(Minghui.org) Practitioners in the UK, Germany, France and Ireland, wish Master Li a happy Mid-Autumn Festival:

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Berlin, Germany

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Berlin, Germany

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner in Ireland

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Dusseldorf, Germany

Greetings to Master from a practitioner’s family in London

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner in France

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Germany

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Reading, the UK

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Bavaria, Germany

Greetings to Master from young practitioners in London

Greetings to Master from practitioners in truth-clarification site in Chinatown in London

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in a Fa study group in Germany

Greetings to Master from mother and daughter who are practitioners in Germany

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Mannheim-Heidelberg, Germany

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner in London

Greetings to Master from a practitioner in truth-clarification site in London

Greetings to Master from mother and daughter who are practitioners in England