(Minghui.org) May 13 marked the 25th World Falun Dafa Day and the 32nd anniversary of the practice’s introduction to the public, as well as the birthday of Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder.
Elected officials at all levels celebrate this occasion with proclamations and congratulatory letters. Here are some examples.
(Continued from Part 1)
Huge banner worded “Falun Dafa Is Good” in Chinese and English flew above New York on May 13, 2024 to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.
Over 40 New York State Officials Issue Proclamations, Citations, or Letters
More than 40 elected officials in New York State issued proclamations or letters to honor Falun Dafa Day and Falun Dafa Month, praising the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. They also thanked practitioners for their contributions to the communities.
Honorable Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes, Majority Leader, New York State Assembly, issued a citation, which commends Master Li, “The impact his lectures had on the society was so profound, that the practice spread very rapidly by word of mouth alone; by 1998, it was estimated that one hundred million people had taken up the practice in China.
“Falun Dafa is a practice which has brought health and inner peace to millions around the world.”
Citation from Honorable Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes, majority leader, New York State Assembly.
Eight state senators, as well as mayors of the City of Albany and neighboring City of Schenectady, the City of Middletown in Orange County, and the City of Glen Cove in Long Island, presiding officer of the Suffolk County Legislature, legislators of the Suffolk County Legislature, the Office of the County Executive of Erie, the seven town government officials in the Town of Baylon, mayor of the Town of Smithtown, supervisor of the Town of Wallkill, and Joseph C. Borelli, minority leader of New York City Council, District 51, and Sandra Ung, member of New York City Council, District 20, honored Falun Dafa Day.
Assemblyman Patrick Burke of New York State Assembly proclaimed May 13, 2024 as World Falun Dafa Day in the 142nd District in the State of New York.
Eight members of the New York State Senate issued proclamations and letters to the Falun Dafa Association in New York in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day. Top row from left: Andrea Stewart-Cousins representing the District 35, Andrew J.Lanza representing the 24th District, James Skoufis representing the 42nd District, Pamela A. Helming representing the 54th District, Patrick M.Gallivan representing the 60th District, Monica R. Martinez representing the 4th District, Jack Martins representing the 7th District, Jake Ashby representing the 43rd District
County executives issued proclamations and letters to mark the occasion. From left to right: County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus of Orange County, District Attorney David M. Hoovler of Orange County, County Executive Bruce A. Blakeman of Nassau County, and County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz of Erie County.
Over 20 Elected Officials in Pennsylvania Recognize Falun Dafa Day
Six state senators and eight members of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, Mayor of Philadelphia, Mayor of Pittsburgh, County Executive of Allegheny, County Councilors, Philadelphia City Council President, and city councilors issued proclamations or letters to honor World Falun Dafa Day.
Practitioners in the greater Philadelphia area held activities on Saturday, May 11, 2024, on Independence Square, a famous historic attraction, to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction. Philadelphia City Council member Mark Squilla read the Philadelphia City Council’s proclamation for Falun Dafa Day at the event. Commenting on Mr. Li Hongzhi, Councilman Squilla said, “He gave not only Philadelphians, but the whole world the opportunity to be able to build that peace of mind and then to promote [Falun Dafa] not only in Philadelphia, but in Pennsylvania and throughout the country.”
Pennsylvania State Senators Jay Costa, Devlin Robinson, Lindsey Williams, Camera Bartolotta, Anthony William Anthony Williams, and Pat Stefano; Members of the General Assembly: Mary Isaacson, Robert M. Mercur, Robert M.mercur (Mandy Steele), Ryan A. Bizzarr, Lindsay Powell, Robert E. Merski, Nickolas Pisciottano, Nickolas Pisciottano, and Joshua Kail; Mayor Cherelle Parker of the City of Philadelphia; Mayor Ed Gainey of the City of Pittsburgh; Allegheny County Council Members Patrick J. Catena and Bob Macey, President Kenyatta Johnson of Philadelphia City Council, council members Mark Squilla and Jim Harrity of the Philadelphia City Council.
Philadelphia City Councilman Mark Squilla (right) presented the city council’s proclamation on May 11, 2024.
City Council member Jim Harrity, who co-signed the Philadelphia City Council’s Falun Dafa Day Citation, wished everyone a happy Falun Dafa Day.
Elected Officials in Maryland Mark the Occasion
Four State senators and delegates of Maryland, county executive of Anne Arundel County, county executive of Baltimore County, and mayor of Baltimore City issued proclamations to honor Falun Dafa Day.
From left to right and from top to bottom: Susan C. Lee, Maryland State Secretary, Adrienne A. Jones, speaker of the House of Delegates of Maryland, State Senators Joanne Bendon, Benjamin F. Kramer, and Katie Fry Hester, Delegate Andrea Fletcher Harrison, County Executive Steuart L. Pittman of Anne Arundel County, Mayor Brandon M. Scott of Baltimore City, and County Executive John A. Olszewski Jr. of Baltimore County.
Missouri State Legislators and Practitioners Celebrate Falun Dafa Day
Sponsors of a House and Senate courtesy resolution take a group photo with Missouri Falun Dafa practitioners while presenting the recognition for World Falun Dafa Day at the reception on May 7, 2024. Resolution sponsors, from left to right (beginning behind practitioner holding resolution): Rep. Bennie Cook, Rep. Tara Peters, Sen. Tracy McCreery, Rep. Willard Haley, Rep. Don Mayhew, Rep. Jim Kalberloh.
A World Falun Dafa Day celebration took place at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri on May 7, 2024. Falun Dafa practitioners from various parts of the state came together and hosted a reception to celebrate the occasion, along with many state legislators, staff members, and visitors.
State Senator Tracy McCreery issued a courtesy resolution honoring World Falun Dafa Day and House Representative Tara Peters’ courtesy resolution for the occasion was co-sponsored by seven additional representatives. Most of the resolution sponsors were able to attend the reception to present the resolutions and visit with Falun Dafa practitioners from their districts.
Texas State Representatives and Mayors of Six Cities Proclaim Falun Dafa Day
Jacey Jetton, state representative of Texas
Resolution from Representative Jacey Jetton
Jacey Jetton, state representative of Texas, District 26, issued a resolution in May 2024 to recognize “World Falun Dafa Day.”
Six Cities in Dallas Area Proclaim Falun Dafa Day
Mayor Nick Stanley of the City of Aledo
Proclamation from Mayor Nick Stanley of the City of Aledo
Mayor Jason Roberson of the City of Forney
Proclamation from Mayor Jason Roberson of the City of Forney
Mayor William D. Tate of the City of Grapevine
Proclamation from Mayor William D. Tate of the City of Grapevine
Mayor TJ Gilmore of the City of Lewisville
Proclamation from Mayor TJ Gilmore of the City of Lewisville
Mayor Curtis J. Cornelious of the City of Little Elm
Proclamation from Mayor Curtis J. Cornelious of the City of Little Elm
Mayor George Fuller of the City of McKinney
Proclamation from Mayor George Fuller of the City of McKinney
Mayor of Saint Paul Proclaims Falun Dafa Day
Mayor Melvin Carter of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota State, proclaimed May 13, 2024, “Falun Dafa Day” in the city.
Mayor Melvin Carter of Saint Paul and his proclamation
Mayors of Five Cities in Colorado State Proclaim Falun Dafa Day
Five cities in Colorado, including Aurora, Centennial, Fort Collins, Loveland, and Westminster, proclaimed May 13, 2024, as World Falun Dafa Day, commending the benefits of the practice for individuals and the community.
Illinois, USA: State Representative Writes to Honor Falun Dafa
State Representative Barbara Hernandez
Letter from State Representative Barbara Hernandez
State Representative Barbara Hernandez wrote to extend her congratulations to local practitioners on their efforts to promote Falun Dafa’s values in the community. She stated, “I commend you for upholding these principles even in the face of challenges and adversity. Your resilience serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement for all of us striving to live with integrity and kindness.”
U.S. House Representative Mike Carey from Ohio and Five Cities in Ohio State Proclaim Falun Dafa Day
Representative Mike Carey and his proclamation
Mayor Cathy McGrail of the City of Englewood, Mayor Lee A. Gray of the City of Pickerington, Mayor Jeffrey Mims, Jr. of the City of Dayton, Mayor Diana K. Nelson of the City of Mason, and Cynthia Vermilion, President of the Hilliard City Council proclaimed May 13 as Falun Dafa Day.
Mayor Lee A. Gray of the City of Pickerington, Ohio and his proclamation
Michigan, USA: State Senator Issues a Special Tribute to Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day
State Senator Mark E. Huizenga and his Special Tribute
Mark E. Huizenga, State Senator, issued a special tribute to commemorate World Falun Dafa Day in April 2024. The Special Tribute reads, in part:
“LET IT BE KNOWN, that it is a pleasure and a privilege to honor the 32nd World Falun Dafa Day on May 13, 2024. This day marks a significant milestone in recognizing the immeasurable contributions Falun Dafa has made to individuals worldwide, including here in Michigan.”
Nebraska, U.S.: Mayor of Omaha Proclaims Falun Dafa Week
Mayor Jean Stothert of the City of Omaha and her proclamationJean Stothert, mayor of the City of Omaha, proclaimed May 13-20, 2024, Falun Dafa Week.
South Carolina, US: Mayor of Greer City Proclaims Falun Dafa Day
Mayor Rick Danner of the City of Greer and his proclamation
Rick Danner, mayor of Greer City, proclaimed May 13, 2024 Falun Dafa Day in the city.
(The End)
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Category: Dafa Day Recognition