(Minghui.org) Practitioner Amy was printing truth-clarification materials at home one day when practitioner Bella arrived. Bella immediately began telling Amy about the fight she had earlier with her mother, who is also a practitioner. She said her mother was selfish and not behaving according to the Fa. She became more and more agitated as she spoke.

Amy wanted to reprimand Bella about her complaining when they suddenly heard a loud sound coming from the printer. Amy hurried over and saw that both printers had stopped working. Bella seemed to understand and stopped talking.

Amy restarted the printer after Bella left but only one printer returned to normal. Amy thought to herself, “Printers used by Falun Dafa practitioners are not normal printers. I must communicate with it.”

Amy calmed down and started talking to the printer, “The practitioner who was here earlier was complaining and making accusations, thus those negative things seem to have affected you. Thank you for reminding us to distinguish and resist those bad beings and factors. Both the practitioner and I understand and have rectified ourselves. We urgently need to save people and need you to continue cooperating with Falun Dafa practitioners to print even more materials to save sentient beings. You will also receive virtue for those sentient beings that will be saved!”

Amy then switched on the printer again and the printer showed the normal interface when turned on. Everything was normal again!

After Amy shared the incident with the local Fa-study group, fellow practitioners felt that it was a miracle.

Printers and tools used to produce truth-clarifying materials have been used as evidence by the local authorities to persecute practitioners. Through Amy’s experience, I have completely changed my mind, and now think that these tools used to produce truth-clarifying materials, are suppressing the evil in the other dimension, and radiating light. It is a precious weapon for practitioners, and in addition to righteous thoughts, in crucial moments can suppress the evil.

A practitioner whose celestial eye is opened once saw a string of Falun flying in another dimension while producing truth-clarification DVDs. The Falun can divide infinitely and be brought together again. The room used for producing the DVDs was also radiating light. The practitioner said, “It turns out that even the truth-clarification DVDs are magical!”

A practitioner was arrested while distributing truth-clarification calendars in a market. The police ransacked his house and confiscated more than 100 calendars and truth-clarification materials. Some practitioners were worried that the practitioner would be sentenced due to the large amount of “evidence,” but the practitioner thought otherwise, “These calendars are “divine thunder” used for saving people. I haven’t had the chance to go to the police station in the past. This is good. With all this ‘divine thunder’ in the police station, it can eliminate the evil here.” The practitioner used his righteous thoughts to command the “divine thunder” to eliminate the evil. As the practitioner was righteous, the police couldn’t do anything to him.

It is just like what Master has said:

“...And human notions change,The degenerate things purged,Brightness now shines forth.”(“Born Anew,” Hong Yin)

The above is my personal understanding. If there is anything inappropriate, please kindly point it out.