(Minghui.org) Last December, there was a devastating earthquake in Gansu Province and many people died. Those who survived suffered from hunger and freezing temperatures of -15°C. I felt very sad when I heard about it and wondered how many of these people had learned the facts about Falun Dafa. I wondered if those who died might have been saved if they had learned the truth.
“Fa-rectification is in its very last phase,” I thought. “What if a similar disaster happened in my city? If it did, wouldn’t those who still don’t know the facts all perish?”
I thought, “We must hurry up to explain the facts about Dafa to more people and distribute more truth-clarification materials.” Then these words flashed through my mind: “You cannot watch people die without trying to save them.” I felt shocked and a shiver ran down my spine. I recognized those words.
I had a vivid dream two years ago, in which a scroll floated down from the sky and unfurled. It showed a painting of scenery, a river, and many people. I saw that the people in the painting were all alive.
In the painting, downstream of the river, the water was shallow and clear. The sun was shining brightly and many people were enjoying leisurely lives along the river—adults and children, old and young. Some were in groups, others were with their families; some were couples, others were single. Some were ancient people; others were scholars in white robes, holding feather fans and wearing head pieces, Some were farmers in ragged clothes working in the fields; others were vendors hawking their wares in the streets. Some people were reading or writing; others were listening to music. Some were drinking tea or wine, while others were barbecuing. Some people were dancing and others were doing Tai Chi.
There were also a few people who seemed heart broken. They combed their hair by the edge of the river, looking sad and sorry for themselves. There were businessmen in suits and ties attending meetings or signing contracts, while some of the ancient people were reciting poems or painting. Some were Westerners watching operas in grand theaters, and there were children swimming and playing joyfully in the water. Men and women, old and young, from all walks of life at all different times in history, in China and abroad—everyone was living in their own world and enjoying what they had.
Looking from a higher angle, I could see that the river ran through a canyon, which was wide and deep. At the upstream bend of the canyon, not far from the river, I saw dark flood water raging behind a dam. The dam wall starting to crack badly and looked as if it would collapse at any time. People downstream of the river couldn’t see the coming disaster.
Seeing all this in my dream, I became very worried, thinking that I had to tell all these people downstream to evacuate the area immediately. I shouted at the top of my lungs, but they couldn’t hear me. Suddenly, I saw someone high up on a mountain above the canyon shouting loudly: “Run! Run quickly!” He was using a loud speaker and shouting loudly.
Then I noticed that I also had a loud speaker in my hand, and I was shouting. But my voice was too small and people still couldn’t hear me. In my dream I thought, “I must use a bigger loud speaker,” so I spent all my savings on a gigantic loudspeaker that looked like a cannon. It worked this time, and it looked like some people had heard me and turned to look up in my direction. Some were unsure about what to do and just looked around, while other people left.
Seeing that it was working, I wanted more big speakers, so I sold my house, my car and other assets in exchange for more gigantic loud speakers and, with great effort, I moved them to the top of the canyon. My voice was hoarse from shouting, and somehow the speakers began to play automatically.
At that time, the only thing on my mind was saving these people. Just then, many people appeared around me at the top of the canyon, and other people started appearing in twos and threes on top of other peaks, and they were also shouting to the people down below in grave danger, “Run! Run quickly!” Some of the loud speakers they were using were even bigger than mine.
Then suddenly the dam collapsed, and a torrent of water rushed out, washing away a large part of the peak at the bend of the canyon. People who had been having fun earlier started running for their lives, shouting, “There’s a flood coming! Run! Run quickly!”
Some people were in complete shock and couldn’t move, while others knelt down to pray. Seeing there was no hope of escape, some people put their hands together and sat down cross-legged to meditate. The children were terrified and screamed loudly.
At that critical moment, I remembered that I am a Dafa disciple. So I begged Master to help, and yelled loudly at all those people to remember, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”
All of a sudden, people around me all joined in, shouting loudly, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”
I saw some of the people in the flooding water being saved by golden halos like balloons, but most people perished and were washed away. It was dark and cold by then, and the water had a strong pungent smell.
Then the painting scroll rolled itself back up, and I woke up from my dream. It took me quite a while to calm down. Some words flashed through my mind: “You cannot watch people die without trying to save them.”
Although it’s been two years since I had that dream, it is still vivid in my mind.
Master’s Fa teachings have profound connotations. After studying Master’s recent article “Stay Away from Peril,” I realized that it tells us at one level that any human attachment and human sentiment is dangerous.
Master said:
“Spiritual perfection awaits those who do well in their practice. They will return to their position in the New Universe, where they will govern a Heavenly Kingdom of their own. Those who do not succeed in their self-cultivation, violate their vows, or sin against the Great Way will have to meet with the consequence that accords with the promise they made with their souls!” (“Dafa Spiritual Practice Is Serious”)
I realized that there is only one path for Fa-rectification-period Dafa disciples, which is to achieve consummation; otherwise, we might face complete destruction.
There are strict standards for Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. If we meet the standards, Master will bestow upon us great mighty virtue. If we fail to meet them, we will have to bear huge sins.
I have realized that one of the reasons Master told us to do the three things well is to save ourselves. If we fail to genuinely cultivate in Dafa, we are not cherishing ourselves, but instead harming and destroying ourselves. If we fail to meet the required standards, we will have no way or opportunity to repay the loss. One can only pay off the debts with one’s life, because there is only this one cultivation opportunity for us in this one-off historical period throughout history. It is not a matter of mercy or not, but a universal principle, as well as being our own original choice.
In the end, how every Dafa disciple has walked their cultivation path and fulfilled their vows will be reviewed; there isn’t any leeway. Those who have failed to reach the standard will face deep regret, pain, despair, and peril.
I thought about how I had slacked off in the past six months. I was attached to comfort, addicted to my mobile phone and the internet, to online shopping, sleeping in, playing basketball, and so on. And yet I was trying to cover up my attachments and deceive myself and others. I felt completely shocked by the imminent danger I had brought on myself.
Master has given us opportunities again and again to rectify ourselves. I felt so ashamed for not taking them seriously. Yes, I am doing the three things, but I have not done them wholeheartedly and consistently. We are now in the most crucial moment, and if I continue to be muddle headed and fail to meet the standard, it will really be too late. I have now realized that I must pull myself together and be diligent in cultivation and rectify myself according to the Fa principles, before it is too late.
Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)
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Category: Improving Oneself