(Minghui.org) Greetings, compassionate Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 and I’m now 68 years old. I live in the countryside and I only attended elementary school for three years. I would have died long ago if I hadn’t practiced Falun Dafa.

Learning All the Words in Zhuan Falun

Before I began practicing I had liver and stomach problems, enteritis, headaches, and other ailments. I went to many hospitals, big and small, for treatments, but none of them were able to cure my illnesses. I couldn’t take care of myself and thought about committing suicide.

A friend suggested, “Why don’t you practice Falun Dafa? The practice is very good, and can help resolve illnesses and improve health.” I decided to try and went to the practice site. I got a copy of Zhuan Falun.

I could only read a few words in the book. I wrote down the words I couldn’t read and asked practitioners to help me, which they enthusiastically did. With Master’s blessing and practitioners’ help, I was able to read all the words in Zhuan Falun.

I followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance and my diseases disappeared. I was able to work in the fields, and my temper improved. My husband was very happy! Seeing my transformation, neighbors and villagers came to learn Falun Dafa, and my home became a place for practitioners to study the Fa and practice the exercises. That was a blissful period in our lives.

Twists and Turns

Things changed after Jiang Zemin, the former leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), launched the persecution of Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. I was frightened because I knew the CCP was evil. I lived through the Cultural Revolution. My parents were denounced, humiliated, beaten, and forced to wear the pointy hat in public. My father was tormented to the point of wanting to die, and I hated the CCP from then on.

Because my home was a Fa study and exercise site, the local police thought I was the leader. The commune secretary, police officers, and the brigade secretary broke into my home in the middle of the night, and demanded that I stop practicing. They said if I didn’t follow their orders, they would not allow my daughter to go to school. They threatened to confiscate my family’s contracted land, and ban my husband from doing business.

My daughter was terrified and cried. I was also afraid and lost my righteous thoughts. I said things about Master that I wasn’t supposed to, and I would like to apologize to Master and Dafa here. I’m an unworthy practitioner, but Master did not give up on me. He continued to compassionately watch over me. My tears are flowing as I write this article.

Not long after, the police officers tricked me and took me to the brainwashing center, but I was not afraid this time. There were many practitioners at the center. We encouraged each other, firmly resisted the vicious treatment, and talked to the perpetrators about Falun Dafa. Under Master’s protection, I was unconditionally released fifty days later. When I returned home, I stepped up my effort to study the Fa and continued to talk to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Maintaining Righteous Thoughts

We went in groups to send forth righteous thoughts near the prison and the detention center to help practitioners who were confined. We also sent righteous thoughts near the court when practitioners where illegally tried.

The police arrested four practitioners on the spot, so we searched inward. We realized that we didn’t pay attention to our safety, and we chatted and laughed on the way there, so the bad elements took advantage of our loopholes.

I wasn’t afraid and had a thought, “Master please help me! I have many copies of Minghui Weekly at home.” The police didn’t see me and I got home safely.

It was like what Master said in “Master-Disciple Grace,”

“Disciples’ righteous thoughts are strongMaster has the power to turn the tide”(Hong Yin Volume II, Translation Version B)

Many similar things happened, and each time I got away under Master’s protection. I’m so fortunate to have Master looking over me!

Let Go of the Desire For Gain

There was a strong wind one day, and a tree in our yard was blown onto my neighbor’s house and damaged part of the structure. The neighbor wanted us to pay for the damage, but my family didn’t want to. I explained to my family that things happen for a reason, and Master said,

“Not stressing gain, a benevolent righteous person” (“Being a Human,” Hong Ying, Translation Version B)

Being a practitioner I should follow Master’s teaching, thus I paid for the damage.

There was another strong wind a year later that blew my neighbor’s metal roof tile over our house and fell outside of our courtyard. The tile broke a large ginkgo tree in our yard and damaged a section of our courtyard wall. Although our house was untouched, my husband wanted the neighbor to pay for the tree and the wall.

When I didn’t agree with my husband, he said, “We paid for their damage, so why shouldn’t they pay us for our damage?” I explained, “They are not practitioners, but I’m a practitioner, so I should hold myself to higher standards. Isn’t it amazing that Master protected us and our house was not touched?”

My husband didn’t ask our neighbor to pay for the damage and they were happy about it. We have a good relationship now. I wouldn’t be so kind to them if I were not a practitioner. Having Master’s protection is such a blessing!

Don’t Lower Ourselves to Other People’s Level

My daughter was doing business with a partner, and was cheated out of several hundred thousands of yuan. She was very angry when she came home, and my first thought was, “This is not an accident.” So I told her, “It’s okay. Maybe you owed that person in your previous life. Just think of it as paying off your debt!”

I also explained to her, “I’m a practitioner. I follow Master’s teachings and don’t lower myself to other people’s level.” My daughter thought about it and agreed. She had faith in Master, and has always believed that “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Master Protected My Husband

My husband was riding home one day on his motorcycle, the handlebar suddenly swerved, and he drove straight to the river. He instantly remembered what I told him and recited, “The Fa rectifies the cosmos, the Evil is completely eliminated.” (Note: This is the Fa-rectification verses for practitioners when sending forth righteous thoughts)

The motorcycle straightened up immediately, and my husband came home safely. After hearing the story, I said Master protected him and that he should thank Master. I was glad my husband had faith in Dafa.

Something else happened in the summer of 2022. My husband made braised vegetables for my daughter and was about to bring it downstairs. He lost his balance and fell. My daughter heard a loud “bang” in the kitchen, and thought something must have happened to my husband.

She ran to the kitchen and saw my husband lying on the floor. He said that, because I offered Master incense earlier, he was fine. Can you imagine a pot of hot soup spilled all over you in the heat of summer? I was surprised to see the pool of hot broth around my husband and yet he was not hurt. My husband quickly yelled, “Long live Master Li! Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

My husband has been supportive of Falun Dafa and believes in Master. He often helps me with my truth-clarification work.

There were so many things I want to tell you, but it took a lot of effort to write this article. I had put it down in the middle of it, but I remembered what Master said,

“...When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

I started to hand copy Zhuan Falun, Hong Yin, and Essentials for Further Advancement, and finished doing it before I wrote this article. If I didn’t know how to write a certain word, I looked it up. I was going to ask practitioners to help me, but they were busy with truth clarification work.

I finally finished writing this article with Master’s help. My writing is not fluent, and some of my expressions may not be in line with the Fa, so please kindly correct me.

I still need to improve in many areas, and I’m far from reaching Master’s requirements. But I’m determined to make the most of my time, study the Fa well, search inward, be more diligent, and awaken more people.

Once again, I am grateful to Master for his compassionate deliverance! Thank you to the practitioners who helped me!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)