(Minghui.org) I’d like to share my thoughts after reading “Common Sense and Looking at the Big Picture” and “Notice.”
Some practitioners who started practicing Falun Dafa before July 20, 1999 like to do “big things.” They may feel they’re talented and there’s nothing they don’t know, and like to instruct others. They may think they have great virtue.
Others claim their projects were authorized by “hints” they received from Master. For example, one practitioner said that Master authorized him to study seeds, and he thought they would be the “future food” mentioned in the Fa.
Some practitioners said that most of the experience-sharing articles published on Minghui.org and zhengjian.org are not in line with the Fa, so they want to build their own websites and review all the experience-sharing articles on Minghui.org and zhengjian.org. They say their goal is to improve our cultivation. Others say they “saved the entire nation of Chinese people.”
There are also those who feel the “main body” of Dafa disciples will be in India in the future, because Sakyamuni was born there.
Some practitioners were persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for years, lilely because of their strong egos. Not only did they not wake up—they say they don’t regret it because they feel their cultivation improved, meaning that they are grateful they were persecuted and imprisoned because otherwise they would not have cultivated well.
One practitioner said that when the persecution began in 1999, he realized from the Fa that he could chose to participate in the Fa-rectification period or not. If he chose not to participate in the Fa-rectification period after 1999, he and I would not have obtained the Fa, and would not have been Fa-rectification period practitioners.
What this practitioner said was not in line with the Fa, but he didn’t realize it. Because this practitioner introduced Falun Dafa to another practitioner and I, I trusted him very much. I didn’t know much about the Fa when I began practicing, and I didn’t know how to cultivate. When I later encountered some issues and felt that what he said was inconsistent with the Fa, I began to understand the situation.
Master said:
“The more wisdom a being has, the more highly he thinks of himself. But there are realities that even a being with a great deal of wisdom can’t see at his level. Any thought he has toward the Fa-rectification affects him a great deal.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2003 Conference in Vancouver, Canada,” in Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume II)
Master taught us:
“The basis before was self-serving, whereas everything forged by Dafa is not attached to self.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference,” in Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume IV)
My personal understanding from the Fa is that all beings in the old universe think they’re “great.” However, everything in the new universe is created by Dafa, and instead of thinking they’re “great,” the beings are selfless and have consideration for others.
I’d like to advise that practitioner and other practitioners who have the same issue to think about it. What do your “enlightenments” (whether in dreams or what you see through your third eye) contain, except to magnify and strengthen your false appearance of being “great”? The bad beings in the old universe use these to strengthen your ego and your “greatness,” until eventually you cannot cultivate. Master is rectifying and converting the beings in the old universe into beings that are selfless and serve others.
Master taught us:
“Has it not occurred to you that this serves as a way to reveal, in the final hour, those who haven’t really practiced, who have been faking it, or who haven’t actually put their hearts into working on themselves? Has it not occurred to you that while lives are being saved at the end of days, there is also purification happening within our own Dafa community?” (“Critical Times Reveal One’s Spiritual State”)
In fact, if you think about it carefully, is this illusory “greatness” really that important compared to the suffering you endured throughout countless lifetimes to obtain this Fa, and finally fulfill your vows in this lifetime?
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Category: Cultivation Insights