(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 is the 25th World Falun Dafa Day and the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction. Several Members of Parliament sent letters of support for Falun Dafa.
Senator Giulio Terzi Posts a Message on Twitter
Senator Giulio Terzi
Post from Senator Giulio Terzi
He wrote in the post, “On the occasion of the 32nd World Falun Gong Day, I would like to express my admiration and support for your movement which is founded on the principles of truth, compassion, tolerance. I would like to share my sympathy and solidarity with you for the unspeakable oppression you have suffered from the Chinese Communist Party for 25 years.
“The decision of the Beijing authorities to outlaw Falun Gong, accusing practitioners of spreading a heretical doctrine that puts social order at risk, is one of the most serious abuses perpetrated by the CCP which, in fact, knows only one way to guarantee this order: widespread and violent control, even online, through disinformation and shameful falsehoods spread against you. In reality, it is your movement that demonstrates integrity and the ability to communicate through unmatched discipline and art that represents the values of the China we love.
“It was May 13, 1992 when the founder of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Hongzhi, began to spread the teachings of the practice. A simple word of mouth that gradually attracted thousands of citizens from every corner of the country, bringing tangible benefits both in terms of containing healthcare spending and reducing the crime rate. It seemed that, through Falun Gong, a very significant part of the population had reconnected with their origins and their spirituality.
“In 2001, Freedom House awarded Li Hongzhi the International Religious Freedom Award—a wise and timely decision in defense of freedom of religion or belief. Today, this type of recognition must be expressed with equal vigor by the most authoritative European bodies in order to ensure and disseminate precise information on the values that Falun Gong embodies.
“I would like to congratulate all of you, as I have done in recent months, also for the great gift you give to the numerous audiences who follow you in Italy and in other countries for the wonderful dance performances brought on stage by Shen Yun, which remember and demonstrate the great vitality that must continue to express Chinese tradition and culture.”
Letter from Pietrangelo Massaro, Deputy Secretary-General of Force Italia Roma and Vice-President of the 12th Municipal Assembly
Mr. Pietrangelo Massaro wrote, “Declaration for World Falun Dafa Day, May 13, 2024
“From the first day I met Falun Gong practitioners many years ago, I understood the importance of this practice for the whole world. It is a way of being, a way of living and of conceiving life, which is based on a key concept, that of love, mutual love, love towards everyone.
“I therefore consider the persecution that Falun Gong practitioners have suffered for years from the Chinese Communist Party to be unacceptable and to be condemned at all levels, and I once again ask the international community to assume the responsibility of putting pressure on the Chinese political institutions to let this persecution end as soon as possible, and to allow Falun Gong practitioners to be able to live their spiritual life and daily life in complete freedom and serenity.
“I take this opportunity to send happy birthday wishes to Master Li Hongzhi and of course also to all the millions of Falun Gong practitioners around the world, so that today can be a day of peace, love, serenity and also of rebirth, because this is what this practice and those who believe in it deserve.”
Letter from Milan City Councilor Francesco Rocca
Councilor Francesco Rocca of Milan City
The letter reads, “The principles of Falun Dafa, Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, are universal; the drama experienced by the followers of this discipline of love for others and peace cannot be ignored by the International Community.
“The Chinese Communist Party has persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners for 25 years; it is necessary, from Italy and Europe, to continue to give support to the thousands of people who follow this discipline, this positive lifestyle, publicly condemning the Chinese communist government and its ferocious persecution.”
Letter from Marco Respinti, Editor-in-Chief of Bitter Winter, a Magazine on Religious Freedom and Human Rights
Marco Respinti, Editor-in-Chief of Bitter Winter
Letter from Marco Respinti, Editor-in-Chief of Bitter Winter
Marco Respinti wrote, “Thousands of practitioners around the world have benefited from this path, which makes universal harmony and mutual understanding the key to achieving personal happiness and, thus, world peace.
“Every well-meaning person, who truly cares about the society we live in and the fate of the society that often makes us suffer, can't help but care for Falun Gong practitioners who have the same experience and are going through difficult times.
“In fact, the Falun Gong community is severely persecuted in the People’s Republic of China, which constitutes an intolerable shame internationally.
“But today is a day worth celebrating, a great celebration, and negative thoughts, along with foreboding and sad reflections, even if they are true, must be put aside at least for a while. May today be a peaceful and happy day for Falun Gong, celebrating the anniversary of Falun Gong. On the same day, I also wish the founder of Falun Gong a happy birthday.”
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Category: Dafa Day Recognition