(Minghui.org) Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa, was first published in Chinese in January 1995. Over the past 30 years, the book has been translated into about 50 languages and read by some 100 million people around the world.
The first Bulgarian language edition of Zhuan Falun was published in 2005, making Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance available to all who speak Bulgarian. As more and more Bulgarians have take up the practice of Falun Dafa over the past 20 years, they say they are happy to find answers to their questions about life.
A Book about the Essence of Life
Katya Kalfova, 65, has a master’s degree in the study of the Bulgarian language (philology) and is now retired. She’s loved to read since she was a child, especially books about philosophy and spirituality. In the summer of 2014, her son told her a group of people meditated every day at a park in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Out of curiosity, Katya went there to see what it was about. After she learned the exercises, a practitioner gave her a book with a blue cover.
Katya (left) began practicing Falun Dafa in 2014.
“The practitioner suggested I read the book cover to cover,” Katya recalled. “She said if I didn’t understand something, I should just continue reading and finish the entire book.”
Katya began to read, but she forgot the practitioner’s advice and skipped around, reading paragraphs here and there. She then remembered what the practitioner said and realized this was not an ordinary book.
“I realized that if I didn’t read the book consistently, the contents would not be revealed to me,” she said. “I concentrated on reading, slowly and carefully.”
As she did, she suddenly had a realization, an answer to a question that had plagued her for many years. “Zhuan Falun answered this question: Why did Jesus say when you are slapped on one cheek, turn around and be slapped on the other cheek?” Katya said.
“I recall standing there for a very long time, stunned by the insight into the exchange of two substances—black (karma) and white (de or virtue). At that moment I knew, since this book clarified this topic, that answers to my other questions would be there.”
Katya began to read Zhuan Falun regularly after that. She also found her views of the world changing dramatically. “Sometimes I felt as if my skull was expanding to accommodate these new thoughts,” she said.
Excited by her discoveries, Katya was eager to share this book with more people. She organized an event in Bulgaria’s Capital Central Library a year later and introduced Falun Dafa and Zhuan Falun. Having practiced Falun Dafa for a decade, she said she’s gained more understandings from the book. “When I tell people about Zhuan Falun, I often say this is a book about the essence of life,” she explained.
“I read Zhuan Falun every day, and I feel I’m immersed in the vastness of life, the universe, and cultivation. Master explains about the universe and helps me see where I can do better,” Katya added. “I know Master cares about me and watches over me.”
A Newer and Better Version of Herself
Evelina Ivanova decided to practice Falun Dafa in 2014 when she was given a copy of Zhuan Falun.
Evelina Ivanova (left) has practiced Falun Dafa for 11 years.
After she received Zhuan Falun Evelina said she respected the book so much that she did not dare to open it. “The book’s blue cover illuminated the room, and I felt it was sacred,” she recalled.
One day, Evelina finally decided to read it. After she read Zhuan Falun for the first time, she felt like she could become a newer and better version of herself. “I didn’t know if or how I could achieve it, but I was sincerely convinced that the old me was no longer possible,” said Evelina. She felt very grateful and blessed.
Currently studying journalism at a university, she said she continues to live by the teachings in Zhuan Falun to help her improve her character. She is thankful that the book helped her through tough times in her life.
“Day after day, Zhuan Falun has become the most natural companion in my life. Not one day goes by that I don’t read it,” she said. “Almost 11 years have passed since I first read this book, which is so sacred to me. I am eternally grateful that, on the arduous path a cultivator has to walk, I am not alone. Through Zhuan Falun, Master Li is holding my hand like a father, guiding me on the path, the path home.”
Finding an Upright Path in a Chaotic World
Kerka Kuncheva said she always had a desire to seek higher truths, but when she was young, she seldom had time to stop and think.
Kerka began practicing Falun Dafa 8 years ago.
Caring for her young son motivated her to become selfless. She tried various ways to develop empathy but they did not help.
One night she had a vivid dream in which she was on a ship floundering in a storm. Suddenly, an invisible force began turning the ship and guided it to shore. She was pulled from the wreckage. Kerka felt this was a sign that something good was on the horizon.
The first time she read Zhuan Falun in 2017, Kerka felt everything was falling into place: how to balance caring for other people and herself, how to treat obstacles as opportunities for growth, and how to be more compassionate. She also discovered that being a good person helps one stay in harmony with the rest of the universe.
“If people respected and accepted others, everyone would benefit,” she said. “When I’m diligent and humble while assimilating to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, people around me feel it. Zhuan Falun gently guides me to be patient and resolute, rational and compassionate.”
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Category: Cultivation Insights