(Minghui.org) Thousands of people lined Main Street in Flushing, one of the largest Chinese communities in New York, to watch the annual Chinese New Year parade held on February 10, 2024. Spectators were impressed by Falun Dafa practitioners’ large, colorful presence which many said represented authentic, traditional Chinese culture.
The Tian Guo Marching Band performed melodies such as “Falun Dafa Is Good.” Together with heavenly maidens and the popular dragon dance team, they brought joy and blessings to the event. The practitioners’ contingent was the grand finale of the parade and many community members praised Falun Dafa.
Practitioners participated in the Chinese New Year parade in Flushing, New York on February 10, 2024.
Showcasing Beauty and Hope
Yi Zhongyuan, a representative from the New York Falun Dafa Association, said the practice was introduced in China in 1992. Falun Dafa has received over 5,000 proclamations from around the world, and is practiced in over 100 countries. “As active members of their communities, Falun Dafa practitioners have brought people harmony, health, and hope,” she explained. “We also hope to share the blessings of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance with everyone in New York and beyond.”
Many spectators said they were amazed by the practitioners’ performances, which they said represent authentic traditional Chinese culture. Jie Lijian, Executive Vice Chairman of the Chinese Democratic Party, said he was most impressed by the Falun Dafa group who reflected China’s traditional culture. “I recorded it on video and shared it on X (Twitter) with friends. Many people said they liked it a lot.”
Chinese descendant Li Aifei said she saw practitioners in a parade several years ago. “They look gorgeous and outstanding. I am always very touched,” she said. Castro, a police officer on duty, said he’s seen practitioners in parades for 14 years, “They are really awesome!”
New Chinese Immigrant: Very Impressive
Zhang Yan, a countryside physician in China who moved to the U.S. last year, said Falun Dafa is suppressed in China. That is why she was surprised and happy to see such a large presentation in New York. While taking pictures for her two children with the parade, she said she was glad that practitioners could practice their belief in this land of freedom.
She felt it was unfortunate that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brutally suppresses Falun Dafa practitioners and even harvests their organs while they are alive. “This exposes the brutality of the CCP,” she choked up as she talked. “This also shows the regime has been lying to and brainwashing people.”
Zhang thanked the practitioners for their efforts. “You have been working very hard, not just for yourselves—but for all Chinese people. Your sacrifice has brought blessings to China because more people have awakened and learned that the CCP is doomed.”
Another new immigrant Li Qing said she was angry to hear about the organ harvesting taking place in China. “I am so thankful because practitioners are doing so well here. The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are so important for China and the entire world. Events like this are really great,” she said.
Du, a business owner from Jiangxi Province who moved to the U.S. one month ago, took many pictures and videos of practitioners in the parade. “This is traditional Chinese culture. Unfortunately, we can no longer see this in China. I hope more and more people can come to know Falun Gong and learn the facts,” he said.
Guo also came from China recently and watched the parade with his son. “It’s so amazing to see something so great on Chinese New Year! This is what a New Year is supposed to be,” he added.
Residents Praise Falun Dafa
Mai and his wife from Guangdong Province said that among all the groups in the parade, the Falun Dafa one is the largest and most beautiful. “We like the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and we enjoy the Shen Yun performance. Falun Dafa is great!” the wife said. Mai sent his best regards to practitioners.
Zhang took lots of pictures of practitioners because he said Falun Dafa represents China’s true culture. “This is really wonderful! I am proud of being Chinese,” he exclaimed.
Huang from Fujian Province works in home improvement. He was very excited and took many pictures for his friends in China. “This is the best. I hope more and more people will begin practicing Falun Dafa,” he said.
Another resident who recently moved from Brooklyn to Flushing came with her grandparents. “All the children like the Falun Dafa group because it is large, colorful, and extraordinary. I hope the Falun Dafa group keeps expanding and gets better and better,” she said.
Benefiting the Community
Maria Galvis, who is from Colombia, now lives in Flushing. “This is superb!” she exclaimed as she took pictures of practitioners in the parade. She especially praised a banner with the words, “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” because she said these values are very important.
Another local resident Victor Gabin said that the practitioners’ performances were fantastic. He said many people, including government officials, attended this annual parade. “What Falun Dafa practitioners do benefits our communities. This is because our society needs the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”
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