually fell into the ways of ordinary people.

After my mother came home, she tried to persuade me to return to practicing Dafa. I promised I would, but was hindered by strong attachments and could not really commit to resuming cultivation. When I think about it now, I was overcome with nostalgia for a happy life and seeking pleasure.

When COVID broke out, it was a wake-up call that I should return to cultivation. The great elimination of mankind was about to begin, and I realized I came to this world with a mission. There are so many people who are seeking salvation and don’t know the truth about Falun Dafa. 

On the day I decided to return, I clearly remember standing in front of Master’s portrait and talking to Him with great excitement: “Your disciple has come back. I’m determined to keep up with the progress of Fa-rectification, do the three things well, and fulfill my historical mission.” My heart was full of regret, but I was also determined.

I hadn’t done the exercises in so many years, so that night I decided to do them. I did the five sets of exercises in one go, including the second (standing) exercise for an hour. My arms were so sore that I could hardly hold them up, but I kept going til the end. I could only sit with both legs crossed in full-lotus position for 15 minutes and finished the rest of the time with only one leg crossed. After I finished the exercises, I felt light all over. The feeling of coming back to Dafa was so beautiful and sacred.

I asked my mother to get the Dafa books for me. I read all of Master’s teachings in chronological order and realized how serious cultivation is. I was extremely fortunate to be able to come back. If I violated my vow, the responsibility would be so great. With my mother’s help, I contacted the local Fa-study group and went there every day. I listened to practitioners’ sharing experiences and felt that I was slowly catching up.

I asked practitioners to help me buy a laptop and install the computer operating system for me. When I connected to Minghui.org, tears flowed out as I saw the photo of Master sitting in meditation in the mountains. Great Master is enduring so much for Dafa practitioners and the world, while I felt ashamed for wasting so many years.

During the pandemic, sentient beings urgently needed to learn the truth, so I bought a small printer, printing paper, and stickers. I learned how to download periodicals from Minghui.org, and print, bind, and make stickers. I was self-sufficient and went through the corridors of residential buildings every day to distribute and post truth-clarification materials. 

I would go out in the morning to distribute the materials that I prepared the night before, then come back to print and study Master’s lectures. In the afternoon, I would join the group Fa-study. In the evening, I work with my children to bind the materials that I printed that morning.

In the first year after I returned to cultivation, I had no distracting thoughts and just hoped that people could understand the truth as soon as possible and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Every time I went out to distribute materials, I had strong righteous thoughts, asking Master to strengthen me and help people understand the truth and not do evil things.

As the COVID lockdown was lifted, I relaxed a little. Instead of going out every day, I went out every two or three days. Sometimes I would be too lazy to do the five sets of exercises in one go, and I couldn’t keep up with sending righteous thoughts at midnight. My xinxing also declined. I used to strictly require myself to talk with my children calmly. I felt that as long as I didn’t get angry, the children would eventually calm down. But now, I lost my temper easily and yelled at them. The more I was angry and yelled, the more they would do things that I couldn’t tolerate.

I occasionally purchased printing supplies online and accidentally clicked on a video from a shopping website. From then on, I couldn’t restrain myself. From time to time, a thought would pop into my mind, “Let me watch a video for a while.” At first, I could suppress this thought, knowing it was bad factors interfering. But, little by little, I lost control. I watched videos for longer periods and would sometimes think about the videos while studying the Fa.

I knew that I had an attachment. I turned my phone to silent mode and asked my children to hide theirs. When the phone was not around, I felt at peace. In this way, I forced myself to get rid of this attachment. I also understood that the Internet is harmful. 

After a period of diligently studying the Fa and talking with practitioners, I felt that I had regained my original state of cultivation and could devote myself wholeheartedly to doing the three things Master asks us to do. With my cultivation state on the right track, everything around me became right: my husband took the initiative to cook the meals after work, and our children were tolerant and kind to each other. When almost everyone around us tested positive for COVID-19, our whole family had no symptoms of the virus.

Although my children and my husband are not Dafa practitioners, they have supported me. They often joined me to listen to Master’s lectures and Minghui sharing articles and helped bind truth-clarification materials. My husband also helped me deliver the materials to practitioners every week. They have all benefited from Dafa. My three children rarely get sick. Even if they occasionally had a cold or fever, they would not take medicine. 

Occasionally, if someone felt uncomfortable, all of us would recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and I would play Master’s lecture recordings. They would then recover by the next day. My husband witnessed the extraordinary power of Dafa manifest in our children, and he respects Master very much. When he wakes up in the morning before I do, he often washes his hands and lights incense for Master.

I’m grateful to Master for lifting me out of the mud and cleaning me up. I must work diligently, study the Fa, do the three things well, live up to the expectations of my mission, and return home with Master.