(Minghui.org) I decided to take an important job-related exam at the beginning of the year. I began to get ready for the exam after my registration succeeded and I devoted all my energy to reading and studying.

My mother, also a Falun Dafa practitioner, reminded me that during the various exams I had experienced in the past, if I studied too hard, it became counterproductive, and I was not able to pass the exam even if I retook the exam. She said once I let go of my attachment to the exam and put the Fa first, then I would be able to pass the exam easily.

I understood that everything was arranged by Master, and as long as I had this wish, I should let go of other human desires. From then on, I started to study the Fa and do the exercises first every day. I used the rest of the time for studying for the exam.

Although I said I had given up the attachment, I still had not completely given up on whether I could pass the exam. Therefore, in the two months before the exam, a lot of my hair turned white – so much so that a hair stylist recommended that I dye my hair.

After the exam, I began to send forth righteous thoughts regarding my hair. I should not allow myself to have so much white hair at such a young age, as it would affect the image of a Dafa practitioner. I also sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate my selfish desires regarding this job-related exam. At the same time, I intensified my Fa study and the exercises.

After two weeks, I felt better so I made a pony tail and asked my mother to check if it had visible white hair. Her eyes widened. She looked left and right, and then said, “It’s amazing. You don’t have any white hair anymore!” In just over ten days my white hair turned black!

I would be considered a person with a “heavy mind” among ordinary people before I practiced Falun Dafa. Whenever I encountered difficulties or setbacks, they would manifest physically as pimples on my face and a sore throat. These were symptoms of “internal heat” as Traditional Chinese Medicine puts it. But as long as I rectified myself in the Fa, all the false appearances disappeared instantly.

The miracle of Dafa has happened to me more than once. The white hair turning black has happened before. Two years ago, I encountered a big tribulation and a lot of my hair turned white. One night, while my mother and I were discussing and exchanging our thoughts, my white hair turned black again overnight. The next day, there was no more white hair left.

The instances of my hair turning white shows a problem in my cultivation. Every time I encountered a problem, I said that I had let it go, but in reality I was still clinging to the issue in my heart, stuck at the level of ordinary people. 

I need to truly improve my righteous thoughts in my future cultivation.