(Minghui.org) A Yang County, Shaanxi Province, resident, faces continued harassment after serving one year for her faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Ms. Yan Shuru (also known as Yan Ru), in her 60s, was arrested on June 19, 2023, by officers of the Yang County Domestic Security Division. The police claimed that she was recorded by surveillance cameras while distributing Falun Gong materials. Officer He Jiang pried open her desk, trying to find Falun Gong related materials. As they didn’t find any of such materials, they submitted the empty DVD cases found from her home as prosecution evidence against her (it’s not clear whether the cases belonged to her).

The police interrogated Ms. Yan for two days, without providing her with any food, before transferring her to the Hantai Detention on June 21, 2023. The prosecutor later came to depose her and attempted to force her to sign her case documents, by threatening her that her family would be implicated if she didn’t comply. She remained firm in her faith and was sentenced to one year with a 3,000-yuan fine. The court didn’t provide a copy of her verdict. She served time at the detention center and was released on June 19, 2024.

Ms. Yan’s persecution terrified her husband and he suffered a mental breakdown as a result. Their granddaughter was also traumatized by witnessing her arrest and she had to take a leave of absense from school.

In August 2024, two months after Ms. Yan’s release, four officers from the Qishi Town Police Station harassed her at home and took her photos.

Ms. Yan wasn’t the only one in her family to have been persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. Her older brother, Mr. Yan Shujun, was arrested one month before her. Although the police released him after a brief interrogation, they arrested him again ten days later at home and confiscated his Falun Gong books. The police forced him to admit that it was he who wrote the words “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good” on a public wall. They then released him on six-month house arrest. Terrified by the police, his health declined very quickly. He passed away in early 2024. He was around 70.

Related Report:

Brother Dies After Wrongful Arrest, Sister Sentenced to One Year, All for Practicing Falun Gong