(Minghui.org) I’ve observed that many Dafa practitioners who are experiencing sickness tribulation have resentment in their mind. This applies to some practitioners who passed away. I would like to share my understanding on this topic.

One holds resentment when one feels having been treated unfairly, or when one is unable to overcome hardships. The more one thinks about it, the angrier one may get. If we can remember the Fa at that moment, we can set aside such a wrong mentality, and the problem will be resolved immediately. The test will be passed and karma eliminated.

Master said,

“In cultivation, there may be two scenarios when dealing with specific conflicts or when others treat you badly. One is that you might have treated this person badly in your previous life. You feel in your heart that it is unfair, “How can this person treat me like this?” Then why did you treat this person that way in the past? You might claim that you actually did not know it at that time, and this lifetime has nothing to do with another lifetime, but that won’t do.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

In many sharing articles published on the Minghui website, many practitioners eliminate resentment by remembering this part of Master’s teaching. Those who cannot let go of their resentment were not thinking as practitioners should. They did not look within; instead, they looked outward. This was caused by their not genuinely cultivating themselves. As they repeatedly stumble, their resentment may accumulate, eventually causing them to develop sickness karma or attract other troubles.

Master said, 

“With Buddhism in particular, if you search for external help, you are said to have taken a demonic way.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

The above words touched me deeply. Not looking within and searching for outside help is walking a demonic path. I constantly remind myself to reflect on my own shortcomings instead of blaming others.

I noticed that resentment is part of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) indoctrination. There was an example in the book, Getting Rid of Chinese Communist Party Culture: How do people from China and Taiwan react if the room feels too warm? A Taiwanese kindly suggests: “The room is very warm, do you mind me opening the windows?” People from China are more likely to show annoyance and blame others: “Why aren’t the windows open? It’s so hot.”

The CCP’s indoctrination affects people’s logic. These characteristics present themselves as being aggressive and unkind, which is in line with the demonic way. As cultivators living in China, we must pay attention to resentment, and not let it expand in our dimension. We must eliminate it completely.

I used to get upset when people criticized me or talked about me behind my back. I would grind my teeth whenever I thought of them. After re-reading the book Getting Rid of Chinese Communist Party Culture, I realized that their behavior is part of the CCP’s indoctrination. They grew up brainwashed, so this is all they know. I now look at them with pity in my heart, and I no longer get mad at them.

There is no compassion when resentment arises. Cultivators must be acutely aware of this kind of sentimentality. I usually pay a lot of attention to lust and greed because Master repeatedly mentioned these attachments. I recently realized that resentment cannot be ignored. Of course, as cultivators, we must eliminate all our attachments. We must disintegrate them, keep our actions righteous, and maintain a compassionate and righteous mindset.