(Minghui.org) Today’s news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 6 cities or counties in 4 provinces, where at least 12 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Kangping County, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Arrested
2. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Yinzhong and Ms. Jiao Yujuan Face Trial
3. [Yinchuan City, Nixia Hui Autonomous Region] Ms. Xin Linyuan’s Appeal Hearing Scheduled
4. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Yuan Sumin Harassed
5. [Beijing] Ms. Dong Shirong and Ms. Gong Ruiping Persecuted in Beijing Women’s Prison
6. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wei Xiuxia’s Mother-in-law Died Seven Days after Police Harassment

1. [Kangping County, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Li Manxin and Mr. Yu Chenglong were arrested by Kangping County Police Department officers on August 27, 2024. Mr. Liu Qiang of Xiaochengzi Town and his wife, Ms. Zhen Xiufen, were arrested at home, and their home was ransacked. Ms. Wang Xiuzhen of Xiaochengzi Town was arrested and her home was ransacked. She was released because of issues with her health.

2. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Yinzhong and Ms. Jiao Yujuan Face Trial

Mr. Zhang Yinzhong and his wife, Ms. Jiao Yujuan, were arrested on April 23, 2024. They are facing trial after their case has been submitted to the court.

3. [Yinchuan City, Nixia Hui Autonomous Region] Ms. Xin Linyuan’s Appeal Hearing Scheduled

Ms. Xin Linyuan was sentenced to two years in prison and fined 10,000 yuan on July 4, 2024. She appealed with the Shizuishan City Intermediate Court, which has scheduled a hearing for September 6, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.

4. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Yuan Sumin Harassed

Yuan Sumin, gender unknown, is a practitioner in Wangjiatun, Tangjia Village, Jianye Township. Yuan was harassed at home by three officers from the Jianye Township Police Station on August 10, 2024. The officers forced their way in, took pictures against his or her will, and demanded his or her cell phone number.

5. [Beijing] Ms. Dong Shirong and Others Persecuted in Beijing Women’s Prison

Practitioners imprisoned in the Third Ward of Beijing Women’s Prison are being subjected to torture aimed at forcing them to renounce their faith. Ms. Dong Shirong, nearly 80, was deprived of sleep for several days. Ms. Gong Ruiping lost feeling on one side of her body.

6. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wei Xiuxia’s Mother-in-law Died Seven Days after Police Harassment

Ms. Wei Xiuxia and her family were harassed at home by Erdao District police on April 18, 2024. Her mother-in-law was seriously ill. They searched her room, took her pictures against her will, and seized several Falun Gong books. Terrified by the experience, she passed away on April 25, 2024.