People from different parts of the world and walks of life gained inspiration and new insights after reading “Why This World Is a Realm of Unknowing.”

Image for article Shandong Man Dies in Police Hospital While Serving an Eight-Year Term for Practicing Falun Gong

The brutal persecution of Falun Gong has claimed another victim, Mr. Wang Zhongshi, who succumbed to torture and maltreatment in July of 2024.

Image for article Some Recent Experiences Distributing Falun Gong Materials in China

Practitioners in China shared inspiring stories of how they have been using the magazine Heaven and Earth to help people better see the beauty of Falun Dafa.

Image for article Podcast (Top Stories): Falun Dafa News from Around the World – December 5, 2024

The latest Minghui Radio podcast discusses the latest newsworthy events, including executive orders issued by the Governor of Texas to protect U.S. citizens from the CCP.

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