(Minghui.org) The Book of Revelation describes the whore of Babylon: “For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”
Upon reflection, one finds that communism plays this role in the modern world. When communism interacts with kings, presidents, prime ministers, politicians, and dignitaries around the world, it selects words and concepts that sound good and replaces them with irrelevant or even opposite content to achieve its goals.
For example, abandoning tradition is “progress.” Emphasizing skin color instead of recognizing ability, which leads to reverse discrimination and inequality, is “racial equity.” “Women’s rights” has been used to promote sexual promiscuity and deprive mothers of their right to protect and educate their children on appropriate relationships between men and women.
Another catchphrase is the “global village,” referring to the communist song, “The Internationale” (“The Internationale will be for mankind!”). Large numbers of people live on welfare, as communism encourages robbing the rich and giving money to those who haven’t earned it.
The means used to achieve these goals often include imposing high taxes and expanding social control through “big government” and international organizations such as the European Union, the United Nations, and many other institutions and projects that are funded by taxpayers.
After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, so did most communist regimes. However, communism did not disappear. Instead, it deceived those Western countries that were not ruled by communism and grew in economic and military power. By 2024, in just 35 years, proponents of communist ideology either bought, brainwashed or infiltrated leaders in government, education, media, medicine, public health, environmental protection, culture and the arts, charities, and other industries in the West.
Sophisticated Deception in the 1940s
For decades, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) quietly waited for its chance to defeat the U.S. and become the world’s number one power. How did the CCP take power in China, rise rapidly on a global scale, and prepare to “defeat America” before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989?
In a document titled “Instructions on Expanding the Work of Making Friends with Friendly Armies” dated August 19, 1940, the CCP proposed to win over two million people from the Kuomintang army and international “friends.” The document stated, “A thorough and detailed study will be conducted on each representative of each party, class, friendly army, political power, and group from all walks of life. The detailed study will include their name, age, place of birth, property, daily life, history, ideological changes, political tendencies, living habits, personality traits, social relations, and family relations. A biography will be written for each of them.”
To win over these targets, the CCP would collect enough information to “write biographies” and use “all possible social relationships” to “make friends” by sending gifts, celebrating festivals, and showing care in emergencies.
Regarding those who refuse to “make friends,” the CCP instructed in a document, “We can cleverly try to aggravate their life difficulties, forcing them to change their attitude toward us in order to open the door to contact.” In other words, the CCP first tries various means to cause trouble for the person by creating problems that are difficult to solve, and then pretends to provide timely assistance and win over the target.
By 1946, the CCP had “made friends” with every member of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist government, including those in core departments.
The CCP also began to “make friends” to unite international figures. Li Kenong, the head of the CCP’s secret service, repeatedly weighed the pros and cons and decided that the target could not be from the Soviet Union or an obvious pro-communist figure in the United States, but must be neutral and have a good reputation. Pro-communist journalist Edgar Snow became an ideal candidate.
Li Kenong personally led a regiment of soldiers to Yan’an to welcome Snow. Everything was carefully arranged, the best house was readied, and the most diligent and quick guards were assigned to serve him. Li Kenong taught the guards how to make tea, hang clothes, wipe the table, and sweep the floor, ensuring the best service.
Li showed Snow that the cave where Mao Zedong lived (a typical residence in the area at the time) was much poorer than the home prepared for Snow. As a result, Snow was deeply moved.
The CCP’s schemes were well rewarded. Snow’s book Red Star Over China impressed many in Western society and made the United States feel good about the CCP. The U.S. sent a delegation to Yan’an. Like Snow, everything they saw and heard was carefully orchestrated.
The tactics used on Snow are still used to target Americans in politics, business, technology, education, law, finance, intelligence, and so on. Those who choose to partner with the CCP hope to gain lucrative benefits from the exchange, making them “the merchants of the earth” from The Book of Revelation.
While Franklin D. Roosevelt was president, the U.S. developed a favorable impression of the CCP and provided it with weapons and equipment to fight the Kuomintang and start a civil war. As the Sino-Japanese War was ending, the U.S. military used airplanes on August 25, 1945, to airlift CCP generals from Yan’an to the frontline headquarters in China’s north and northeast, including Deng Xiaoping, Lin Biao, Liu Bocheng, Chen Yi, and Nie Rongzhen. This was one day before the U.S. airlifted the Kuomintang high officials. This mistake laid the groundwork for Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang to be defeated by Mao’s CCP in the Chinese Civil War.
As a result, Chiang was forced to leave China and flee to Taiwan in 1949 (when Harry S. Truman was the U.S. president). Once Chiang was in Taiwan, he reflected on the past and saw that the manifestation of communism in the world fulfilled a prophecy in The Book of Revelation that Satan would be released and would deceive the nations on earth. Chiang warned that communism was the greatest disaster to face mankind since the universe was created.
Continued Deception and Infiltration
When communism fell in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in 1989 (when George H. W. Bush was president), many thought it would be the end of communism, but this was just an illusion. In his Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx referred to communism as a specter. A specter (ghost) can attach itself to different entities and can easily disappear and reappear.
Under Deng Xiaoping, the CCP claimed to “reform and open up” China. This time it kept a low profile to make the world believe that the CCP had long abandoned its ideology and that it would move towards democracy and freedom as it integrated with the rest of the world. The specter of communism used people to achieve its goals. Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush worked with the CCP and laid the groundwork for China to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.
As China’s economy grew, the CCP under Xi Jinping stopped keeping a low profile. Through the Belt and Road Initiative and the “Community of Common Destiny for Mankind” (later translated as “Community with a Shared Future for Mankind”), the CCP launched a global united front that is gradually infiltrating and controlling the world.
According to the 2018 report by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC, affiliated with the U.S. Congress), the CCP’s united front work is “the most subversive and anti-democratic of the CCP’s influence operations.” More specifically, it aims to manipulate Americans into opposing the interests of the U.S. government and the American people. The report found the CCP recently added about 40,000 United Front officials.
A large number of American journalists, scholars, and political and military leaders recently visited China as part of various “exchange” programs. In the CCP’s “making friends” playbook (i.e., united front and infiltration), the CCP deploys all its tricks, such as psychological tactics, “honey pot” women, bribes, and more. Anyone who seeks benefits will almost certainly fall for the Party’s tricks. To the CCP, as long as there is something you desire, it’s only a matter of time before they “take you down.”
Today, communism has permeated U.S. society. From journalists, scholars, and business leaders to government officials, many people stand up for the CCP and benefit from the regime.
In Chiang’s 1961 article, “The Communist Party is the Greatest Enemy of Mankind,” he points out, “The rapid expansion of communism is astonishing. It took more than 1,900 years to persuade 850 million people to convert; and in just 40 years, half of the world’s population has been locked behind the Iron Curtain. In the 15 years since the end of World War II, 800 million people have lived under the slavery and tyranny of communism. Its pace of aggression is gaining speed with each passing day.”
The forty years that Chiang referred to was a period in which the “great whore” of communism bid its time and waited for its opportunity while using violent tyranny against its own people.
The Final Battle
The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, published in the United States in 2004, comprehensively details the CCP’s evil nature and crimes against humanity. The Ultimate Goal of Communism (Chinese edition) and The Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World were also published in the United States, in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
These three books systematically explain the ins and outs of the Communist Party, communist ideology, and how Satan rules the world. By helping people to see the threat humanity faces, the price of befriending the “big whore,” they sound the alarm for the United States and the world.
In 2025, the world is only one step away from the ultimate goal of communism. We need to remain clearheaded and see through the CCP’s various masks. We cannot continue enabling the CCP to survive and grow by providing it with markets and investments. Only when we completely reject communism—the greatest demon that is destroying humanity while blaspheming the divine–will all countries regain their divine blessings and mankind’s freedom and dignity be restored. Only then will we enjoy true fraternity, civil rights, and a better life.
The Book of Revelation states that when the world falls into chaos, an archangel will appear to guide the world and capture and imprison the thousand-year-old serpent (the red dragon, which is the image of the CCP in other dimensions).
The cultivation community has long seen that the decisive battle between good and evil began in the summer of 1999 and that the trumpet for the final battle sounded in 2024.
When the final judgment arrives, how will the Creator judge us? Each person’s future will be determined by the choices he makes on important matters regarding himself, his country, and humanity as a whole.
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Category: News Commentary