(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. I decided I should memorize the Fa teachings after I noticed the other practitioners were doing this. However, I gave up after memorizing the first section of Zhuan Falun Lecture One, “Truly Taking You to Greater Spiritual Heights.” I only memorized 7 pages, but felt I was too slow, so I went back to just reading the Fa.

After the persecution began in July 1999, I made 6 attempts to memorize the Fa. I repeatedly gave up after memorizing less than 25 pages. I once managed to memorize over 30 pages before I quit. I never succeeded in memorizing Zhuan Falun from cover to cover.

I was 73 in 2021. This time, I made up my mind to finish memorizing the entire book. I previously hand-copied the entire book, writing every character carefully, twice in 2018 and 2019. My progress in cultivation was obvious. In the past, I did things in a hurry. However, through hand-copying the Fa, I got rid of my impatience. I felt if I memorized the entire book, my improvement would be even greater.

Thus, in 2021, I started to memorize the Fa again. It was harder this time. Not only was I slow, it took me longer. However, I did not give up. Previously I quit because I found it too slow, but I was younger then and had a better memory. Unfortunately, I didn’t cherish those times. It was my fault—so I decided to try again when I was older and I had to bear the hardship. I knew the only way to succeed was to grit my teeth and plod on.

This time, I used all my spare time to memorize the Fa. I read each sentence repeatedly, taking time to understand the meaning before attempting to recite by heart. Once I memorized one paragraph, I moved on to the next one. Thus, it took me 5 months to memorize Zhuan Falun.

The first time I succeeded in memorizing the book, I happily told my family member who is also a practitioner the good news. I then continued to memorize the book again. It took me less time in subsequent attempts. By the time I memorized the Fa for the 6th time, I discovered I couldn’t recite the lectures in the book in order. How can I make sure every word is imprinted in my mind, so I can recite the Fa from any part of the book? The only way to reach this goal was to memorize lecture by lecture, rather than paragraph by paragraph, as I had been doing. I spent six months learning the first lecture by heart until I was able to recite it before proceeding to lecture two. While memorizing lecture two, I recited the first lecture once before moving to lecture two. It took me another six months to memorize lecture two. Similarly, before memorizing lecture three, I first memorized lecture one and two to make sure I did not forget them. I’m now memorizing lecture 4.

I gained a lot from memorizing the Fa. I now know how to cultivate solidly. I use the Fa principles to measure my words and actions. Other practitioners and my children say that I have improved tremendously.

I’d like to give some examples of how I was able to recall the teachings of the Fa and follow them accordingly.

My Cultivation Improves

Twelve practitioners worked on a truth clarification project from 7 a.m to 4 p.m. The coordinator asked me to open the door before 7 a.m and buy lunch for the team. I rushed out the next morning after sending righteous thoughts. I bought lunch and then hurried back to open the door on the agreed time. I looked at my watch, it was 5 minutes to 7. Thankfully, I was on time. By then, I was covered in sweat. Practitioners began arriving and we started working on the project. We kept working until past 4 p.m.

We later worked on another project. Once again, I was asked to open the door and buy lunch. I rushed to buy lunch and return in time to open the door. Practitioners came on time and immediately began working. The coordinator came later, after 10 a.m. When a practitioner asked if she had something to attend to that caused her to come late, she said no. We finished the task before 4 p.m that day. On my way home, I started to have complaints in my heart: “You’re the coordinator, why aren’t you able to come early to open the door? I ended up rushing. You’re only in your 50s, I’m already past 70. Aren’t you taking advantage of me?”

When I got home, I suddenly realized: “My thoughts are wrong. This is a job for two people yet I was asked to do it alone. Master is using the coordinator to give me an opportunity to improve my xinxing! I was upset with the coordinator earlier. Wasn’t this jealousy?” I quickly picked up Zhuan Falun and read the section: “Jealousy.”

After I finished reading, I discovered the things I was jealous of: “I was jealous that the coordinator’s child did well in his studies; I looked down on her for often doing the exercises incorrectly.” I discovered a lot of attachments and after letting them go, I was no longer upset. I previously would have been angry for several days and complained to others. Through memorizing the Fa, I quickly realized I was wrong. I thought: “How wonderful it is to memorize the Fa!”

Another time, one morning, I sat in the living room listening to the radio as my husband was cooking. I turned the volume up so that he could hear what I was listening to. He ran out of the kitchen and shouted: “Turn the volume down!” I ignored him. He said: “If you don’t, I’ll smash your radio!” I said without thinking: “Don’t you dare!” He picked up the radio and threw it on the ground. Furious, I began to reprimand him. He went back to the kitchen without saying anything. As I was shouting at him, a voice appeared in my mind: “You failed the test again.” I was stunned: “It’s Master giving me a hint, I’m wrong again.”

I then recalled the Fa. This is a chance for me to improve my character. If I truly want to practice cultivation, I should apologize to my husband. I used to be strong-willed in the past and scolded my husband and children whenever they did something I didn’t like. My husband said I rebuked him just like a teacher does. I never apologized to him before.

This time, I should not let Master down. I must thank my husband for the opportunity to get rid of my quick temper. I went to the kitchen and said, “I was wrong. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. Master reminded me to behave like a Dafa practitioner. Please forgive me!” Unexpectedly, my husband said, “I was wrong, too. The food is ready, let’s eat.” I was surprised. It was a storm earlier but now everything was calm. We ate happily our meal.

Since then, we never fought. Six months later, when my daughter saw her father speak to me angrily yet I answered with a smile on my face, she looked at her father and then at me and laughed: “Mom, you’ve truly changed!” I said, “Memorizing the Fa has indeed helped me change. Why don’t you start memorizing the Fa, too?” She said, “Okay!”


Through memorizing the Fa I realized one should be able to achieve a few goals in order to progress in cultivation:

1. Believe in Master and the Fa one hundred percent. Whatever Master or the Fa say, just do it. I wasted over two decades. When I look back, I truly regret not realizing this earlier.

2. You must study the Fa well and understand the principle behind each sentence. That way, you’ll be able to use the Fa to measure things and walk steadily on the path of cultivation.

3. Use all the time you have to do the three things. There’s less and less time now to save people. We cannot afford to waste any time. Instead, we should spend more time studying the Fa. Only by studying the Fa well, can we do well in assisting Master in saving people.

I know I am still far behind in meeting Master’s and Dafa’s requirements. However, I’m determined to strive forward diligently!