(Minghui.org) The Toronto Ukrainian Festival, the largest Ukrainian street festival in North America, was held at Bloor West Village, September 13 to 15, 2024. This is one of the largest cultural events in the area, with a 28-year history, attracting close to one million visitors. Practitioners once again participated in the event to introduce Falun Dafa and they provided free exercise instruction.

Practitioners introduce Falun Dafa to visitors at Toronto Ukrainian Festival from September 13 to 15, 2024.

“The more I see and understand, the more I believe in Dafa”

Mr. Hoang feels thinking clearer and physically stronger after learning and practicing Falun Dafa.

Mr. Hoang from Vietnam now lives in Toronto. He worked in a bank before retiring. When he and his friend passed by the Falun Dafa booth, he stopped to tell practitioners that he knew about the persecution in China. After they were told it was still going on, he and his friend immediately signed the petition postcard, which calls on the Canadian government to pay attention to this matter.

He said he saw practitioners do the exercises in Vietnam so he contacted local practitioners. They sent him an electronic version of Falun Gong books via email. He thought Falun Dafa was very good, but he did not have time to study it in depth. He later saw practitioners again when he was in South Korea. “The more I see and understand, the more I believe in Dafa. Now that I am retired, I want to try practicing,” Mr. Hoang said.

Mr. Hoang and his friend learn the Falun Dafa exercises.

A practitioner taught Mr. Hoang and his friend exercises one to four. After he did them he said, “I feel my mind is clearer, my body feels stronger. I feel very comfortable, and my body feels lighter.”

Impressed by Falun Dafa’s Guiding Principles

Anju and her husband from India work in financial services and now live in Canada. Anju picked up a copy of Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun. She nodded and smiled as she read. She said the first few paragraphs about jealousy in the book were very interesting and she wanted to read the whole chapter. The practitioner offered to read with her, so they found a quiet place near the booth and started reading.

After a while, they returned to the booth. Anju thought the book was very good and said, “I read the whole section and I really liked it.” She said that the teaching in the book gave her a new perspective on jealousy. “The book reminds people that if jealousy still exists, it’s impossible to achieve perfection in cultivation. This impressed me deeply.” She said she wished to learn the exercises.

After she did them she said, “I feel very good. The exercises are beautiful to look at, and the practitioner who taught me them is very friendly.” She said she agrees with the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, because these principles can improve people’s characters.

“These principle resonate with me”

Daniel said he felt the flow of energy while he did the exercises.

Daniel used to practice Tae Kwon Do. As he got older, he wanted to keep fit in a relaxing way. So when he passed by the Falun Dafa booth he stopped to learn more about meditation.

A practitioner offered to show him the meditation. Daniel said, “I learned the whole set of exercises takes two hours. Although I only did them briefly, I felt very good. I really felt the energy. Although I don’t know what it is, I can really feel something.”

He added that he liked these principles and said, “These principles resonate with me.”

A dental assistant named Cher said she previously saw practitioners at the Gem Expo and when she saw them at the Ukrainian Festival she learned the first and third exercises. Afterward, she said, “I felt my body warm up, which is exactly what I wanted.” When a practitioner told her about the free online exercises classes and the in-person Nine-Day Falun Dafa class, she was very interested.