(Minghui.org) My daughter introduced me to Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, when I moved to England eight years ago. I was almost 80 years old at that time and suffered from several illnesses, for which I took lots of medications.

After I read the book, I understood many things that I had thought about but could not find the answer to. I began learning the exercises, and after one month, all my illnesses were gone! It was amazing! I was so glad that I no longer needed to take any medicine. Since then, I have not taken another pill.

I experienced the wonder of Dafa! I realized it was Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, who saved me. I am deeply grateful to Master. This spiritual practice is so wonderful and I am fortunate to be able to be a practitioner! I will cherish it always. In addition to doing the exercises, I also study the Fa daily. Even though I began practicing because of my illnesses, I know that Dafa is not just for healing and fitness. It has deep meanings, helping cultivators reach high realms of spiritual attainment.

My daughter and I get up before 4 a.m. every day to do the five sets of exercises together. We also study the Fa online with fellow practitioners, send forth righteous thoughts and memorize Fa whenever we have time.

While sitting in meditation with my legs crossed, my previous sciatic nerve pain appeared after 30 minutes. The pain was unbearable and also triggered back and knee pain, but no matter how painful, I refused to uncross my legs. I realized that cultivation is hard; enduring hardship will not only eliminate karma but also strengthen one’s will.

After cultivating for a while, my body recovered, my character improved, and my understanding of the Fa changed from shallow to deep and profound. I changed so much; I am full of energy and youthful. In the morning, I go to a nearby park to exercise and distribute Falun Dafa information about the persecution. I visit various places in my area to tell people about this wonderful spiritual practice!