(Minghui.org) I’m in my 60s and live in a remote mountainous area. The transportation system here is not good and it is difficult to get around.
Before I became a practitioner, my husband and I argued a lot, and we had a lot of unresolved conflicts. I was constantly worried, so my health deteriorated, and I became ill.
The doctor said I had rheumatoid arthritis. My legs hurt in the mornings and evenings all year long. I wondered how I was going to survive if I couldn’t do farm work. Although I was strong-willed, I still felt distressed and hopeless about my future.
My husband’s friend visited us and told us about Falun Dafa, and gave my husband a copy of Zhuan Falun in the winter of 1998. I had no concept of cultivation at the time, but the friend suggested that the cultivation practice could improve my health. I thought I’d give it a try and learned the practice.
I wept when I started to read Zhuan Falun, and I understood the meaning of life after I finished reading it. My view on life changed tremendously, and what I used to consider miseries were no longer that bad.
My illness disappeared three months into the practice. I felt blessed, and noticed the beauty of the mountains and waters in my hometown. I was joyous and basked in the wonders of Dafa like a child.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa in July 1999. Practitioners who followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance were harassed, illegally detained, unjustly imprisoned, and often brutally tortured.
One practitioner after another, practitioners I knew, were persecuted. I was afraid and gradually became careless. I studied the Fa and did the exercises half-heartedly, and cultivated haphazardly. I went back to living a regular person’s life with many attachments.
For many years, I kept myself busy with ordinary issues, and other practitioners worried about me. They often visited me and shared their understandings. I made some progress, but became lazy.
Protected by Master, I Survived Being Hit by a Train
During the harvest season in the autumn of 2022, my husband and I finished picking a carload of corn, and then he drove off. I left a little later, on foot.
The road in our area was uneven due to the water that ran over it. I got to a tunnel under the bridge, but the water was too deep for me to walk through. So I walked up to the bridge to cross on the railroad tracks, which was another route that the villagers took.
When I got to the middle of the bridge, I was distracted and didn’t hear the train whistle. I thought I saw a lot of people walking next to the tracks, when in reality there was no one around.
The train hit me and I fell sideways. I came to on the ground and realized I’d been hit by the train. I immediately thought, “Master, please help me!”
My husband rushed over and realized I had been hit by the train, but that I was still alive! He called for help, and they took me to the county hospital.
The doctor said that my right leg was broken in four places and my left shoulder had sustained multiple fractures. The amazing thing was that my head, internal organs, and joints were fine. I knew that compassionate Master had protected me. I'd miraculously survived and paid off my debt. No one had ever survived a train accident at that spot.
Master had been watching over me and saved my life even though I was not diligent. The villagers said, “It's a miracle that you’re still alive after the train hit you. Divine beings must be looking after you.”
I recovered quickly and kept reciting “Falun Dafa is good” every day. I can now walk normally and do housework.
I’m grateful to Master for saving me from the brink of death, and I’m ashamed to face Master when I reflect on my past. This lesson made me realize the importance of Fa study, and I now treasure the opportunity to cultivate.
I will cultivate well, fulfill my vow, and be a genuine Dafa practitioner. Thank you, Master, for taking care of me!
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