(Minghui.org) I was fortunate to attend Master’s seventh Falun Dafa lecture series in Changchun. Perhaps due to the limited capacity of the hall at Jilin University, one class was held in the daytime and the other at night. The practitioners who came from my city attended the class held during the day.
When Master held the first Falun Dafa lecture series in Changchun’s 5th Middle School on May 13, 1992, fewer than 200 people attended. Two years later, over 2,000 people filled the seventh Falun Dafa class.
Master looked kind and friendly, and everyone their felt as though he was a beloved family member. The environment during the lectures was harmonious and none of us had negative thoughts. The compassionate energy Master sent out cleansed and adjusted our bodies. A few days after I attended the classes, I noticed my complexion was smooth. My entire body felt light and relaxed.
Before Master introduced Falun Dafa, many people practiced different types of qigong. However, no one could explain what qigong was for. During his lectures, Master explained what qigong was, and he provided direction for people who wanted to cultivate toward high levels. Master’s great compassion and his profound teaching drew people who wished to truly cultivate.
Master taught:
“Oh how many the years, looking for the master,Finally the day has arrived to meet him.Cultivate and return, the Fa now gained,And follow your master to return, perfected.”(“Destined Return for the Holy Fruition,” Hong Yin)
After we returned home, some of us wanted to let more people know about this high level Fa, so Master arranged for people who were predestined to begin practicing. Some of my coworkers practiced qigong, so when I told them about Falun Dafa they were interested in learning it. Many attended the lectures in Harbin and Yanji, and afterwards they set up practice sites and introduced Falun Dafa to others. They also told their relatives and friends about Falun Dafa. Many of my relatives started practicing, and they also told other people about Falun Dafa.
At that time, I lived in a city in the mountains and our school’s big sports field was at the foot of a mountain. Many people gathered on that field in the mornings and evenings to exercise or relax. Those of us who attended Master’s classes did the Falun Dafa exercises there and set up a practice site. Our site eventually became the largest practice site in our city, with over 200 people doing the exercises together there.
As Dafa spread, everyone emphasized studying the Fa and cultivating our xinxing. We learned from one another and cultivated diligently. Master’s benevolent salvation and Dafa’s limitless powers helped more people to begin cultivating.
Clarifying the Truth about the Persecution
On July 20, 1999, former CCP (Chinese Communist Party) head Jiang Zemin launched the persecution, and suddenly the state-run media was filled with propaganda slandering Falun Dafa. Many practitioners stepped forward to validate the Fa and clarify the truth in all kinds of ways.
We clarified the truth to everyone we knew, such as our relatives, friends, and coworkers. The Minghui.org website soon offered downloadable truth-clarifying fliers, so some practitioners downloaded and printed them. We distributed them inside buildings or handed them to people personally. We also hung posters and banners and mailed truth-clarifying letters. We did everything we could think of to validate the goodness of Dafa and save people who were deceived by the CCP’s lies.
I started my job at my current company, which is part of a provincial institution, two years ago. I work as a property consultant, so I have little chance to interact with the other employees. I collected the telephone numbers of my company’s managers and employees and passed them to those practitioners who make truth-clarifying phone calls. I hope all my coworkers can hear the truth and be saved.
I tried to help a coworker quit the CCP and its youth organizations during the Labor Day holiday. I was on duty with another property consultant. Our company is near a popular tourist attraction and all the parking lots around our building were full. Our company has its own parking lot. Since the rest of the employees were off on holiday, our lot was empty. The other consultant let the tourists park in our lot and collected parking fees from them.
When I accidentally saw what he was doing, he offered to share the profits with me, but I turned him down. He said it was a waste not to make money and no one would know. When I refused to take the money, he thought I was strange.
I wanted to clarify the truth to him, but I hesitated because I had just started working there and this is a relatively high-security company. I’d been jobless for six months before I got this job and thought that it was better not to let anybody know I practiced Falun Dafa.
But I reminded myself that I was a practitioner and that it is our responsibility to validate the Fa, clarify the truth, and save sentient beings. I should not overlook any opportunities. I told him that I practiced Falun Dafa and that it teaches people to be good and kind. I told him that Dafa helps people gain good health, that it has been embraced all over the world, and that the CCP staged the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident.
He was very willing to listen so I kept talking. When I explained that millions of Chinese had already quit the CCP and its youth organizations, and I explained why, he gladly agreed to quit.
At work, I follow the standards of a cultivator, and I treat others with kindness. Over these past two years, his position has been vacated and re-filled three times, and I clarified the truth to each of them. They all quit the CCP and its youth organizations.
When I went the tailor’s shop near my house to have a zipper repaired some time ago, I clarified the truth to the owner. He didn’t seem to be listening and I felt bad. Why did he behave that way? Cultivators must look within when we encounter problems. We need to find our attachments and cultivate ourselves to eliminate them. When I looked inward, I discovered I wanted him to quit the CCP quickly so I could claim I’d helped another person quit. With this attachment, how could my words touch him? No wonder the shop owner seemed reluctant to listen.
On December 3, 2020, I visited the tailor’s again. This time, I adjusted my mindset and just focused on clarifying the truth without seeking results. After I entered the shop, two ladies walked in. I felt something was trying to stop me, but I reminded myself that I was there to clarify the truth. At that time, the presidential election had just been held in the United States, so many people were discussing it. I told them about some true happenings that people in China do not normally know.
That afternoon, wisdom seemed to flow out of me like a spring. I spoke for a long time and clarified the truth thoroughly. This time, the shop owner listened and agreed. When I offered to help him quit the CCP, I learned that the older woman had once joined the Youth League while the other woman in her 40s had joined the Party. They all quit! I asked them to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Before they left, the older woman asked if I planned to return to the store the next day. People are yearning to learn the truth.
Dafa is saving people! People are awakening!
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Category: Clarifying the Truth