(Minghui.org) I married my husband, who has two teenage children, two years ago. At the time he had practiced Falun Dafa for 13 years, having gone through thick and thin to raise his children. Today, his 15-year-old son is no longer studying Falun Dafa, but he knows Dafa is good and raises awareness to his friends at school about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.

His 13-year-old daughter had suffered from cerebral palsy when she was little. Under Master’s protection, she was not left with any serious aftereffects, except for some learning disabilities. Both children followed us to the practice site regularly and helped distribute leaflets.

As his daughter grew up, she was influenced by corrupt moral concepts and began to behave badly. It was difficult for her to distinguish between right and wrong. My husband explained to her what a good person would do, but she didn’t quite understand.

It occurred to me that she might like the fairy tale, The Lotus Tale, written by a fellow practitioner. My husband and I read the book to her despite her age. To our surprise, not only did she enjoy the story, but she also understood the principles and frequently asked us to read it to her.

The Lotus Tale tells the story of a lotus seed’s journey after falling into a mysterious dark lake. Traveling through the Dark World, the Gray World, and the Mud World, the lotus ultimately returns to the surface of the water. 

In those mysterious worlds, the little seed encounters a crocodile, a frog, and a worm, representing evil, dishonesty, and laziness, respectively. The little seed overcomes all the hardships using the three treasures of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. 

One day, when I was editing an eight-year-old practitioner’s cultivation experience sharing for Minghui Radio, my stepdaughter heard how the young practitioner improved her xinxing in accordance with the Fa’s requirements and was impressed. She said, “Auntie, I want to write a story too.” When I asked her what she was going to write, she said she wanted to share a lesson she'd learned from her wrongdoings.

She'd recently taken her brother’s money without permission and spent it at school. We grounded her and told her it was not okay. We told her how far it was from Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

The following was the article she wrote: 

“Falun Dafa is beneficial to everyone. We live in a muddy world and need to return to our home in the clouds. There is a place there where we can live in peace, where there are no crocodiles, no fat frogs, and no worms. The Little Lotus, which is me, will use the three treasures of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to solve the problems that come my way.

“Falun Dafa practitioners are distributing pamphlets and posters, telling people what the Chinese Communist Party is doing [persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners since 1999]. They are letting everyone know it is an important matter, because people need to have a bright future.

“When I stole my brother’s money, I made a big mistake. I was thinking beforehand, ‘Is it right to steal my brother’s money?’ I kept thinking and thinking, but I still did the wrong thing. Afterward, I knew I was wrong, I felt guilty, and I was grounded.

“I now understand that by stealing my brother’s money, I was like the crocodile in the story. It is not limited to money, it is also about anything that doesn’t belong to us. It is very important that we ask others first. 

“I know I should be like Little Lotus, and I will never do it again.”

Thank you, Master!