(Minghui.org) The strict controls and preventative measures disrupted society during the COVID pandemic. The company I worked for required everyone to check their temperature twice daily and we had to take a nucleic acid test frequently.
My cultivation state was also affected. Various human attachments were stirred up and the loopholes in my cultivation were exposed.
Negative Thoughts Cause Tribulations
When the city of Wuhan was locked down at the beginning of 2020, my company adopted a rotational approach and nearly half the staff worked from home. Those who went into the office were required to check their temperature every day and report it to higher-ups at work, while those who worked from home monitored themselves. The environment was tense.
I had a negative thought: What if I developed a fever at work? I would not go to the hospital, but what if the company reported me? One day I heard two crows cawing loudly under the window facing my office. I had another negative thought: Would I be unlucky?
After I took a shower I felt cold. The next morning I had a fever. The fever did not affect my work but that night the fever increased. My body felt like it was on fire and I was thirsty. I kept drinking fluids and I could not sleep. I listened to the lectures of Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) all night.
I began looking within and realized this tribulation was due to my negative thought. I also found many attachments: Resentment, jealousy, competitiveness, looking down on others, pursuit of comfort, not cultivating diligently, etc...
I was also attached to the news and current affairs in everyday society. I speculated on the progress of Master’s Fa-rectification based on the current situation. I did not cultivate well and I barely told others the facts of Falun Dafa. I decided to rectify myself.
I spent most of my time studying the Fa (teachings), doing the exercises, and sending righteous thoughts. But my fever lingered on. I applied to work at home, but there was a problem and I had to return to the office to resolve it. Since I still had a fever, what should I do? At that moment a coworker called from the office. I asked if she could fix the problem and I guided her step-by-step over the phone. The problem was resolved! I felt relieved and grateful for Master’s support. Master saw that my xinxing was not up to par and helped me resolve the issue.
This situation went on for days, but I did not tell my family. At that time, anyone with a fever was reported and would have to quarantine. I knew I did not have COVID, instead I was going through a xinxing test. I felt a lot of pressure and wanted the situation to go away. Since everyone was isolated because of the pandemic, I could not discuss the issue with other practitioners, I could only ask Master for help. One night, when I felt especially miserable I had a dream, Master carried me out of a dark room, and the outside world was sunny and bright.
I had another dream the following night. I told Master what I went through. I also asked Master to enlighten me on why it took me so long to overcome my tribulation. Master replied, “Soon.” The gloom in my heart was instantly lifted, and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. My mood brightened and there are no words to describe the instant relief I felt.
When I woke up the next day, my gloomy mood was gone. By the fourteenth day, the sickness karma was completely eliminated. At this time, the company informed us that we had to return to the office, and there would be no more working from home.
Afterwards I thought about why I was stuck in this sickness karma for so long. I realized that I did not have enough compassion. I thought about the people who died during the pandemic because they had too much karma and they did not believe the truth.
But thinking that way showed I had no compassion. After all, they are lost in delusion and unaware of the truth even though they accumulated so much karma. They are the very ones we need to save!
Through this I also experienced the miracle of Dafa and Master’s protection. Master is around his disciples at all times and his grace is immense. The only way we can repay him is by doing the three things well.
Negative Thoughts Bring Trouble Again
When the lockdown was lifted in December 2022, many people were infected. One day my husband came home with a fever. He took some medicine and went to bed.
As a cultivator, I should not be afraid of infection, but I was terrified. I prepared everything just in case, such as alcohol, masks, and medicine (for the family), rice, noodles, and vegetables.
I knew that because my thoughts were not righteous, my husband was infected. I had no choice but to take care of him and quarantine with him in one room. I made sure the family wore masks and strictly followed everyday people’s measures to protect themselves. Since my husband listened to Master’s lectures during the quarantine, his symptoms were minimal, and he recovered quickly.
I had a dream. I was arrested and taken to a place where many people were lying on a rectangular board like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. I escaped but the bad guys chased after me. I woke up terrified. My upper body felt like it was on fire, I immediately sat up and sent righteous thoughts. I realized that when I was afraid of getting infected, it was as if I was asking for it. My negative thoughts again brought trouble. How could a cultivator be infected? I sent righteous thoughts for over half an hour. My fever disappeared and I was back to normal.
Master told us, “True Dafa disciples have higher energy and are able to destroy karma and germs;” (“Stay Rational”)
Master stated everything so clearly, how could I not pay attention? So I read the Fa, eliminated my negative thoughts, and reinforced my righteous thoughts. I was no longer attached to everyday people’s means of infection prevention. I felt better and much calmer, and I was able to view the situation with righteous thoughts.
Solid Cultivation
After these experiences, I understood why I had negative thoughts. I did not prioritize studying the teachings and my lack of righteous thoughts affected my belief in Master and Dafa.
I intensified my efforts to study the Fa and send righteous thoughts. I read two or three lectures of Zhuan Falun and did all five exercises every day. I also realized that I must pay attention to sending righteous thoughts.
No matter what discomfort I felt, I no longer thought of illness. I paid attention to every thought. By immediately rectifying my thoughts, I feel my righteous thoughts and my belief getting stronger and stronger.
Master said,“And therefore I, your master, removed the names of all Dafa disciples from the ledgers of the Three Realms, of the Human Realm, of the Netherworld, and even of Hell. The lives of Dafa disciples have since been in Dafa’s hands only, and freed from reincarnation; even those with sins are no longer bound for Hell.” (“Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious”)
I was no long worried about tribulations. In fact, my solid cultivation is most important because only then can I remain diligent and fulfill my mission. I am so grateful to Master for his compassion.
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Category: Improving Oneself