(Minghui.org) I’m in high school and met Bing (alias), a Falun Dafa practitioner, in middle school, in front of the apartment building where I live. He was going to distribute truth clarification materials in another building. I also distributed materials every week and thought we should distribute them and clarify the truth together. He happily agreed.

It was the first time either of us had spoken with people about Falun Dafa directly. I asked Bing to send righteous thoughts while I gathered up the nerve to speak to people. I reminded myself that I was a Dafa disciple in the Fa-rectification period.

I remembered what Master Li said:

“Should you have fear,it will seize upon youIf thoughts are righteous,evil will collapse…”(“What’s to Fear?” Hong Yin II)

I was suddenly filled with compassion and realized that all sentient beings were equal and needed to be saved. I calmly approached a young man and began to tell him facts about Falun Dafa.

I explained the staged Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation incident. I told him it was orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because former CCP leader Jiang Zemin was jealous of Falun Dafa’s popularity and wished to incite hatred against its practitioners.

I told him that Falun Dafa is a practice that teaches people to be kind. The young man listened intently. I mentioned the “Hidden Character Stone” in Guizhou with the naturally formed characters reading “The Chinese Communist Party Will Perish.” This discovery made by a village head was reported to the central government and was confirmed by three investigation teams as being natural, not man-made.

I emphasized that this is a divine revelation and encouraged him to see the CCP’s true nature. I asked, “Have you joined the Party, Youth League, or Young Pioneers?” He replied, “I joined all three. Please help me quit using the name ‘Degui’.” I told him that during times of disaster he should remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and share this with his family. He exclaimed, “Meeting you is my blessing, I understand now!”

But due to interference from fear and a lack of righteous thoughts, I often faced challenges and sometimes failed in my truth-clarification efforts.

Through increasing Fa study and improving my xinxing, my righteous thoughts grew stronger. After I talked to a student about Falun Dafa, I realized that I needed to study the Fa more to strengthen my righteous thoughts so I could be more effective in saving sentient beings.

Master said:

“The Fa can break all attachments; The Fa can destroy all evil; The Fa can shatter all lies; And the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” (“Drive out Interference,” Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Master’s words gave me confidence to know that only by studying the Fa well and constantly improving my xinxing can I save people and return to my original, true self.

Even though I have a busy school schedule, I manage my time carefully to continue reaching out to people with Bing. We were initially only able to help two or three people quit the CCP, but as our xinxing improved, the numbers grew to ten, then twenty. With Master guiding us on our path, we witnessed the power of Dafa.

We mainly spoke to university students, many of whom were Party members. They have open minds and usually agreed to quit. We also spoke to middle and high school students, although it’s more challenging to reach high schoolers due to the heavy indoctrination by the CCP. Regardless of the difficulty, we utilized the wisdom given by Master to open their hearts.

Facing Misunderstandings—Cultivating Myself

In January 2023, my classmate Wang (alias), who I usually got along with, was drying his sneakers on the railing outside our dorm window. While he was outside washing up for class, another student came in and accidentally knocked Wang’s shoes off the railing. When he returned and saw this, he was furious and accused me, “Did you knock them off?”

My cultivation level wasn’t high, and I couldn’t maintain my character, so I angrily replied, “I didn’t touch your shoes! You left them outside, so it’s your fault they fell!” I didn’t handle the situation according to the principles of Dafa, and as a result, we stopped talking to each other that day.

That evening, I reflected on why he got so angry. Instead of looking inward, I responded like an ordinary person, getting angry myself. I suddenly realized that I was wrong. Master arranged this incident to help me remove my competitive mentality, but I missed the opportunity.

Master said:

“Don’t argue when people argue with youCultivation is looking within for the cause ...”(“Don’t Argue,” Hong Yin III)

Wasn’t this an opportunity to improve my xinxing? Why did I still get upset with others? I silently vowed that as a Dafa practitioner, I would maintain my character no matter what happens, and not argue with ordinary people. I need to face challenges calmly and improve my xinxing.

During a break in April, Wang angrily accused me of drinking from his water bottle. I thought, this was another chance to improve my character, so I calmly replied, “I didn’t drink from it,” without further explanation. Sure enough, he didn’t say anything else. This was the power of the Fa and a test of my character.

I can feel Master’s meticulous care in every arrangement. As disciples, we must seize every cultivation opportunity, navigate the tests of our xinxing, and grasp every chance to improve.

These are my recent cultivation experiences. Please kindly point out anything that is not in line with the Fa.