(Minghui.org) Ms. Zhang Yingsheng is a resident of Xidachen Village, Zhaoba Township, Shenze County, Hebei Province. Minghui.org recently received information about the persecution that she suffered for practicing Falun Gong in the early years.

After the Chinese communist regime began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Ms. Zhang went to Beijing to appeal. She was arrested and taken back to the Shenze County the next day. She was held at the Shenze County Party School for a month and extorted 100 yuan.

Zhang Mingqun, the chief of Zhaoba Township Police Station, led Xiao Feng and a few other officers to knock on Ms. Zhang’s door one night in late 2000. Her husband opened the door. They said they needed to take Ms. Zhang to the township government to answer a few questions and promised to send her back afterwards.

Ms. Zhang’s husband went with her. After questioning her, the police took her to the Jiaotong Hotel that was designated to detain local Falun Gong practitioners, instead of releasing her. She managed to escape with a few other Falun Gong practitioners four months later.

Ms. Zhang was cooking lunch at home at the end of 2001, when Jia Yufeng, the political director of Shenze County Police Department, suddenly broke in. They handcuffed her and confiscated her Falun Gong books. The officers attempted to drag her outside and she resisted with all her might. It took the officers nearly one hour to push her into the police car. Her mother in her 80s, who was living with her, witnessed the police brutality against her and was terrified.

The police first held Ms. Zhang at the Shenze County Detention Center for six months and then transferred her to a brainwashing center.

Jia Jiangong, the head of the local 610 Office, was in charge of “transforming” the practitioners. He divided them into groups of two and forced them to watch videos smearing Falun Gong every day. In the beginning, the practitioners were allowed to sleep for a few hours at night. When they remained firm in their faith despite the attempts to brainwash them, Jia began to deprive them of sleep.

Ms. Zhang was so sleepy while watching the propaganda video one day that she collapsed to the ground. Instead of allowing her to take a break, the guards tapped her feet and leg to keep her from falling asleep. Sometimes the guards forced her to run laps in the yard or stand under the baking sun. In addition to the physical torture, she was also extorted more than 10,000 yuan.

For the next few years, the police harassed Ms. Zhang either at home or by calling her husband. She ran into village official Wang Shuangcai one day, when he was discussing with a few others how to harass her. She firmly rejected them and ran away.