(Minghui.org) I recently slacked off in my cultivation and became obsessed with my phone. At first I only took a peek, and it then went from ten minutes to several hours, and it finally took control of me. 

I regretted my behavior after getting off my phone, but I just couldn’t control myself. It was unbearable not being able to look at my phone, and I didn’t want to do anything else.

Consequently, I couldn’t concentrate on Fa study, and treated it as a task. I also wasn’t able to do the exercises regularly. Sometimes I had a hard time getting out of bed and was half asleep when I did the sitting meditation. And forget about talking to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

I cultivated by myself after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) initiated the persecution of Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) in 1999. Under Master’s arrangement, I met a practitioner recently. She said to me, “I dreamed that you wore regular people’s clothing, and were terminally ill. Your family wanted to take you to the hospital, and I told you to get up quickly and come with me to awaken people!”

I was shocked and thought about my obsession. But I was afraid of losing face so I didn’t talk about my attachment, even though I knew I had to eliminate it. I really wanted to watch a short video at the time, so I thought of finishing it and quitting the phone addiction afterward.

Maybe because I didn’t expose my attachment but kept it to myself, it became bigger and I continued to look for new videos every day.

The practitioner came by few days later. She said several practitioners around her had phone addictions. Some died from sickness karma, while others were going through sickness karma. One of them had her celestial eye opened and saw lust demons next to her, but she couldn’t do anything about it.

I was shaken upon hearing that, as I often had a lot of regret after getting off the phone and would send forth righteous thoughts to clean my dimensional field. It looks like that wouldn’t work! Thus, I told the practitioner about my attachment and that I was determined to eliminate it.

Master said,

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

After I sent out this thought, Master took away the bad substance! I lost interest in the phone, and wanted to stop using it. When my righteous thoughts emerged, I was able to concentrate when I studied the Fa.

I now enjoy Fa study, and I’m no longer tired. I can practice the exercises on a regular basis, and I’m awake during the sitting meditation. I want to awaken people, and I’m not afraid to talk to them about Falun Dafa.

Please kindly correct me if my understanding is not in line with the Fa.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!