(Minghui.org) After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999, some practitioners were frightened and stopped cultivating.

Master said,

“Those who cultivate well will achieve consummation and return to their positions in the new cosmos to command their own heavenly kingdoms. Those who fail in cultivation, break their vows, or commit sins against Dafa must honor the promise they made with their lives!” (Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious)

In my understanding Master was giving practitioners who stopped practicing one last chance. There are many former practitioners. What will happen to them as Fa-rectification approaches the end but they haven’t reached the levels they were to achieve or fulfilled their vows? Before we descended to the Three Realms, we told each other, “Please be sure to wake me up if I become lost.” I knew it was time for me to fulfill this promise.

I decided to find practitioners who stepped away from cultivation, and I asked Master to help me. For every practitioner who returns, the countless lives he or she represents will be saved. When I had this thought, Master paved the way for me.

Yan told me, “I have a car now. Let me know if you need help, and I’ll drive you.” I was amazed because having a car meant it would take less time to visit former practitioners. Yan and I worked together to find those who stopped practicing after the persecution started. We shared our experiences with them and tried to learn why they stopped. We read Master’s new articles with them and shared our thoughts.

These practitioners realized that, after the persecution began, Master shouldered colossal hardship so he could extend the time for them to practice, catch up in their cultivation, and return home. I helped organize a Fa study group and suggested that Yan study with them. These practitioners wept and thanked Master for giving them a second chance.

People usually have visitors from out of town during Chinese New Year so it’s a good opportunity for practitioners to go out and clarify the truth. Yan and I realized that we needed four people to deliver materials to places where there weren’t any practitioners. However, we needed another car as we had many materials and wanted to distribute them efficiently. We asked Master to help us.

The day we were scheduled to go, we learned that a practitioner and her son were visiting their relatives in our town, and her son could drive us in his car. I felt this was miraculous. It was truly a manifestation of “... cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun). The four of us split into two groups, and we distributed all the materials that day.

We organized an experience-sharing session to discuss how practitioners should work together to find and bring back former practitioners. We studied Master’s most recent articles, “Stay Far Away From Peril,” “Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious,” and “Treat Master’s Family Members Properly.”

Master said,

“Master completely removed Dafa disciples’ names from the Three Realms, from the human world, and from the netherworld, including Hell. From that moment, Dafa disciples’ lives were governed by Dafa alone, and they would no longer enter into reincarnation, and even if they had committed sins, they would still not be governed by Hell.” (“Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious”)

In our understanding, if we were no longer governed by the laws of the Three Realms, it meant that Falun Dafa practitioners were carrying out divine missions in the human world.

Master said,

“Initially, when you wanted to become a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification of the cosmic Dafa, that was very, very serious. This is a momentous choice for a being; moreover, it’s a vow that was signed with one’s life! So you think you can just cultivate if you want to and stop if you don’t want to? How could humans be allowed to make a joke of this heavy cosmic responsibility, of the gods, and of the Creator! Once a vow is signed, it must be fulfilled!” (Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious)

I knew that we must cherish this last chance Master gave us.

We looked for our shortcomings, attachments, and old notions, and knew that we had to get rid of them to assimilate to the new universe. We felt surrounded by positive energy—as if Master were with us. We had a deeper understanding of the importance of bringing back former practitioners, and re-experienced the feeling we had years ago, when we just started practicing.

One day, a practitioner and I were out looking for former practitioners. It was 5 p.m. when we left a former practitioner’s home, and we still had another person to visit who lived in a remote area. I was worried that we wouldn’t have enough time that day, but the practitioner said that we must go before people became busy with the upcoming farming season. We also worried that our electric scooter’s battery didn’t have enough charge left, but we went anyway.

We found the former practitioner, who was so happy to see us that she called more former practitioners to come to her home. We studied Master’s new articles and exchanged our views on how to study the Fa well, save more people, and catch up on the path of Fa rectification.

As we were about to leave, one person said, “We haven’t talked about our experiences like this since the persecution started in 1999. It feels wonderful to form one body again. Thank you.” We told her that it was Master’s plan for us all along. The practitioner saw that we had a long way to travel on an electric scooter that didn’t have much power left, so she had her son drive us home.

Master arranged everything in my cultivation and protected me every step of the way. The only thing left for me to do, is to fulfill my vows.