(Minghui.org) A 72-year-old Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province resident has been missing since the end of July 2024. His family suspected that he had been arrested for his faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Mr. Gou Jiawen’s ordeal stemmed from an earlier arrest on February 5, 2023, after he was reported for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong. The arresting officers from the Dujiangyan City Domestic Security Division and Jingkai District Police Station interrogated him until 11 p.m. and released him on house arrest around midnight.

A few days later, the police summoned Mr. Gou to the police station and forcibly collected his fingerprints and blood sample. The police later searched his home and summoned him to the police station several more times to answer questions.

The police submitted Mr. Gou’s case to the Dujiangyan City Procuratorate in July 2023. The prosecutor informed him in January 2024 to pick up the paperwork for his bail release. Only then did he learn about his prosecution and that the police had changed his house arrest to bail release. He contacted the police and the prosecutor several times, urging them to dismiss his case and not persecute good people like him for practicing Falun Gong.

When Mr. Gou’s bail condition expired in late July 2024, he suddenly went missing. Still unable to reach him after two months, his family suspected the police had secretly arrested him, but they couldn’t find out from the authorities where he was.

Perpetrators’ Information:

Wu Houwu (吴厚武), officer of the Dujiangyan City Domestic Security Division: +86-13980001766Dong Xuancheng (董宣成), officer of the Jingkai District Police Station: +86-13668296325Zhang Ruiheng (张瑞恒), officer of the Xingfu Police Station: +86-18180513919