(Minghui.org) I was in my 30s when I began practicing Falun Dafa before 1999. I’ve benefited greatly, and my family has also been blessed. I’d like to share a few miraculous incidents with you.
My Son Survived an Accident
My son took a break from school due to depression. To pass the time, he signed up for a painting class, which was only offered on Sundays.
One rainy Sunday my son went to class on his bicycle. A car hit him when he crossed a road. Everyone who saw the accident was stunned. A coworker rushed to my house and said, “Your son was hit by a car and is lying in the road.”
My husband was away on business. I silently begged Master to save my son, and I rushed to the scene.
When I arrived, my son’s head was bandaged and he was being put into an ambulance. I went in the ambulance to be with him, and he told me his legs hurt. I saw scratches and bloodstains on his back, and his head was bleeding, but he was in good spirits.
The person involved in the accident was a police officer, and his car had an inter-province plate. He looked scared and anxious. The ambulance took my son to a nearby hospital. Knowing that there wasn’t anything seriously wrong, I took him home soon afterward as I didn’t want to cause anyone trouble. However, I later regretted that I didn’t take the opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to the police officer as I was totally occupied with taking care of my son.
My son’s bicycle was a complete write-off, and the car’s windshield was smashed.
After my husband returned home, we watched the surveillance video of the accident. It was truly shocking: My son’s head hit the windshield, his body then flipped backwards, hit the ground hard, and kept sliding along the ground for more than ten meters (about 33 feet) before it stopped, and my son lost consciousness.
My husband’s legs shook with fear while he watched the video and tears rolled down his face. It was such a terrifying accident, and yet my son survived it with only scratches. Master saved my son’s life. No words can express our deepest gratitude to Master!
Two Precious Phrases Save a Man’s Life
While I was still working, I was in charge of the seed breeding project. I hired a big truck to deliver seeds from a seed breeding base. As we approached the site, our truck struck a man riding a bicycle at the T-junction next to a village. The man passed out. The truck driver was terrified and didn’t know what to do. I was at a loss as well. Then I thought: I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner, and only Master can save the man’s life.
I knelt down beside the unconscious man, quietly begging Master to save him. Then I started reciting: “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I also whispered in the man’s ear to recite the two phrases with me if he could hear me.
As I kept reciting the two phrases the man regained consciousness and seemed fine. The driver was very happy and offered him some money as compensation. On our way back, I told the truck driver about Falun Dafa and that it was Dafa’s Master who saved that man’s life. The driver was also very grateful to Master for helping us out in this serious accident.
My Classmate’s Herniated Lumbar Disc
One day, I got a phone call from a former elementary school classmate, whom I hadn’t seen for over 40 years. He said he wanted me to help him with technical information on certain herbal medicines. I said I’d help find a specialist in that area.
He came to my place the next day with a coworker. Although he'd aged a bit, he was still as funny and witty as ever. I remember that he always made the class laugh.
I noticed that his body appeared twisted when he walked, unlike the tall and straight-backed young man I remembered.
I asked him what happened. He told me that he was suffering from a herniated disc and had difficulty keeping his back straight.
I realized that, even though he came to me for technical information on the surface, Master arranged for him to learn the truth about Falun Dafa and be saved. So I told them about Falun Dafa and asked if they ever joined any Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organizations. I was pleased to hear that neither of them did. I also encouraged them to recite, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”
“If you keep doing this, it could fix your back,” I told my former classmate and gave each of them a Falun Dafa amulet.
My classmate started to recite the two phrases immediately as he walked around the room. “Wow! It’s amazing!” he said loudly.
“What happened?” his friend asked, and I wasn’t sure what he meant either.
“The pain is gone! I can now straighten my back! It’s amazing!”
We were all happy and excited to witness the miraculous power of Falun Dafa, and thanked Master for his compassionate salvation.
I Escape a Serious Accident
One Sunday evening, I went out to distribute truth-clarification materials on my bicycle. On the way back, I had to pass a narrow stretch where roadwork equipment blocked half of the road.
I was cycling carefully, when an electric bicycle from behind knocked me down. I fell from the bicycle, and my right leg and arm hit the ground first. I immediately thought: I’m a Dafa practitioner. I will be fine.
A young man came to help me, but I couldn’t get up. I thought, “Come on, you can stand up.”
“Would you like me to help you up? Are you okay?” the young man kept asking.
“Don’t worry. I’m fine.” As I said this, I picked myself up, and the pain in my leg lessened. Then I took the opportunity to clarify the truth to the young man about Falun Dafa and I asked if he joined the CCP Young Pioneers or the Youth League. The man told me that he just joined the Youth League.
“Well, in that case, you’d better quit it now. The pandemic is still spreading and more serious disasters may come. Some people joined the CCP organizations and follow the Party closely. You should quit it now to ensure a safe future,” I told him.
He appeared to be in a hurry, so I said I could help him quit the Youth League with a pseudonym for his safety. He agreed. I also told him to remember “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and to tell his parents to do the same, so that they can be safe. The young man seemed to understand what I was telling him and said he would. Then he cycled away in a rush.
I felt so grateful to Master for his kind arrangement so that this man could be saved, and at the same time I also had a chance to reduce a big chunk of my own karma through the accident. Thank you, Master, for your compassionate protection and salvation. I feel so happy and honored to be a Falun Dafa practitioner.
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