(Minghui.org) I often wonder if the recent persecution of Falun Dafa in the United States of America has something to do with the practitioners overseas not sending righteous thoughts frequently and focused enough with a pure mind. We need to pay attention to sending strong righteous thoughts, which are gained through studying the Fa. I’d like to share my thoughts on this issue.
Understand the Fa and Minghui Notices Regarding Sending Righteous Thoughts
We should often go back to the Minghui Notice, “Editorial: The Essentials to Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts and the Schedule for Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts at Set Times Around the World (Update 2),” and Master’s articles, “Righteous Thoughts,” “Eliminate the Dark Minions With Righteous Thoughts,” “The Effect of Righteous Thoughts,” “Stop the Evil Acts with Righteous Thoughts,” “Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful,” and “What Are Supernormal Abilities.”
These articles will refresh our memories on the essentials and deepen our understanding of the purpose of sending righteous thoughts.
Manifestation of Divine Powers in Other Dimensions While Sending Righteous Thoughts
We know from doing the exercises that divine powers can appear in the shape of a column, sphere or belt. From practitioners’ sharing articles, we know they manifest in forms of light, electricity, fire, and various weapons from ancient and modern times.
Many practitioners can not see other dimensions and don’t know how the divine powers manifest when sending righteous thoughts. Seeing or not, we need to ask ourselves if we have followed Master’s requirements for us when sending righteous thoughts.
Intention and Mindset
The intention of sending righteous thoughts is to safeguard Falun Dafa, eliminate evil, stop the persecution, and save people. It is a way to safeguard the universe and show compassion for sentient beings. The intentions must be pure and selfless. A sharing article that I read talked about two practitioners involved in the same situation sending righteous thoughts together. The one who sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil was safe from persecution, and the other who did so with the intention to get out of prison was persecuted.
The mindset we have when sending righteous thoughts is equally important. Master said, “But the premise is that you have strong righteous thoughts, no fear, and no human attachments, apprehension, or hatred; only when you’re in that state will it be effective, and it will take effect as soon as your thoughts emerge.” (“Stop the Evil Acts With Righteous Thoughts,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)
When we send righteous thoughts, we are utilizing our divine powers, and we must be fearless, peaceful, majestic, and solemn instead of feeling resentful and wanting vengeance.
Taking the Initiative to Send More Righteous Thoughts
We should send righteous thoughts at the four global time points stated in Minghui. Doing so persistently during these many years of persecution is a test of our perseverance and determination.
We should also send righteous thoughts to help practitioners in special circumstances, or for a project or an event. Sending righteous thoughts for other practitioners is selfless and a process of purifying ourselves.
In our daily activities, we can send righteous thoughts to clear our body (fields) and attachments, or before and after we go out to clarify the truth. We can send righteous thoughts while sitting in cars, or near certain agencies where persecution is taking place.
What to Do When We Spot the Evil
The persecution remains intense in prisons, mental hospitals, and the justice system in China. The world should not be evil’s playground, and we should take appropriate actions as practitioners of the Fa-rectification period.
Evildoers have dared to commit violent crimes against practitioners because they know that we do not resort to their customary type of violence. The Fa is compassionate, solemn, and dignified. The weapon we have is our righteous thoughts. Not knowing how to utilize our righteous thoughts is like not knowing how to punch and use a weapon in a kung fu fight. Our righteous thoughts and acts are powerful unless we forget or refuse to use them. Sometimes, a sudden righteous thought we had without even noticing could result in wonderful changes, let alone if we sit down and focus on using them.
Master said, “I stand towering between heaven ’n earth” and “The world’s people in dust” in his article “Holding the Wheel” (Hong Yin III). When I send righteous thoughts, I think of myself towering between heaven and earth, looking at the police in the dust. The enormous contrast boosts my confidence.
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