(Minghui.org) Practitioners held a signature drive to end the persecution and stop the live organ harvesting which targets Falun Dafa practitioners in China at Plaza Catalunya in the center of Barcelona on July 6, 2024. Tourists from various countries and local residents signed the petition.
Tourists from around the world signed a petition to support practitioners in their efforts to end the persecution during an event at Plaza Catalunya, Barcelona on July 6, 2024.
Barcelona, a famous tourist destination, attracts visitors from around the world with its international charm. Plaza Catalunya is located in the center of Barcelona. It is the starting point of La Rambla, which is known as one of the most beautiful boulevards in Europe. Surrounded by high-rise buildings, the plaza is bustling with people and tourists all day long. Every weekend, Falun Dafa practitioners set up an information tent to tell people about the beauty of the spiritual discipline and collect signatures on a petition to end the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) brutal persecution of practitioners.
“The inhumane crime of live organ harvesting must be stopped”
Mateusz Wojnarowski from Poland
Mateusz Wojnarowski from Poland, a former communist country, is well aware of the evil of communism. He was shocked and outraged when he heard about the CCP’s brutal persecution and the crime of live organ harvesting from Falun Dafa practitioners. He immediately signed the petition.
Ms. Garcia and Ms. Cobo. Ms. Garcia said live organ harvesting must be stopped.
Ms. Garcia and Ms. Cobo stopped in front of the booth and read the display boards. Ms. Garcia explained that a Korean friend told her about China and North Korea, and that these two countries are dictatorships where people do not have the most basic freedom of belief. After seeing the fliers, she said that the CCP is even more evil. “It has committed such an inhumane crime of live organ harvesting. This is absolutely intolerable and must be stopped!”
Tourists from Israel, Yotam, Mika and Tomer are proud of their country’s righteous decision to ban its citizens from organ transplant tourism.
Three young tourists from Israel, Yotam, Mika, and Tomer, signed the petition. When they learned that their country prohibits its citizens from engaging in organ transplant tourism, they said they were very proud of their country’s righteousness.
“May God be with you!”
Janet from Colombia said that she watched some documentary films, read many articles about human rights in China, and knew the Communist Party is very cruel to Chinese people. She admires the practitioners’ kindness, bravery, and courage to uphold their beliefs. She signed the petition and said, “I hope my signature can be seen by those suffering in China, so that they know I support them. May God be with you! Let’s work together!”
“We will help you spread the truth!”
Vincente and his wife Cristina came to the information booth and signed a petition. Vincente said that he knew people in China do not have freedom of belief, but he had never heard of organ harvesting. He told a practitioner, “I hope you achieve your wish soon! We will help you spread the truth!”
Aiden Flynn and his two sons are from Ireland. He said he had previously heard about the persecution in China. After learning more at the information booth, he explained to his two children and encouraged them to sign the petition.
Mr. Francesco, a local resident, and his friend from Italy Mr. Gaetano, who was on vacation, read the display boards. Mr. Gaetano said, “The Communist Party is a religious organization, and it is a cult. It is Satan who wants human souls to follow it, so this explains why it indulges bad people in doing evil while constantly killing good people.”
After they signed the petition, Gaetano added, “We strongly support the disintegration of the CCP, and we also very much hope that the Chinese people can regain their freedom!”
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