(Minghui.org) With the Mid-Autumn Festival fast approaching Falun Dafa practitioners in Taiwan met to read the Fa on September 15, 2024, at the Harmony National Primary School in Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County.

Many have been practicing for years, and while helping Master rectify the Fa, spreading the beauty of Dafa, and clarifying the truth about Dafa, their bodies and minds have changed, and they are grateful to Dafa and Master. They wished Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and exclaimed in unison: “We wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” 

Practitioners took a group photo and wished Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Zhou Pinxuan, from Jiangsu, China, now runs a vegetable and fruit shop in Chiayi City, Taiwan. After studying the Fa, she removed her attachments and became physically and mentally healthier. She thanked Master and said, “One of my friends borrowed money from me, but when he didn’t pay me back I couldn’t let it go. By reading the Fa I realized that maybe I owed him in a past lifetime. After removing my attachment to sense interest, I feel refreshed. It is important to understand the deeper meaning of life. I want to thank Master and wish him a happy Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Zhou Pinxuan

For more than 20 years, practitioner Chen Meiyun took the music player to the practice site every morning and did the exercises. She understands the importance of spreading the Fa. In addition to holding the “nine-day class” in Alishan District, Taiwan, she also went to Japan, Korea, and European countries to spread the Fa.
