(Minghui.org) I obtained the Fa in 1997 and have walked my cultivation path under the protection and guidance of Master. I will share my cultivation experiences in doing the three things and exchange insights with other practitioners. 

Emphasize Fa Study, Cultivate with the Guidance of the Fa

In the early stages of studying the Fa, I focused on studying Zhuan FalunEssentials for Further Advancement, and other Fa teachings. When Master’s scripture “Melt Into the Fa” was published, I thought if I memorized the Fa and constantly demanded of myself using the Fa, wouldn’t I assimilate to the Fa? At that time, I only memorized some short scriptures and Hong Yin. Later, I went through memorizing Zhuan Falun twice but didn’t continue further.

Beginning in 2008, I began memorizing Master’s lectures given in different regions (from 2007 to 2011), totaling six lectures, with one lecture memorized each day. Since “Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa” is rather long, I would spend two days memorizing it each time, ensuring that I would recite through these six scriptures weekly, a practice I have maintained to this day. I would also recite Zhuan Falun every day. After Hong Yin VI was published, I’ve been reciting two poems every day.

In my cultivation, the person who has been most helpful to me is my husband. Because I didn’t cultivate well, I was illegally sentenced to a year of forced labor in 2001. I also suffered persecution for appealing for Dafa. The persecution caused him significant stress and harm, which led to him harboring resentment toward me. At that time, I didn’t truly empathize with his perspective, nor did I consider the challenges he faced while taking care of our children, managing the household, and maintaining his job amidst scrutiny from others. I just thought that there was nothing wrong with me cultivating; he should stand by my side and understand me. When he didn’t, I thought he lacked righteous thoughts. Looking back, I realize these were manifestations of my own selfishness and shortcomings.

Through reciting the Fa, whenever negative thoughts surfaced in my mind, I could immediately recognize and rectify them. I came to understand that our habitual thinking, not aligned with the Fa, was the old forces’ arrangement. We must closely monitor our every thought; the process of cultivation is the process of negating the old forces and assimilating to the Fa. Without frequent Fa study, I wouldn’t even be aware of the thoughts arising in my mind. Only through studying and memorizing the Fa extensively can my righteous thoughts become stronger.

My usual approach is to remind myself constantly of the Fa principles when I am facing problems; I should approach people with compassion. If someone else hasn’t done something properly, I would silently take care of it myself. I often reminded myself not to judge others. In the past when I saw others’ shortcomings, I would not reflect on myself. Now, I demand this of myself and have truly discovered many of my own shortcomings, which I rectify.

Another thing was that when I was at fault, I would be reluctant to apologize to others. It was hard for me to say “I’m sorry, I was wrong”. Later, if I made a mistake again, I would force myself to say I am sorry. Once I did it the first time, it became easier thereafter. There was one occasion while buying tofu, I saw a customer ordering tofu, and the server cut a piece for her. The customer said it was too much, which made the server unhappy. The customer immediately apologized, saying it was her fault for not being clear, and the server smiled right away. I was surprised to see what was happening, wasn’t it a lesson for me? A sincere apology can resolve conflicts, learning to apologize is crucial. Sometimes, when faced with a situation, I didn’t know what to do. I would calm down and think about how to act according to the Fa, from the standpoint of doing good for others and being kind, then I would do well.

Through studying and memorizing the Fa, the profound principles of each layer were revealed to me. I came to understand the greatness of Master more and more, the profoundness of Dafa, and my own insignificance. Therefore, I would often remind myself to respect Master and Dafa, to be grateful for all that Master does, to humble myself, to treat all beings kindly, and to treat other practitioners kindly.

As we all know, once we have improved in our cultivation, Master will separate that layer for us. So what remains visible is what we haven’t yet rectified. We must constantly rectify ourselves. Over many years, especially since the beginning of the persecution on July 20, 1999, when it was rampant, without Master’s guidance and protection, who could have made it through? Everything we have is given by Master, including the ability of Dafa practitioners to save sentient beings.

Clarifying the Truth, Save Sentient Beings

Since the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Dafa practitioners have been involved in face-to-face truth clarification and encouraging people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). With Master’s strengthening and the efforts of Dafa practitioners, over 400 million people have now quit the CCP, thereby receiving salvation from Dafa. Every time we went out to clarify the truth, we would encounter predestined people.

Once, while waiting at a pedestrian crossing, I stood next to a student. I asked her what grade she was in, and she said she was in the ninth grade. I asked if she had joined the Youth League, and she said she hadn’t. I then asked if she had worn the red scarf, and she said she had. I suggested she quit it for her safety, explaining that when she joined, she made a pledge, and there’s a mark on her forehead that Gods and Buddhas can see. Agreeing to quit would remove this mark, and with divine protection, she could avoid the current pandemic. She agreed. I told her to remember that Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. 

One time, I encountered an elderly person in a residential area whose eyebrows were unusually long and wide. I remarked: “Your eyebrows are so long, they’re like longevity eyebrows. How old are you?” He replied: “I’m 78 years old.” I asked him if he had retired and if he still paid CCP member dues. He said he had stopped paying and had submitted a statement to quit the CCP. I said: “That’s truly foresighted. The CCP has done many evil deeds and brought calamity to the Chinese people.” I continued: “Submitting the withdrawal application is for people to see, but truly withdrawing from your heart is seen by Gods and Buddhas, who will bless you to avoid disasters.” He smiled and said: “Okay, thank you.” I told him to remember that Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. He agreed and quit the CCP using his real name.

Years ago, when a practitioner and I were clarifying the truth in a park, I met someone I didn’t recognize. He greeted me: “Haven’t seen you in a long time”. Sensing he was a predestined person, I asked his surname. He said Li. I asked: “Aren’t you Mr. Li?” He confirmed. I inquired if he had retired, and he had. I asked if he was still paying CCP member dues, and he said yes. I suggested he quit the CCP for his safety, as many people were quitting now, he agreed. I told him to remember, Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. He agreed.

I shared this experience with other practitioners, and they also found it quite miraculous. It’s Master who brought predestined people to us to save them. During truth clarification, I’ve encountered several instances where people said to me: “How did you know my name?” It turned out that the nicknames I chose for them happened to match their real names.

Sending Righteous Thoughts

Sending righteous thoughts is very important among the three things that practitioners should do. Besides the four global times for sending righteous thoughts each day, I would do it twice in the morning and three times in the afternoon. Every night before going to bed, I would send righteous thoughts for half an hour. Sometimes, when I felt my state wasn’t good, I would send righteous thoughts anytime to adjust myself to the right state.

I am grateful for Master’s salvation. With a heart full of gratitude, I will continue to do the three things well.