(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) practitioners from ten states in the mid-USA gathered in Chicago, the third-largest city in the U.S., for a grand parade in Chinatown. The event showcased the beauty of Falun Dafa and called on people to understand the facts about the practice and help stop the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution.

To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, practitioners expressed their gratitude to the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li, for imparting the teachings and saving lives.

Mid-USA Falun Dafa practitioners express their gratitude to Master Li.

The parade began at one of Chinatown’s landmarks, Sun Yat-Sen Park. Established in the mid-1970s to commemorate Mr. Sun Yat-Sen, the park has always been a gathering place for the local Chinese community and the starting point for the annual Falun Dafa parade in Chinatown. The parade was led by banners reading “Falun Dafa” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance,” followed by a drum squad, a float, a Falun Dafa exercise demonstration, a memorial group in dressed in white in remembrance of practitioners who have died due to the persecution, and an anti-persecution section calling for an end to the persecution in China. The parade received encouragement and support from many residents and tourists.

On September 14, Falun Dafa practitioners from Mid-USA states paraded in Chicago’s Chinatown.

University professor: Thanking Master during the Mid-Autumn Festival

Ms. Xie is a professor at Northern Michigan University. Back in early 1998, while studying at National Taiwan University, she learned about Falun Dafa through her professor, attended the first nine-day Falun Gong seminar held at the university, and began practicing Falun Dafa.

“At the beginning, I was always searching for the meaning of life, wanting to understand why people come to this world. I really wanted to find that answer. So when I read Zhuan Falun, it opened my heart and answered all my questions, for which I am very grateful to Falun Dafa.”

Through practicing, Ms. Xie felt that she could face the ups and downs of life with a broader mind and more peaceful state of being. She said, “I want to tell people about the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa, and I hope they can also attain physical and mental health, and inner peace like I have.”

Ms. Xie expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Master Li, “I want to say, Master, thank you for everything you have given us. You have worked hard. Wishing you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and thank you, compassionate and great Master!”

Ms. Xie expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Master Li.

“It is truly a happy thing to see many people withdrawing from the CCP”

Ms. He obtained the Fa in North America in 2004. At that time, she didn’t even know about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong; she just felt that practicing Falun Gong was very beautiful and decided to follow the teachings.

After she started practicing Falun Gong, Ms. He’s life changed dramatically. “My previous illnesses, such as chronic bronchitis, were quickly cured without spending a penny. It was amazing!” Ms. He said. “Moreover, by cultivating according to Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, I have eliminated many bad habits like selfishness and jealousy.”

Ms. He has been calling people in China every day since 2006, to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. According to her, many Chinese people have witnessed miracles after sincerely reciting “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” “With this kind heart, I make phone calls to China every day. It is truly a happy thing to see many people withdrawing from the CCP and affiliated organizations!”

Ms. He said, “As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, my heart is filled with endless gratitude for the Master’s compassionate salvation!”

Ms. He, who makes phone calls to China every day, said many Chinese people have witnessed the miracles of Dafa.

“I want the world to know that Falun Dafa is good!”

“I want the world to know that Falun Dafa is good!” practitioner Paul Darin said with emotion. “I've been practicing a long time, since 2001. I've benefited very much from practicing in numerous ways, not to mention just physical health, but emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well!”

Darin believes that conflicts will always exist in the world, but Falun Dafa has taught him to face conflicts and difficulties in the most peaceful way. He said, “I said both internally and externally as well because there's always an internal dilemma, there's always an internal strife, it [Falun Dafa] also helps you to look within, and that really really helps bring resolution to any problem because if you can find the problem within you're going to eliminate 90 percent of the problems, in my opinion, that go along with any kind of conflict resolution, and that's just in terms of conflict resolution.”

Darin wants the world to know that Falun Dafa is good.

Pavlo Bondarenko started practicing Falun Dafa in Ukraine and has been practicing for seven years. “For me, I was interested in different cultivation methods from my childhood, but I cannot get answers about life, like about how to make yourself better person, and all these answers I found in Falun Dafa teachings.”

Bondarenko stated that practicing Falun Dafa has transformed his life because he has learned how to become a better person. “It was like my life-changing method, because I learned how to be a better person, how to improve my health and my life in general.” He said, “the main principles of this teaching are Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. And these people just follow their beliefs. And I think the faith is one of the important things that makes us like people.”

He calls on people to understand the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong and to put an end to the persecution. “For me it was many benefits for my health, like mentally and physically. And of course I want to help people learn more about the persecution that is now going on in China, and to raise people’s awareness about it and help to stop this persecution.”

Bondarenko wants to raise people’s awareness about the persecution in China.

Public support for Falun Gong: “I’m Grateful for This Opportunity!”

Michael Smith and Jose Smith, a father and son from Mexico, praised the Falun Gong parade. Jose said, “It’s truly lucky to see the parade today! It’s fantastic!”

Michael said, “The parade was very good! I will learn more about this practice.” They enjoyed the parade, and Michael said, “I’m grateful for this opportunity!”

Michael Smith (left) and Jose Smith (right) were happy to learn about Falun Gong during their trip.

Carl Anderson, a visitor from Sweden who already had some knowledge of Falun Dafa, said, “I found the parade very beautiful, colorful, and with extraordinary significance. Everyone has the right to uphold and practice their own beliefs. I think it’s also very important for us to support such events.”

Carl Anderson supports Falun Gong practitioners upholding their belief.

Cindy Brown and Mando Martinez were very impressed with the Falun Gong parade. They watched the parade from the moment it began until it passed. Cindy said she was grateful to receive the truth clarifying materials, and remarked, “I will read all the materials I received. The parade was very beautiful!”

Mando added, “It was really beautiful.” He particularly liked the lotus flower float. “I liked the Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance displayed on the banner, and I look forward to learning more.”

Cindy Brown and Mando Martinez were very impressed with the Falun Gong parade.

Noelia Vargas is from the Dominican Republic. He also greatly enjoyed the Falun Gong parade, saying that the scenes of the fairy dancing on the float and the people meditating were very beautiful.

Noelia Vargas likes the Falun Dafa float.

John Arnvik from Wisconsin had heard of Falun Gong before but was grateful for the parade, as it was his first time learning about the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP. He signed a petition to support Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.

John Arnvik supports Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.